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Scripture  Prodigal Son Lk. 15.11 - 32  The Lost Coin Lk. 15. 8 - 10  The Lost Sheep Lk. 15. 4 - 7  Forgiveness Mt. 18. 21 - 22  Parable of Unforgiving.

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Presentation on theme: "Scripture  Prodigal Son Lk. 15.11 - 32  The Lost Coin Lk. 15. 8 - 10  The Lost Sheep Lk. 15. 4 - 7  Forgiveness Mt. 18. 21 - 22  Parable of Unforgiving."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scripture  Prodigal Son Lk. 15.11 - 32  The Lost Coin Lk. 15. 8 - 10  The Lost Sheep Lk. 15. 4 - 7  Forgiveness Mt. 18. 21 - 22  Parable of Unforgiving Servant Mt. 18. 23 - 35  Psalm 136 Year of Mercy Spirituality Pack 7. RE Curriculum Resources - Scripture

2 The Parable of the Lost Sheep Luke 15. 11 - 32

3 The crowds gathered around Jesus and he told them this parable: “Suppose a man had one hundred sheep. He looked after them, he took them to green grass to eat And streams of clear water to drink.

4 Every night he counted the sheep back into the sheepfold 96… 97…98… 99…100 One nigh he counted the sheep back into the sheepfold 96… 97…98…99… … …99 one of the sheep was missing. Where could it be the man wondered? He made sure that the 99 sheep were safe in the sheepfold then he set off to look for the one sheep that was lost.

5 He looked high and low. He looked everywhere he could think of. Then he spotted his sheep caught in a bush. He ran over to it and freed it from the bush.

6 He picked up the sheep and held it across his shoulders and carried it home joyfully.

7 The man called his friends and neighbours together ‘Come and celebrate with me; I had lost this sheep and now I have found it again. I am so happy.’

8 Then Jesus said to the people around him. God is a shepherd to us. God sees the people who live good lives. God also sees the people who have wandered away from what is good. God goes in search of them and will not rest until he has found them. There is more rejoicing in heaven over the one who was lost and is found than over ninety-nine who are already safe.

9 Affinity Diagram Helps sort out ideas into groups, aids discussion, deepens understanding, framework for writing The Lost Sheep Actions (What was done)Words (What was said)  Content sheep  One goes missing  Shepherd sets off in search  Sheep found  Carried home  rejoicing  Rejoice with me  I have found my sheep that was lost  There will be rejoicing in heaven Questions (to ask) lost sheep / 99 / The shepherd Personal Qualities (of character) The shepherd  How did you feel when you were lost / found?  Why did you go in search of one sheep?  Caring  Loving  Not giving up  Risk taker


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