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Published byZoe Richardson Modified over 8 years ago
Leadership Training for People of Color Living with HIV Cooperative Agreement HRSA 16-186 Technical Assistance Call May 17, 2016 1:00PM - 3:00PM ET Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB)
Agenda Welcome Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Framework and NHAS 2020 FOA Information Purpose of Cooperative Agreement Program Requirements Section Overview Scoring Questions & Answers 2
National HIV/AIDS Strategy Updated to 2020 The updated National HIV/AIDS Strategy was released in July 2015 The vision of the strategy is: “The U.S. will become a place where new HIV infections are rare, and when they do occur, every person, regardless of age, gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or socio- economic circumstance, will have unfettered access to high quality, life-extending care, free from stigma and discrimination.” There are four goals to achieve this vision: Reducing new HIV infections Increasing access to care and improving health outcomes for people living with HIV Reducing HIV-related disparities and health inequities Achieving a more coordinated national response to the HIV epidemic 4
FOA Information Anticipated Funding Amount Eligible Applicants Domestic public or private, non-profit or for-profit organizations State, local, and Indian tribal governments; institutions of higher education; other non-profit organizations (including faith-based, community-based, and tribal organizations) Hospitals Organizations involved in addressing HIV- related issues on a national scope and within city/county public health structures Estimated Number and Type of AwardUp to 1 Cooperative Agreement $854,000/ year 5
Due and Award Dates Application Due Date July 8, 2016 by 11:59 PM EST Project Period September 1, 2016 - August 31, 2019 (3 years) 6
Purpose of TA Cooperative Agreement To support the development and delivery of training programs for people of color living with HIV of all ages through three major training activities The trainings will support full, active and engaged participation on planning bodies, medical and support care teams, boards of directors, and other mobilization efforts to address the goals of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy: Updated to 2020 7
Program Requirements Activities Three main training activities each year: 1.One national training of 10-15 transgender women of color. 2.Three regional trainings for 20-25 people per training for people of color living with HIV 3.One national Training of Trainers (TOT) for up to 13 teams of two, with each team a PLWH and a partner from a local organization. 8
Program Requirements Successful Applicants Successful applicants will must: Demonstrate strong partnerships with PLWH coalitions and/or networks that represent racial and ethnic minority and other prioritized populations from NHAS 2020 Have two to three years of prior experience training PLWH on aspects of leadership and planning, navigating health care systems, or serving as peers in HIV outreach and care services Demonstrate capacity to recruit, train, and collaborate with organizations that focus on all target populations to be trained Have prior experience sponsoring the travel, logistics and meals of PLWH attending in-person trainings Have prior experience providing special financial considerations for training attendees who do not have credit cards to use for upfront costs of PLWH attending in-person trainings 9
Program Requirements Successful Applicants Successful applicants will also: Develop a process for selecting potential participants for trainings Give special consideration in the screening process for geographic representation Conduct all activities using a combination of in-person trainings, webinars and online digital trainings Establish sound evaluation criteria based on all three activities using process and outcome measures and other relevant data sources and methods Track outcomes by following the progress of trainees over the course of the project period 10
Sections HRSA-16-186 FOA 11
Section Overview Introduction 12
Describe the purpose of the project, including a discussion exhibiting understanding of the issues related to the purpose, goals and program requirements outlined in the FOA Provide an overview of the three required training activities, partnering organizations, and proposed recruitment and retention activities of targeted populations Discuss how the project will meet the goals of NHAS 2020 Detail how the project will expand the capacity of the HIV prevention and care service delivery system by training and utilizing the expertise of leaders who are people of color living with HIV Section Overview Introduction 13
Section Overview Needs Assessment 14
Describe the target populations Discuss data/information gathering methods conducted over the past three years to determine the needs of the target audience Provide meaningful findings from the information gathering, relative to program focus Discuss how the project will contribute to decreasing health disparities and increasing equity in the planning of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program service provision Describe how project will directly contribute to goals of NHAS 2020 Section Overview Needs Assessment 15
Section Overview Methodology 16
Describe the process for recruiting, selecting and retaining participants for trainings, including: Letter of recommendation from partnering organization, service provider, governmental agency or other local organizations Geographic representation for participants Jurisdictional HIV data to be considered when selecting proposed regional training locations to ensure trainings are offered in impacted service areas Section Overview Methodology 17
Describe multiple training methods and techniques to be used to accomplish each activity Include development of tools and strategies for ongoing training, outreach, collaborations, clear communication, and information sharing/dissemination with efforts to encourage Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program recipients to provide future leadership opportunities for trainees from this program Outline topics to be included in each training curriculum to achieve culturally relevant leadership, including: Understanding/navigating systems of care HIV Care Continuum Data driven decision making Section Overview Methodology 18
Section Overview Work plan 19
Describe the steps to achieve each of the activities proposed Submit a work plan Identify PLWH coalition/networks or other partnerships that will assist in planning, designing and implementing all activities, including development of the application Describe the extent to which these partners reflect the cultural, racial, linguistic and geographic diversity of the populations and communities served Section Overview Work Plan 20
Work plan (table) should include: Project activity Action steps Intended target population Measurable outcomes Target end dates Person(s) responsible for each step Goals, objectives, and outcomes that are SMART (specific, measureable, achievable, realistic, and time measurable) Appropriate milestones (e.g., a significant or important event in the grant budget period) and any products to be developed Section Overview Work Plan Table 21
Goals of the project: objectives, reasons for proposing the intervention, if applicable Assumptions: beliefs about how the program will work and is supporting resources. Assumptions should be based on research, best practices, and experience Inputs: organizational profile, collaborative partners, key staff, national expert committee, budget, other resources Target population: the organizations/jurisdictions to be served Activities: approach, listing key intervention, if applicable Outputs: direct products or deliverables of program activities Outcomes: results of a program, typically describing a change in people or systems Section Overview Work Plan (Logic Model) 22
Section Overview Resolution of Challenges 23
Resolution of Challenges Discuss challenges that are likely to be encountered in designing and implementing the activities described in the Work Plan and approaches that will be used to resolve such challenges Describe challenges with recruitment and retention of people of color living with HIV in training and evaluation, and how the challenges may be addressed 24
Section Overview Evaluation & Technical Support Capacity 25
Describe the plan for process and outcome evaluation that will measure, monitor and evaluate the impact of the program on both the populations targeted for training and the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program recipients or other providers that will benefit from the skills of the trained target population Describe the systems and processes that will support performance management requirements through effective tracking of performance outcomes for trained people of color living with HIV and TOT dyads throughout the three-year program period Describe current experience, skills and knowledge, including individuals on staff, materials published and previous work of similar nature Section Overview Evaluation and Technical Support Capacity 26
Describe the data collection strategy to collect, analyze and track data to measure process and impact/outcomes, with different cultural groups (e.g., race, ethnicity, language) Explain how the data will be used to inform program development and service delivery Describe any potential obstacles for implementing program performance evaluation and how these obstacles will be addressed Evaluation components must be established and in place at the beginning of the project Section OverviewEvaluation and Technical Support Capacity 27
Section Overview Organizational Information 28
Applicants must have at least 2-3 years of experience training PLWH in leadership and planning, and must demonstrate capacity to recruit, train and collaborate with organizations that represent and focus on all target populations to be trained. Describe organizational experience in recruiting and training PLWH in planning and leadership Discuss the expertise and capacity to support the training of PLWH, including sponsoring travel, logistics and meals Describe prior experience providing special financial considerations for training attendees who do not have credit cards to use for upfront costs while attending in-person trainings. Describe the strength of the proposed partnerships, and how partnering organizations will contribute to goals of the project Section Overview Organizational Information 29
Provide information on the applicant organization’s current mission and structure, scope of current activities and organizational chart, and describe how these contribute to the organization’s ability to meet the program requirements and expectations Provide information on the organization’s resources and capabilities to support provision of culturally and linguistically competent and health literate services Provide a staffing plan that outlines adequate percentages of full time equivalent (FTE) staff to address all aspect of activities proposed Discuss how the applicant organization demonstrates organizational and staff expertise and leadership to address the administrative, fiscal and training components of the program Section Overview Organizational Information 30
Total Project or Program Costs are the total allowable costs (inclusive of direct and indirect costs) incurred by the recipient to carry out the program activities Submit costs that are reasonable and appropriate to the proposed work plan and scope of work Submit a separate program-specific line item budget for each year of the proposed project period. This budget will be uploaded as an attachment to the application as Attachment 7 Provide a budget justification that includes a detailed list of any contractual services through partnering organizations, including supported costs and defined deliverables Section Overview Budget/Budget Justification 31
Review Criteria 32
Review Criteria CriterionPointsContents 1.Need10Introduction Needs Assessment 2. Response30Methodology Work Plan Resolution of Challenges 3. Evaluative Measures 15Evaluation Technical Support 4.Impact 5Work Plan Evaluation Technical Support 5. Resources/ Capabilities 30Organizational Information Staffing Plan and Job Descriptions for Key Personnel 6. Support Requested 10Budget/ Budget Justification TOTAL100 33
Questions & Answers 34
Program Contacts HAB Contact Helen Rovito, MS Sr. Program Advisor Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs 5600 Fishers Lane, 09W08 Rockville, Maryland 20857 Email: Telephone: (301) 443-3286 Fax: (301) 443-8143 35
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