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Profile & Optimize the Performance of a Web Proxy on a Multi Core Platform Eddie Beaumont, Estera Bogdan, Jen Dischler, Francisco Felix, & Scott Oehrlein.

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Presentation on theme: "Profile & Optimize the Performance of a Web Proxy on a Multi Core Platform Eddie Beaumont, Estera Bogdan, Jen Dischler, Francisco Felix, & Scott Oehrlein."— Presentation transcript:

1 Profile & Optimize the Performance of a Web Proxy on a Multi Core Platform Eddie Beaumont, Estera Bogdan, Jen Dischler, Francisco Felix, & Scott Oehrlein

2 Network Topology

3 iMPACT Lab

4 Background  Large files (3K - 7M)  100% proxy CPU utilization  Small files ( < 3K)  ~33% proxy CPU utilization “Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Web Transcoding Proxy Systems”, iMPACT Lab, Arizona State University

5 Problem Statement “Decrease the number of interrupts for received packets in order to increase throughput of the proxy.” Throughput = # of packets/second

6 Motivation Decreased interrupt requests = Increased throughput time IRQ1IRQ2 Non-NAPI NAPI

7 Approach  Acquire initial data by testing throughput  process as many packets as possible (fixed amount of time)  Create pertinent graphs, equations, etc. required for analysis  Download & install NAPI driver  Re-run throughput tests with new driver settings  Compare results with initial results  VTune analysis before & after NAPI implementation

8 Analysis Connection Requests/SecInterrupts/Sec 10177 50836 1001604 2002376 3003564 4004645 5005787 Before NAPI Implementation

9 Analysis Cont. Interrupts/sec Connection requests/sec

10 Conclusion With the NAPI driver, we expect the throughput to be increased due to the significant decrease in packet interrupts.

11 Work Distribution  Eddie  Data collection and analysis  Estera  Project management and data analysis  Jen  Presentation coordination and data analysis  Francisco  Data collection and analysis  Scott  Data collection and analysis

12 Questions?

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