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Body Awareness Education

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1 Body Awareness Education

2 Sexual Development

3 Birth to 2 years old Curious about their bodies
Touching their private parts Children do not have the same feelings as mature adults in these actions. Difference between being male or female. Parents buy different toys for their sons and daughters

4 2-5 years old Learn to dress and undress themselves
Many children really like to be naked Interested in how others look under their clothes Talk with children about what “private” means Begin to understand that sexuality is private. Language to name their body parts and bodily functions

5 6-9 years old Boys and girls begin to look noticeably different
Early stages of puberty Both boys and girls may start sweating and needing deodorant Pimples and oily skin may start Embarrass Curious about sexuality Sexual language Adults can help children learn to use respectful and appropriate sexual language.

6 10-12 years old Preteens - sexual development is very active
Some girls start having periods, and their breasts begin to develop. Boy’s voices change, and they start to grow pubic hair. feel uncomfortable, embarrassed,

7 Key Stage One Pupils should be taught:
That animals, including humans, move, grow, use their senses and reproduce. That humans and animals can reproduce offspring and that these grown into adults. To recognise and compare the main external parts of the human body and other animals including genitals. To recognise similarities and differences between themselves and others and and treat others with sensitivity. How to treat animals with care and sensitivity.

8 Key Stage Two Pupils should be taught:
That life processes common to humans and other animals, include nutrition, growth and reproduction. About the main stages of the human life cycle.

9 Ground rules No-one (teacher or pupil) will have to answer personal questions No-one will be forced to take part in a discussion Meanings of words will be explained in a sensible and factual way Correct names of body parts will be used Everyone’s contribution is valued and respected

10 Questions from the children
Opportunities to ask questions in whole class, group and individual basis Question box Will answer questions honestly and openly with no bias. More sensitive questions to refer back to parents.

11 When will it be taught? Year R Year 1 & Year 2
Session 1: 28th February Session 2: 2nd March Session 3: 6th March Class teachers

12 When will it be taught? Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6
Session 1: 29th February Session 2: 1st March Session 3: 7th March Year 3,4 and 5 – class teachers Year 6 – Mrs Pecile and Mr Richards

13 Reception Differences between the children in the class
Long hair/short hair, glasses/not glasses, Likes and dislikes Boys and girls

14 Year 1 Understanding basic hygiene principles Growing and changing
How to keep clean Growing and changing Know how people grow and change Understand that babies become children and then adults Know the differences between boy and girl babies Families and care Know there are different types of families Know which people we can ask for help

15 Year 2 Differences: boys and girls Differences: male and female
Describe the differences between boy and girl babies Talk about how boys and girls can be the same and different Understand that some people have fixed ideas about what boys and girls can do Differences: male and female Describe some differences between male and female animals Describe some differences between boys and girls Understand that making a new life needs a male and a female Naming the body parts Describe the physical differences between males and females Name the male and female body parts

16 Year 2 example

17 Year 3 Explore the differences between males and females
Know some differences and similarities between males and females Name body parts Name male and female body parts using agreed words Consider personal space and to know that a person has the right to say what they like and dislike Identify different types of touch that people like and do not like Understand personal space To explore different types of families and who to go to for help and support Understand that all families are different and have different family members Identify who to go to for help and support

18 Year 4 Explore the human life cycle
Describe the main stages of the human life cycle Describe the body changes that happen when a child grows up Basic facts about puberty, reproduction and pregnancy Know that during puberty the body changes from a child into a young adult Understand why the body changes during puberty Identify some basic facts about pregnancy Physical changes associated with puberty Physical and emotional changes that happen during puberty Know that each person experience puberty differently

19 Year 5 Explore emotional and physical changes during puberty
Explain the main physical and emotional changes that happen during puberty Understand male and female puberty changes Understand how puberty affects the body and the emotions Describe how to manage physical and emotional changes Explore the impact of puberty on the body and importance of hygiene Explain how to stay clean during puberty Describe how emotions change during puberty Know how to get help and support during puberty

20 Year 6 To consider puberty and reproduction
Describe how and why the body changes during puberty in preparation for reproduction Talk about puberty and reproduction with confidence Consider reproduction in the context of relationship Discuss different types of adult relationships How babies are made Explore the process of conception and pregnancy Describe the decisions that have to made before having a baby Know some basic facts about pregnancy and conception

21 And finally… Questions from parents

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