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QlikView User Guide American Income Life AIL eApp Dashboard Instruction Guide August 2011 V 1.

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Presentation on theme: "QlikView User Guide American Income Life AIL eApp Dashboard Instruction Guide August 2011 V 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 QlikView User Guide American Income Life AIL eApp Dashboard Instruction Guide August 2011 V 1

2 What is Qlikview? Why Qlikview? Install/Download Qlikview Login How to Use Qlikview How to Navigate Qlikview Available Filter Options Available Reports 2

3 What is QlikView? Allows users unrestricted access to their reports helping agencies to make time saving and accurate decisions. An online program that allows dynamic and interactive analysis. Combines data/reports extracted from many sources into one simple presentation. Qlikview encourages exploration of data by providing flexible reports.

4 Why QlikView? SGAs can identify agents that need additional coaching in meeting sales growth and quality thus increasing agent retention. Allows data exploration down to the agent and household level. Management has the ability to filter “ What If ” scenarios allowing customization of reports. Access to see eApp production trends weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly. >> Data exploration at the Management level will soon be available in months to follow. Director SGA Agent Household

5 Login to QlikView 5 Go to : Type in your user id: NTD1\ >> Users must type NTD1\ before the User ID. Type in your provided password, passwords will be reissued every 45 days. >> Ian Campbell will contact users with their User ID and password. QlikView AccessPoint will appear. Save this page to your Favorites in your Internet Browser.

6 Saving QlikView to Favorites 6

7 Using QlikView for the First Time The IE Plugin must be downloaded the first time you use QlikView. Double-click on the Download IE Plugin link. 7

8 Download the IE Plugin 8

9 9 Download the IE Plugin Part 2

10 10 Download the IE Plugin Part 3

11 11 Download the IE Plugin Part 4

12 12 Download the IE Plugin Part 5

13 Access the AIL eApp Dashboard IE Plugin should be selected as My preferred client. Click your agency dashboard icon. 13 Each SGA, including SGA partners will have their own dashboard. For example, SGA partners Micah and David Cohen will each have a separate dashboard with individual logins. Both dashboards will display data for the Cohen-Cohen agency.

14 Welcome to the AIL eApp Dashboard 14

15 To Make Selections Point and click on the data value you want to know more about. Selected value will turn green. Values related to selected value are white and unrelated values are gray. Selected Filters : Month - Apr Year - 2011 15

16 To clear ALL selections click on the “Clear” button located on the tool bar or on the dashboard. Click UnDo to remove the last filter you selected. To clear a specific filter, click the eraser icon in the Current Selections box. To Clear and UnDo 16

17 Cycle and Drill Buttons 17

18 To Print and Export To print the chart, click the printer icon. To export the chart to excel, click the XL icon. The excel file will automatically appear with a QlikView assigned file name, SAVE AS to rename the file. 18

19 To Move Between Tabs To move between sheets click on the different tabs. 19

20 How to Navigate QlikView Click UnDO to remove the last filter selected. Click Clear to remove ALL filters. Filter the data by Sale Type, App Type, F6/P6Mo Agents or F60/P60day Agents. Toggle between reports by clicking on the chart title. Active report title background is gold. Filter by date. Select year, quarter, month, week or day. 20

21 How to Navigate QlikView Part 2 Select the Thursday Week Ending date. The filter reports data for the business week of Friday – Thursday. Double click Current Selections icon to launch. Selected filters are listed in the Current Selections box. The Last Loaded Date shows when the dashboard was last updated. Click on drop down arrows to select filters. 21

22 Filter Options 22

23 23 Filters Tab NameSale TypeYrMoTenure (Optional) AIL RecapFinal Sale  F6/Post6 Agt ALPFinal Sale  Prem %Final Sale  WAR Rpt  Pres Cnt Avg  ProductFinal Sale  Product Detail  Benefits  Leads  Aband Sales  Sale DurFinal Sale  F60day/P60day Pres Comp Recap  Initial Offer vs. Final Offer  Final Offer vs. Final Sale  In Off vs Fin Sale- Prod  In Off vs Fin Sale- Cov  In Off vs Fin Sale- Prem  Avg Prem ComparisonFinal Sale  The chart list all the tabs available and the required filters needed for selection. The Year and Month filters can be supplemented with a week selection if preferred.

24 AVG ALP/AP per Household or Policy.......................................... >> Average annualized life premium/annualized premium per household and policy is available. AVG ALP/AP per Agent………………………..……………………………………….. >> Average annualized life premium/annualized premium per agent is available. Premium % of Annual Income………………………………………………………. >> Premium % of Annualized Income is displayed. Annualized Premium, Household Annual Income, Household Count and Household Annual Income Average is available. Household detail is provided where household annual income is less than $1,000 and greater than $10,000. WAR Report………………………………………………………………………………… >> The Closing % is a ratio of presentations to final sales. Referral counts and referral averages are available. Referrals …..………………………………………………………………………………… >> Referral counts are summed by referral type. Presentation Count…………………………..………………………………………… >> Presentation counts are summed by the different offer screens (Initial Offer, Final Offer and Final Sale). Presentation Count Weekly Average…………………..………………… >> Presentation average per agent per week. Presentation counts are provided weekly. Lead Summary………………………………………………..………………………………. >> Presentation lead type detail is available for lead type comparison. % of Presentations Abandoned……………………………………………… >> Ratio of presentations that resulted as an abandoned sale is available. Sale Duration…………………………………………..………………………………….. >> Elapsed time averages are calculated for the different offer screens including the pre survey. 24 AIL Recap Agt ALP Prem % WAR Rpt Pres Cnt Avg Leads Aband Sales Sale Dur Report Title Tab Name WAR Rpt

25 Product Average per Household/Policy……..………..… >> Annualized premium and face amount averages are calculated per household/policy at the product level. Benefit Product Analysis……………………………………………………………. >> Detail analysis providing benefit product statistics, average benefit premium per hshld is calculated. Presentation Comparison Company Recap……………..….. >> A summary tab that allows for quick review. Closing %, Presentation Count, Final Sale Count and Abandon Sale count are shown. Bar charts compare product changes and premium changes between offer screens. Initial Offer vs Final Offer Analysis………………………………….. >> Detail analysis comparing product, coverage and premium changes between offer screens. Final Offer vs Final Sale Analysis………………..……………….. >> Detail analysis comparing product, coverage and premium changes between offer screens. Initial Offer vs Final Sale Product Analysis…………….. >> Detail analysis comparing product changes between offer screens. Initial Offer vs Final Sale Coverage Analysis………….... >> Detail analysis comparing coverage changes between offer screens. Initial Offer vs Final Sale Premium Analysis………….. >> Detail analysis comparing premium changes between offer screens. Average ALP per Hshld Presentation Comp…………….……. >> Annualized premium averages are calculated per offer screen for comparison. 25 Product/Product Dtl In Off vs Fin Off Fin Off vs Fin Sale In Off vs Fin Sal-Prod In Off vs Fin Sal-Cov In Off vs Fin Sal-Prem Avg Prem Comp Report Title Tab Name Benefits Pres Comp Recap

26 26 Referral averages are calculated using the Referrals RCVD at HO. Pres Referrals are referrals collected within a presentation. Referrals Rcvd at HO are the count of referrals received at Home Office, this can include referrals within a presentation and those from the sponsor database. Pres Cnt is the unique count of agent logins onto the laptop for a specific customer presentation. Agt Cnt refers to anyone who has submitted a presentation, Final Sale or No Sale. Closing % is the % of presentations that resulted in a Final Sale.

27 27

28 28 Premium Averages use Final Sale Annualized Premium for calculation.

29 29 Your agency Premium % of Income Average is also presented in the gauge. Premium % of Income > 3% will appear green. Premium % of Income < 3% will appear red. Metric household income detail outside of the acceptable monthly range of $1,000 - $10,000 is found in the Bad Net Income table.

30 30 Average presentations per Agent per week in the selected month. Company presentation count per week.

31 31 The Closing Ratio can also be found on the WAR Rpt and Pres Comp Recap tabs. Theses ratios are based upon how many presentations and final sales had a lead type associated with the metric (Does not include Unknown lead types). In this example 20% of the presentation lead types were Unknown and 10% of the final sale lead types were Unknown. The ‘Unknown’ lead type suggest that there was not a lead type selected during the presentation. The Closing Ratio is analyzed by Lead Type. In the example 273 presentations had an Association Lead Type, 98 or 36% were closed.

32 32 The Drill Button has the ability to drill down to the Director>>SGA>>Agent level for each sale abandon reason.

33 33 Average total time elapsed during a presentation, measured in minutes. The Sale Duration < 3 Hours Report provides analysis on metrics where the total presentation time did not exceed 3 hours.

34 34 Needs Based Video Times

35 35 Reference Sheet for analyzing Qlikview Sales Duration Columns (Sale Dur) Pre-Survey Duration -Video ONLY Times About AIL UnionReferralChild SafePOS Credit UnionAssociation Group AD&D Individual AD&D Child Safe Discount Card About Life Insurance Video Time ONLY for each Lead Type Variable =time interacting with client between videos Stage of Needs-Based Presentation & Time for each video 4:152:242:221:272:041:581:31 1:461:194:15 Union 4:15 1:31 1:461:194:1513.06 Agency Opinion or Belief Referral 2:24 1:311:461:194:1511:15 Child Safe 2:22 1:31 1:194:159:27 POS 1:27 1:31 1:461:194:1510:18 Credit Union 2:04 1:31 1:461:194:1510:55 Association 1:581:31 1:461:194:1510:49 Initial Offer Presentation Duration - Video ONLY Times Final Expense Final Expense w/o Inflation Income ProtectionMortgage Mortgage AccidentEducation Education Accident MAX. Video Time ONLY Variable = time interacting with client between videos = Agency Opinion or Belief Time for each video 4:474:311:310:591:312:433:0310:52 Final Offer DurationSituational - Look at AIL Averages and Your Agency Averages for those that seem out of line Final Sale DurationSituational - Look at AIL Averages and Your Agency Averages for those that seem out of line eApp Adds beyond 4 basic needsCancerA71000H34000Critical IllnessHead Start Video Time ONLY 2:222:252:273:132:15 Needs Based Video Times Part 2

36 36 Total Count of Final Offers. Total Count of Final Sales. % of Presentations that are Final Sales vs. Abandoned Sales. The count of Final Sales added to the Abandoned Sales equals Total Presentations.

37 37 Product, Coverage and Premium comparisons are provided for the different products. For example, there were 50 15 Yr Dec Term Non- Sm products deleted at the Final Offer.

38 38 Product, Coverage and Premium comparisons are provided for the products at the Household level. For example, there were 1,088 Terminal Illness Riders added onto the Sale Form compared to the Final Offer.

39 39

40 40 AVG ALP is also found on the AIL Recap tab. At the bottom of most tabs there is a note denoting any rules regarding the data analysis.

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