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Objective: Students will study the issue of overpopulation Essential Question: What will happen to humans Lang Obj: Students will record key vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: Students will study the issue of overpopulation Essential Question: What will happen to humans Lang Obj: Students will record key vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: Students will study the issue of overpopulation Essential Question: What will happen to humans Lang Obj: Students will record key vocabulary and discuss in small groups Natural Increase

2 Review for quiz Reread notes Box key vocabulary Circle most important main idea Note Revisit

3 Density Quiz  Define Arithmetic Density  Define Physiological Density  Define Agricultural Density

4 Crude birth rate (CBR)-  Crude birth rate (CBR)-the total number of live births in a year of every 1,000 people alive  A CBR of 20 means that for every 1,000 people 20 people are born  EBQ:  In a county of 300 million people with a CBR 46 how many people are born in a year?  300,000,000 / 1,000 = 300,000 x46 =13,800,000


6 Crude death rate(CDR)-  Crude death rate(CDR)-the total number of deaths in a year for every 1,000 people  This is also expressed as the annual (yearly) number of deaths per 1,000 population

7 Natural increase rate (NIR)  Natural increase rate (NIR)- the percentage by which a population growth in a year.  Computed by subtracting CDR from CBR  CBR 20 – CDR5 = NIR 15 (This term natural means that the growth rate excludes migration)


9 Growth  The NIR for the world is 1.2%  80 million people are add to the world annually  7,324,782,000 in the world today  With such a large number even a 1 % change could make a big swing of population  If the NIR increased to 2% the population would increase by 132 million a year

10 Doubling time  Doubling time the number of years needed to double a population, (constant) rate of increase  1.2 NIR the world population will double to in 54 years  and be 24 billion people in 2100.  All the natural increase is clustered in LDC’s.  NIR 2% in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Middle East  2/3rds of world growth has been in Asia  Europe has a negative NIR

11 Pictures  Make a picture in your notebook to explain each of our previous main ideas  CBR  CDR  NIR  Doubling time  This should help you mem the definition, no stick figures  Be sure to rewrite the definition with the picture.

12 Sum and Question Ticket out the Door


14 Arithmetic Density  The total number of people divided by the total land area (also called population density)  This compares conditions in different countries  And number of people trying to live in give piece of land  Answers the Where question  United States  300 million people  Land area is 9.6 million square Kilometers or3.7 million square miles  300,000,000/960,000,000= 31 persons per KM or 300,000,000/ 370,000,000= 80 persons per square mile

15 Math test RankCountry/RegionPopulationArea (km 2 ) Density (Pop. per km 2 ) 1 Bangladesh 157,457,000147,570 2 Taiwan (R.O.C)Taiwan23,361,14736,190 3 South Korea 50,219,66999,538 4 Rwanda 11,262,56426,338 5 Netherlands 16,919,13941,526

16 With population above 10 million Rank Country/Regio n PopulationArea (km 2 ) Density (Pop. per km 2 ) 1 Bangladesh 157,457,000147,5701067 2 Taiwan (R.O.C)Taiwan23,361,14736,190646 3 South Korea 50,219,66999,538505 4 Rwanda 11,262,56426,338428 5 Netherlands 16,919,13941,526407 6 India 1,263,680,0003,185,263397 7 Haiti 10,413,21127,750375 8 Belgium 11,239,75530,528368 9 Philippines 102,078,300300,076340 10 Japan 127,290,000377,944337

17 Physiological Density  Arable land- land suited for agriculture  The number of people supported by a unit of area of arable land is physiological density.  This creates a more meaningful number as it compares people to usable land  US 172 persons per square kilometer of arable land  Egypt 2,580 persons per square kilometer of arable land

18 Elbow Buddy Q’s Physiological Density.  What does the difference in physiological densities demonstrate between US and Egypt?  Shows that crops must feed far more people  How does physiological density create more pressure on countries?  Land has to produce more food  Compare the physiological density of Egypt to the arithmetic, what does this show you?  understand the capacity of land to grow enough food for its people. Egypt large difference between two densities, indicates that most of the county’s land is unsuitable for agriculture. 95% live on the Nile river valley

19 Agricultural Density  The ratio of the number of farmers to the amount of arable land.  shows difference of countries w/ sim physiological densities but produce significantly different amount of food  Typically MDC have lower agricultural density bc of tech and finance  USA has has 2 farmers pers square kilometer

20  A  Why do MCD countries have a small Arg density?  If MCD people aren’t working on farms what do they do?  Compare Bangladesh and the Netherlands, both have high physological den but different arg. Why?  Compare Netherlands to India. NTL has high Phy Den while Inida has lower Arg Den. Expalin


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