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5 themes of El Salvador (and some fun facts)

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1 5 themes of El Salvador (and some fun facts)
El Salvador Flag>> 5 themes of El Salvador (and some fun facts) By Zac, Blake, John, Arely, and Nyamer

2 Human Environment Interaction
The farmers of El Salvador grow the most important plant to them, the beautiful indigo plant. El Nino, a huge ocean warming strikes every 4 years and tears up the roots of the historic landscape and leaves it vulnerable like a deer with a pack of tigers and ruins all there hard labor the put into the plant care. 47% of El Salvador's lovely people don’t have access to clean sparkling tasteful water. The terrible Hurricane Ida, left 125,00 El Salvador states in a depressing poverty, it caused a whopping thousands of dollars in materials they have lost. The most biggest event of the year is Christmas. The happy people of El Salvador build there houses out of healthy organic adobe, their wonderful houses are mainly used for placing the personal belongings and take awesome snoozes. A family of 8 can typically live their lives in 1 or 2 tiny rooms.

3 Place Every November 2nd, the children and adults of El Salvador go to the narrow streets of towns and celebrate the souls of the dead! The Catholic kids loved to celebrate in the wonderful towns! The Spanish speaking children play on the streets while waiting for there parents to come home from the markets. The ladies dance a traditional dance called the Xuc, in the middle of the streets wearing brightly colorful dresses that have token them hours and hours of work with beautiful long headscarves. While the men wearing cotton striped with red and white baggy pants and white long sleeves with colorful vests watching the lovely ladies dance their traditional dance! They were celebrating with loud flutes, drums, scrapers, and gourds celebrating the fiesta de San Salvador. The beaches are a very popular place with sand that went between the Hispanic feet's and the cold water of the beach touched there skin! One very important beach is called Playa Las Flores. Another thing people like to do with families is go on hikes! They hike up mountains, for example some can hike up a mountain called Ghingo or San Salvador! El Salvador also has an active volcano, called Santa Ana, that can erupt at anytime! So if you want to go to El Salvador watch out, there might be a volcano eruption!

4 movement When you walk in to el Salvador you will here Spanish speaking people and smell fresh pupusa ( a corn tortilla stuffed with cheese and meat) in the air. Boys on right playing soccer(a game from china) and basketball (a game from the US) hoping one day to play it professionally. Girls on the left playing softball. Store clerks putting signs that say 20% off all Christmas and new years things. As you travel farther and get rural areas for some reason you smell coffee so you look around there are trees filled with coffee beans. The tour guide tells you that coffee takes up 50% of el Salvador's exports.As you get to the resort you flip on the TV and get mad because their only 11 channels.

5 Location El Salvador is considered the smallest central American country. One of the most famous towns in El Salvador is the capital, which is San Salvador. In the mornings, as the bight golden sun rises out of the water, you can fine many local people heading to the beach La Libertad. This beach is located only thirty miles away from the capital city. Famous for surfing, this beach is one of the best in the country. After riding the waves, visitors can visit the coffee plantations and ride motor cycle around the town.

6 Region El Salvador's national holiday is Independence day . In El Salvador they often celebrate a "Quinceanera" which they do for a young girl that will be turning 15 they celebrate that because they say she will be becoming a young lady soon. El Salvador they often receive flowers but most of the time they will not take lilies or marigold because they say that those are used for funerals. When you are in a relationship and you know the person well perfume is a great gift, most of the time gifts are usually opened right when they receive the gift. There in El Salvador they often give gifts on birthdays, New Years, as well as religious in a persons life. Machismo in el Salvador is when the guy is a " breadwinner", and the women is to look after the home. From birth, children are raised to know that they have different roles and expectations in life. If invited to a Ecuadorians home, bring flowers, good quality spirits, pastries, and imported sweets for the host. In El Salvador if someone invites you to their home this may sound kind of strange but you should arrive a little late for example 30-45mins late. Salvadoran women usually pat each other on the right arm or forearm or even shoulder, rather then shaking hands, if you know the person really well then its nice to give them a hug and a kiss on the right cheek. Meanwhile men shake hands with men and women, although they wait for the women to extend their hand. While shaking hands use the appropriate greeting of the time of the day, "Buenos Dias" (good morning) "Buenos Tardes" (good afternoon) or "Buenos Noches" (good evening). In El Salvador many people use (Senor or Senora) until you are invited to call them by their first name. I mean if you are family or a close friend then they will call you by your first name and you the same to them. When shaking hands don’t like grab their hand tight because I mean first of all that’s weird but like its supposed to like a soft handshake. El Salvador is the only country in Central America that doesn’t have a coastline on the Caribbean sea.

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