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 WMBA 505  Professor : Dr. Dhiman  Ani Saferian  Angel Marines  Dania Nalbandian  Jose Palacios.

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Presentation on theme: " WMBA 505  Professor : Dr. Dhiman  Ani Saferian  Angel Marines  Dania Nalbandian  Jose Palacios."— Presentation transcript:

1  WMBA 505  Professor : Dr. Dhiman  Ani Saferian  Angel Marines  Dania Nalbandian  Jose Palacios

2  Study of two separate fields: Leadership Life  Producing four way wins Being real (acting with authenticity) Being Whole (acting with integrity) Being innovative (acting with creativity)

3 Incomplete leader The practice of Total leader Total leadership Fake Unfocused Rootless Stagnant Apathetic Pessimistic Purposeful Genuine Grounded Fragmented Resentful Overwhelm ed Curious Engaged Optimistic Connected Supported Resilient Be Real Act with authenticity by clarifying what’s important Be Innovative Act with creativity by experimenting Be Whole Act with integrity by respecting the whole person

4  Leaders mobilize people toward valued goals work, home, community and self.

5  This book is not about work/life balance.  Until recently the focus was on models that presume conflict between life and work.  In the 1990s many researchers studied what is called “human capital”- the value individuals bring to business.

6  Social Change  Demands of a new workforce  Technological Shifts  Change in organizations and markets

7  to become a good storyteller  To tell a story that inspires others “The most effective leaders are those who are in touch with their leadership stories…when we know our stories, we know ourselves”. Noel Tichy

8  Your vision is a compelling image of an achievable future  Your values determine your actions as a leader and how you view the world around you.

9  People learn how to improve performance in all domains.  Satisfaction in all four domains improves.  Becoming intelligent leaders.  From a business point of view the results are positive.

10 Take the Four-Way View

11  Work  Home  Community  Self

12  Work: Things that you do for your career  Home: Family origin, family creation, pets  Community: Friends, neighbors, religious institutions  Self: Spiritual, physical, health, knowledge

13  focus attention relative to importance to you  shows how to manage allocation of time and energy  helps in asses if you are doing what you care about doing  actions and goals for each domain are harmonious with each

14 DomainImportanceFocus of time and energy Work% Home% Community% Self% 100%

15 Home Community Work Self

16  Psychological interference

17 Act With Integrity

18 Respect the Whole Person

19  People who have a stake in your future  Work, home, community and self  Who is most important  Who has most impact  Expectations you have of them  Expectations they have of you

20 WorkHomeCommunitySelf Spirituality Relaxation Physical health Emotional health

21 WorkHomeCommunity

22  Seeing patterns  Setting boundaries  Permeable, flexible

23  Explosive: expectations are hardly being met  Angry: doing well but they are letting you down  Pressure/guilt: opposite of ‘angry’  Expansive: opposite of ‘explosive’

24  Face to Face, e-mail, phone, etc.  Media preferences of stakeholders


26  To verify existing expectations  To change existing expectations to explore how they might be met in new ways.

27 Contemplate your core values Imagine the leader you want to become Assess how satisfied you are Look at the different areas of your life Determine how well you collaborate with the people most important to you Confirm and correct your perceptions about performance expectations

28 What issues do you want to focus on? Are there any topics you should avoid? What are you mainly looking to learn? Formal or informal discussion? In what order should you discuss the topics? How will you know when you’ve achieved your goals for each dialogue.

29 Work through your fears Andre and Martha’s example Look through their eyes and see new possibilities how will your actions benefit them Build and restore trust sense of belongingness Start talking Act on it


31 Direct and Indirect Either way, the goal is to achieve a four-way win.

32 Tracking and Reflecting Planning and Organizing Appreciating and Caring Focusing and Concentrating Revealing and Engaging Delegating and Developing

33 The Ultimate Experiment touched all four domains of his life Win Small, Win Smart taking baby steps

34 Define your goals for each domain Devise your metrics Gather the will to try something new

35  Authenticity  Integrity  Stakeholders

36  Small wins approach  Quick feed back  Act, Adjust, Act, Adjust  Book Example  Victor sets a goal to exercise  Wife enforces accountability

37  Winning hearts & minds  It’s not about you attitude  What can you do for others?  Interdependence building blocks

38  Do not have to watch CNN  Influenced others to reach a goal  Motivate not Manipulate

39  Induce reciprocity  Connect others to your world  Identify missing pieces  The trust market  Make a difference  Grow your network REPLICATE

40  Leadership does not end with implementation  Constant reflection  Revisiting Goals & Metrics  Meeting stakeholders expectations

41 Home Community Work Self

42  Return to baseline  Review leadership lessons  Leadership changes  Authenticity- feel more empower  Integrity- better concentration and resilient  Creativity- feeling more curious and engaged

43  Continue to grow  Leap from student to coach  Tell your story  Cultivate the garden


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