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Computer Systems Laboratory Stanford University Clark W. Barrett David L. Dill Aaron Stump A Framework for Cooperating Decision Procedures.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Systems Laboratory Stanford University Clark W. Barrett David L. Dill Aaron Stump A Framework for Cooperating Decision Procedures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Systems Laboratory Stanford University Clark W. Barrett David L. Dill Aaron Stump A Framework for Cooperating Decision Procedures

2 Outline Motivation The Framework Correctness of the Framework Using the Framework Conclusions

3 The Need for Decision Procedures Many interesting and practical problems can be expressed as problems in a decidable theory. General purpose decision procedures can save time and effort when approaching new problems. Decision procedures have been used in theorem proving, model checking, symbolic simulation, system specification, and other applications, many of which were unanticipated.

4 The Stanford Validity Checker (SVC) This work is a result of ongoing attempts to improve the decision procedures of SVC. Despite theoretical and architectural weaknesses, SVC has been surprisingly successful. Our goals with SVC include the following:  Provably correct,  Adequately expressive, yet still decidable,  Flexible and easy to extend,  Maximum performance.

5 SVC Core: Cooperating Decision Procedures Suppose are decidable theories, with disjoint signatures Let and  is a quantifier-free formula in the language of . Is  satisfiable in the theory

6 Cooperating Decision Procedures Two main approaches  Nelson and Oppen [‘79]  Shostak [‘84] Original papers are confusing and incomplete.  [Tinelli & Harandi ‘96]  [Cyrluk et al. ‘96, Shankar & Ruess ‘00] This work seeks to unify and further clarify these two approaches.

7 Outline Motivation The Framework Correctness of the Framework Using the Framework Conclusions

8 Preliminaries Expressions  DAG representation of terms and formulas.  Operator applied to 0 or more children. Union-Find  Each expression (including Boolean constants true and false) belongs to an equivalence class with a unique representative.  Find(x) returns the equivalence class representative of x.  Union(x,y) merges the equivalence classes associated with x and y and makes y the new representative.

9 Framework Interface AddFormula(  ) (  a literal in  )  C := C  {  }; (Initially, C = Ø) Satisfiable()  Returns TRUE iff Find(true)  Find(false). Satisfiability of an arbitrary formula  in  is determined by converting  to DNF and then testing each conjunct for satisfiability.

10 The Framework AddFormula AssertSimplify Setup MergeRewrite    ’’ Theory-specific code a=b a,b t t’ t t a=b Propagate

11 AddFormula and Assert Assert(  ) processes the formula  by first simplifying it and then calling Merge. AddFormula is a wrapper around Assert which allows each theory to assert new facts. AddFormula(  ) Assert(  ); REPEAT FOREACH theory i DO Propagate(i); UNTIL no change; Assert(  )  ’ := Simplify(  ); IF  ’ not an equation THEN  ’ := (  ’ = true); Merge(  ’);

12 The Framework AddFormula AssertSimplify Setup MergeRewrite    ’’ Theory-specific code a=b a,b t t’ t t a=b Propagate

13 Simplify and Rewrite Simplify returns an expression which is equivalent in the current context.  Recursively replaces each sub-expression with its equivalence class representative.  Applies theory-specific rewrites. Simplify(  ) IF Find(  ) THEN RETURN Find(  );  ’ := Simplify each child of  ;  ’ := Rewrite(  ’); RETURN  ’; Rewrite(t) t’ := TheoryRewrite(t); IF t  t’ THEN t’ := Rewrite(t’); RETURN t’;

14 The Framework AddFormula AssertSimplify Setup MergeRewrite    ’’ Theory-specific code a=b a,b t t’ t t a=b Propagate

15 Setup and Merge Merge records that two expressions a and b are equal by merging their equivalence classes.  Calls Setup on each expression.  Notifies theories that care about a. Merge(a=b) Setup(a);Setup(b); Union(a,b); FOREACH  a.notify Call f(a=b,d); Setup(t) IF Find(t) THEN RETURN; FOREACH child c Setup(c); TheorySetup(c); Find(c) := c;

16 A Simple Example AddFormula AssertSimplify Setup MergeRewrite    ’’ Theory-specific code a=b a,b t t’ t t a=b Propagate a = b b = b b = b  true true Find(a) = b

17 Outline Motivation The Framework Correctness of the Framework Using the Framework Conclusions

18 Approach to Correctness Develop a set of preconditions and requirements that must hold for the framework to be correct. Prove that, as long as the code associated with individual theories adheres to these general requirements, the framework is correct. Prove the main theorems once, then prove a small set of theorems each time a theory is added.

19 Example: Completeness Theorem [Tinelli et al. ‘96]: Let T 1 and T 2 be two disjoint theories and let  1 be a formula in the language of T 1 and  2 a formula in the language of T 2. Let V be the set of their shared variables and let  (V) be an arrangement of V. If  1   (V) is satisfiable in T 1 and  2   (V) is satisfiable in T 2, then  1   2 is satisfiable in T 1  T 2.

20 Example: Completeness Every formula recorded by Merge is associated with an individual theory. Each theory T i determines whether the conjunction of its formulas together with the arrangement of shared variables induced by the expression equivalence classes is satisfiable in T i. By application of the previous theorem, we can then determine whether the conjunction of all formulas recorded by Merge is satisfiable.

21 Outline Motivation The Framework Correctness of the Framework Using the Framework Conclusions

22 The Framework AddFormula AssertSimplify Setup MergeRewrite    ’’ Theory-specific code a=b a,b t t’ t t a=b Propagate

23 Nelson-Oppen Style Combinations Input formulas are transformed into equivalent formulas, each of which is in a single theory. Suppose f and g are symbols from two different theories. Each theory must determine whether any equalities between (shared) variables are entailed by its formulas and propagate these equalities.

24 Our Approach to Nelson-Oppen The flexible nature of the framework allows us to directly implement and prove correctness of a more efficient algorithm:  Don’t transform the formulas or introduce new variables. It is sufficient to partition the formulas and mark which terms are “used” by more than one theory.  Only propagate equalities between terms used by more than one theory, and only to theories which use the left side of the equality.

25 Nelson-Oppen Example Combines three theories:  Uninterpreted functions  Arithmetic with inequalities  Arrays

26 Nelson-Oppen Example AddFormula AssertSimplify Setup MergeRewrite   ’’ a=b a,b t t’ t t a=b Propagate UninterpretedArithmeticArrays

27 Shostak Style Combinations More efficient than Nelson-Oppen, but not as widely applicable. Only applies to theories which are canonizable and algebraically solvable. Input formulas are solved for a single variable. No need to propagate equalities.

28 Our Approach to Shostak Use theory-specific Rewrite code to solve and canonize formulas. Both Shostak and Nelson-Oppen style theories can be integrated in the same framework. Proof of correctness is easier than in other treatments of Shostak because we can treat uninterpreted functions as belonging to a separate Nelson-Oppen style theory.

29 Outline Motivation The Framework Correctness of the Framework Using the Framework Conclusions

30 What Have We Learned?  There is a demand for efficient cooperating decision procedures.  Getting it right is hard.  A solid theoretical foundation is necessary. Future Work  The next version of SVC is under development.  New theories.  Relax restrictions on what kinds of theories can be integrated.

31 Stay tuned Visit the SVC home page at

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