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S CIENCE May 3, 2016 Biomes Project. WARM UP Bring your notebook, agenda and pencil to your assigned seat Complete Tuesday’s warm up now!! YOU ARE SILENT,

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Presentation on theme: "S CIENCE May 3, 2016 Biomes Project. WARM UP Bring your notebook, agenda and pencil to your assigned seat Complete Tuesday’s warm up now!! YOU ARE SILENT,"— Presentation transcript:

1 S CIENCE May 3, 2016 Biomes Project

2 WARM UP Bring your notebook, agenda and pencil to your assigned seat Complete Tuesday’s warm up now!! YOU ARE SILENT, WORKING WHEN THE BELL RINGS!!!

3 B IOME R ESEARCH PROJECT You will be given a handout which will detail this research project We will review this now… Please write you name on this now

4 B IOMES RESEARCH PROJECT Please circle the biome you are going to research: 1. Rainforest 2. Taiga 3. Desert 4. Grassland 5. Tundra 6. Temperate Deciduous Forest

5 B IOMES RESEARCH PROJECT You will complete all research in class over the next 3 days by using a chromebook and carefully selected websites. Use your time wisely as this will count as a formal grade. You will present your biome project to the class and I will grade each project at the time of the presentation. We will review the rubric requirements now.

6 B IOME RESEARCH PROJECT RUBRIC Each slide is worth 10 points All required information must be on each slide

7 B IOMES RESEARCH PROJECT Project Requirements Slide 1: Title slide with your name, block number, the name of your biome and a picture of your biome Slide 2: Define your biome (simply do a google search: for example define tropical rainforest biome )

8 B IOMES RESEARCH PROJECT Project Requirements Slide 3: Include the name of 1 native animal and its picture that are found in your biome, explanation of their adaptations in detail (how they are able to live in this biome ) Slide 4: Include the name of 1 native animal and its picture that are found in your biome, explanation of their adaptations in detail (how they are able to live in this biome )

9 B IOMES RESEARCH PROJECT Project Requirements Slide 5: Include the name of 1 native plant and its picture that are found in your biome, explanation of their adaptations in detail (how they are able to live in this biome Slide 6: Include the name of 1 native plant and its picture that are found in your biome, explanation of their adaptations in detail (how they are able to live in this biome

10 B IOMES RESEARCH PROJECT Project Requirements Slide 7: Annual (yearly) Climate Facts (show each month’s average rainfall and average temperatures over 1 year in a chart) Slide 8: Geographical location (where is it?) (explain and provide a picture on world map)

11 B IOMES RESEARCH PROJECT Project Requirements Slide 9: Include 3 fascinating facts you learned about your biome during your research ( these should be facts that your audience will find very interesting during your presentation) Slide 10: Information about threatened, endangered or extinct species found in your biome. You must list the animal or plant name, include a picture and explain why they have become threatened, endangered, or extinct

12 W HAT DOES A GREAT SLIDE SHOW LOOK LIKE ? What do you think? Turn and talk for 2 minutes and be prepared to share

13 V OLUNTEERS … Who would like to share

14 W HAT DOES A GOOD SLIDE SHOW LOOK LIKE ? Keep it Simple. Limit bullet points & text.... Limit transitions & builds (animation)... Use high-quality graphics.... Have a visual theme Use appropriate charts.... Use color well.... Choose your fonts well….

15 L ET ’ S SET UP YOUR SLIDE SHOW NOW Slide 1 Requirements: Title slide with your name, block number, name of your biome and a picture

16 T HE T UNDRA Mrs. Maas Block 1

17 L ET ’ S SET UP YOUR SLIDE SHOW NOW Slide 2 Requirements: Define your biome. Tundra is the coldest of all the biomes, and its name means treeless plain.

18 W HAT IS THE T UNDRA ? The tundra biome is the coldest of all biomes and its name means treeless plain. The tundra covers about one fifth of the land on earth. It has extremely low temperatures, little precipitation, poor nutrients, and a short growing season.

19 L ET ’ S SET UP YOUR SLIDE SHOW NOW Slides 3 and 4: Native animals Native animals: Name of the animals, A picture explanation of their adaptations

20 L ET ’ S SET UP YOUR SLIDE SHOW NOW Slides 5 and 6: Native plants Native plants: Name of the plants, A picture explanation of their adaptations

21 L ET ’ S SET UP YOUR SLIDE SHOW NOW Slides 7 Annual Climate Facts Monthly average rainfall Monthly average temperatures Data should be in charts or graphs

22 L ET ’ S SET UP YOUR SLIDE SHOW NOW Slides 8 Geographical location Description of where the biome is located in the world Include a color coded world map

23 L ET ’ S SET UP YOUR SLIDE SHOW NOW Slides 9 3 Fascinating Facts What did you learn that will make your audience interested in this biome

24 L ET ’ S SET UP YOUR SLIDE SHOW NOW Slide 10 Information about Threatened Endangered Extinct species


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