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New Life English Group Oct 17, 2015 Lesson 5. Jesus – the Bread of Life.

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1 New Life English Group Oct 17, 2015 Lesson 5

2 Jesus – the Bread of Life

3 Icebreaker – the M&M Game Share random facts about yourself depending on the color of M&M you get: Red: favorite hobbies Green: favorite books Yellow: favorite movies Orange: favorite places to travel Brown: most memorable or embarrassing moments Blue: Anything you want to share

4 Sauce & Dressing 1. Ketchup ( 番茄沙司) Ketch up is a table sauce. It is a sweet and tangy sauce (酸甜酱), typically made from tomatoes, a sweetener, vinegar, and assorted seasonings and spices. Ketchup 和 Tomato Sauce 的区别 Ketchup 是番茄蘸酱,通常是配着薯条、薯饼、汉堡吃。 Tomato sauce 是做热菜的酱汁,通常是配着意大利面、 比萨饼、或其他意式面食吃。

5 Sauce & Dressing 2. Hot (Chili) Sauce - Sriracha Sauce 是拉差香甜辣椒酱 Sriracha is a type of hot sauce or chili sauce made from a paste (酱) of chili peppers, distilled (蒸馏) vinegar, garlic, sugar, and salt. It is named after the coastal city (海滨城 市) of Si Racha in eastern Thailand, where it may have been first produced for dishes served at local (当地的) seafood restaurants.

6 Sauce & Dressing 2 Hot Sauce - Tabasco Sauce 塔巴斯科辣椒酱 ( 辣椒仔辣汁 ) Tabasco sauce is a brand of hot sauce made exclusively from tabasco peppers, vinegar, and salt.

7 Sauce & Dressing 2 Hot Sauce - Worcestershire sauce 伍斯特酱 ( 喼汁、乌酢 ) Originated from Worcester, Britain. The essential ingredients are barley malt vinegar, spirit vinegar, molasses, sugar, salt, anchovies, tamarind extract, onions, and garlic. It is often used for Caesar salad or added to beef stew and hamburgers.

8 Sauce & Dressing 3 Mayonnaise ( 蛋黄酱) Mayonnaise is a thick, creamy sauce often used as a condiment. It is a stable emulsion (乳胶) of oil, either vinegar or lemon juice, with many other herbs (草药) and spices (香料). Egg yolk is the most common emulsifier (乳化剂) used in mayonnaise.

9 4 Vinaigrette A vinaigrette is a culinary (烹饪的) sauce made mixing vinegar and oil and usually seasoned ( 调味 ) with salt, herbs, and spices. Sauce & Dressing

10 5 Italian Dressing Italian dressing is a vinaigrette-type of salad dressing in United States and Canadian cuisine, consisting of water, vinegar or lemon juice, vegetable oil, chopped bell peppers, usually sugar or corn syrup, and a blend of numerous herbs and spices including oregano (牛至), fennel (茴香), dill (莳萝) and salt. Sauce & Dressing

11 6 Ranch Dressing (农场酱) Ranch dressing is a type of salad dressing made of some combination of buttermilk, salt, garlic, onion, chives (韭菜), parsley (洋香菜), dill and spices, mixed into a sauce based on mayonnaise. Ranch dressing has been the best-selling salad dressing in the United States since 1992, when it overtook Italian dressing. It is also popular as a dip. Sauce & Dressing

12 7 Honey Mustard (甜芥末酱) Honey mustard is a blend of mustard (芥末) and honey, typically 1:1. It is commonly used both on sandwiches, and as a dip for finger foods such as chicken strips. It can also be combined with vinegar or olive oil to make a salad dressing. Sauce & Dressing

13 8 Thousand Island Dressing ( 千岛酱 ) Thousand Island dressing is a salad dressing based on mayonnaise and can include olive oil, lemon juice, orange juice, paprika ( 辣椒粉 ), Worcestershire sauce (英国黑醋), mustard, vinegar, cream, chili sauce, tomato purée (番茄泥), ketchup, or Tabasco sauce ( 墨西哥辣酱 ). Sauce & Dressing

14 About Subway ( 赛百味 ) Subway is an American fast food restaurant franchise that primarily sells submarine sandwiches (sub, 潜艇三明治 ) and salads. It is the largest single-brand restaurant chain and the largest restaurant operator in the world. Subway 是世界扩张最快及最大单一品牌连锁店。 2007 年是全球第 三大的快餐餐厅,次于百胜和麦当劳。不过到了 2011 年 3 月 7 日已 经超越百胜及麦当劳,成为全球最多分店的快餐店

15 1 Chicken Teriyaki ( 香葱照烧鸡排 ) Teriyaki glazed chicken strips and fat-free sweet onion sauce. About Subway ( 赛百味 )

16 2 Italian B.M.T. ( 意大利经典 ) Genoa salami (热那亚腊肠), spicy pepperoni (意大利辣香肠), and Black Forest Ham. About Subway ( 赛百味 )

17 3 Meatball Marinara ( 百味牛肉丸 ) Italian meatballs with marinara (海员式杂菜调味汁) sauce About Subway ( 赛百味 )

18 4 Roasted Chicken ( 香烤鸡排 ) About Subway ( 赛百味 )

19 5 Steak & Cheese ( 奇士牛排 ) About Subway ( 赛百味 )

20 6 Subway Club ( 百味俱乐部 ) slices of turkey breast, lean roast beef and Black Forest ham About Subway ( 赛百味 )

21 7 Tuna ( 金枪鱼 ) Tuna with mayonnaise About Subway ( 赛百味 )

22 8 Cold Cut Combo The Cold Cut Combo is stacked with turkey-based meats - ham, salami and bologna (博洛尼亚的大腊肠,烟熏猪肉和牛肉做成的). About Subway ( 赛百味 )

23 9 B.L.T (Bacon, Lettuce, Tomatoes) About Subway ( 赛百味 )

24 10 Veggie Delite About Subway ( 赛百味 )

25 How to order at Subway? 1) What type of sandwich do you want? What size and kind of bread? foot-long or 6-inch? Honey Oat, Wheat, Italian, Herb & Cheese, Flatbread About Subway ( 赛百味 )

26 How to order at Subway? 2) What type of meat do you want? 3) Any Cheese? American Cheddar Provolone Swiss Pepper Jack 4) Any Extra? Avocado Bacon Stripes Pepperoni About Subway ( 赛百味 )

27 How to order at Subway? 5) Toasted or just heat up the meat? 6) Your choice of Veggies! Lettuce Spinach (菠菜) Cucumber Tomatoes Green peppers Red onions Olives Pickles (腌瓜片) Banana peppers Jalapeno peppers About Subway ( 赛百味 )

28 How to order at Subway? 7) Almost done, what kind of sauce do you want? Ranch Mayo Vinegar Olive oil Sweet onion sauce Honey mustard 8) I’ll wrap it up for you. Do you want to make it a combo with chips and drinks? How about a cookie? 9) You’re all set, your total comes up to $. About Subway ( 赛百味 )

29 Role Play 1. What type of sandwich do you want? foot-long or 6-inch? Honey Oat, Wheat, Italian, Herb & Cheese, Flatbread 2. What type of meat do you want? Meatball, Roasted Chicken, Chicken Teriyaki, Italian B.M.T, Cold Cut Combo, Subway Club, Tuna, Steak and Cheese, B.L.T, Veggie? 3. What type of cheese? American Cheddar, Provolone, Swiss, Pepper Jack 4. Any Extra? Avocado, Bacon Stripes, Pepperoni 5. Toasted or just heat up the meat? 6. Your choice of veggies? Lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, red onions, olives, pickles, banana peppers, jalapeno peppers 7. What kind of sauce do you want? Ranch, light mayo, vinegar, olive oil, sweet onion sauce, honey mustard 8. I’ll wrap it up for you. Do you want to make it a combo with chips and drinks? Cookies? 9. All righty, you’re all done. Your total comes up to $.

30 In-N-Out Burger, Inc. is a regional chain ( 地域性的连锁店) of fast food restaurants with locations primarily in the American Southwest. Founded in Baldwin Park, California, in 1948 by Harry Snyder and his wife Esther Snyder, the chain is currently headquartered (设立总部 于) in Irvine, California. In-N-Out Burger has slowly expanded outside Southern California into the rest of California, as well as into Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Texas and recently Oregon. About In & Out Burger


32 1) Animal Style Burger

33 About In & Out Burger 1) Animal Style Burger The In-N-Out Animal Style burger is one of In-N-Out Burger's most popular "secret menu" items. And for good reason! This one might actually be the grand-pappy (佼佼者,大爷) of all secret menu items. In addition to the standard toppings, Animal Style burgers include pickles, extra spread (面包涂抹 料), grilled onions and mustard fried onto each meat patty (肉饼). How tasty does that sound? Availability:All Locations The Secret:Pickles, extra spread, grilled onions, and mustard fried Burger Patties Popularity:High Price:Normally Priced by Burger Size How to Order:Simply order your burger size (Cheeseburger, 2x2, 3x3...) and then ask for it to be made "Animal Style".

34 About In & Out Burger 2) The Flying Dutchman Burger

35 About In & Out Burger 2) The Flying Dutchman Burger The Flying Dutchman at In-N-Out is the most interesting "meal" on the secret menu. The Flying Dutchman is two beef patties sandwiched around two slices of cheese. That's it, that is the Flying Dutchman. There's no lettuce, no onions, and definitely no bun (面包). Availability:All Locations The Secret:Two Slices of Cheese melted between two Hamburger Patties. That's it. Popularity:Medium Price:$2.10 How to Order:Simply ask for a "Flying Dutchman". If the cashier is new, then you can explain that it is two slices of cheese between two burger patties.

36 About In & Out Burger 3) Protein Style Burger

37 About In & Out Burger 3) Protein Style Burger The In-N-Out Protein Style Burger is a popular item on the In-N-Out Burger secret menu. In short, by ordering your burger "protein style," you are swapping out the hamburger buns for a crisp lettuce wrap (以生菜取代汉堡面包). This option is obviously appealing (额外地吸引) to those who are conscious of their carbohydrate intake (有意降低摄取碳水化合物的吃客). Availability:All Locations The Secret:The hamburger bun is removed, and your burger and all the toppings are wrapped up in their fresh lettuce! Popularity:Medium Price:Normal Price by Burger Size How to Order:Ask for your burger to made "Protein Style" when you order.

38 About In & Out Burger 4) Grilled Cheese Burger (Vegetarian)

39 About In & Out Burger 4) Grilled Cheese Burger (Vegetarian) An In-N-Out Grilled Cheese sandwich is one of In-N-Out Burgers most popular "secret menu" items. The secret menu In-N-Out Grilled Cheese is two slices of melted American cheese, lettuce, tomato, spread, with or without onions on a freshly baked bun. This is the vegetarian (素食者) option at In-N-Out. Availability:All Locations The Secret:Two slices of melted American cheese grilled between In-N-Out's buns Popularity:High Price:$2.35 How to Order:Ask for a "Grilled Cheese" when ordering. And don't forget to tell them which toppings you want on it.

40 About In & Out Burger 5) Extra Toast Burger

41 About In & Out Burger 5) Extra Toast Burger The In-N-Out Extra Toast option is a simple item that can be found on the In-N- Out Burger secret menu. Simply put (简言之), by ordering Extra Toast your hamburger buns will be left on the grill (烤箱) for just a minute longer. The result is an extra crispy (香脆) bun, something that can completely change your entire burger experience without adding anything to the price. Availability:All Locations The Secret:An extra toasted hamburger bun Popularity:Medium Extra Toast Price:FREE How to Order:Ask for your burger buns to be "extra toasted" when they take your order.

42 About In & Out Burger 6) Animal Style Fries

43 About In & Out Burger 6) Animal Style Fries The In-N-Out Animal Style Fries are one of the most popular items on In-N-Out Burger's "secret menu." Layered on top of hot french fries, ordering "Animal Style Fries" adds cheese, In-N-Out's secret spread, and grilled onions right on top. Pure goodness. Availability:All Locations The Secret:Melted Cheese, Secret Spread, & Grilled Onions piled high on your Fries Popularity:High Price:$3.40 How to Order:Simply walk up to the counter and ask for "Animal Style Fries".

44 About In & Out Burger 7) Cheese Fries

45 About In & Out Burger 7) Cheese Fries The In-N-Out Cheese Fries are one of In-N-Out Burger's most popular secret menu items. You know why? Because french fries are awesome, and cheese is awesome. Put them together and you've got In-N-Out Cheese Fries - which are double awesome! If you order Cheese Fries, be prepared for some gooey goodness (黏 黏的美味) that just might distract you from your burger. Availability:All Locations The Secret:Melted Cheese laid over a delicious basket of Fries Popularity:High Price:$3.10 How to Order:Just ask for "Cheese Fries" and you shall receive the magical cheesy fries!

46 About In & Out Burger 8) Neapolitan Milkshake

47 About In & Out Burger 8) Neapolitan Milkshake The In-N-Out Neapolitan Milkshake (奶昔) is a popular item on In-N-Out Burger secret menu for those who just can't decide on which flavor milkshake they want. The simple In-N-Out Burger menu offers only three choices when it comes to their milkshakes: chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. However, by ordering an In-N-Out Neapolitan Milkshake off of the secret menu, you will receive a milk shake that has been blended with all three flavors! Pretty cool, huh? Availability:All Locations The Secret:A delicious blend of the Chocolate, Strawberry, & Vanilla Milkshakes Popularity:Medium Price:$2.10 How to Order:Ask for a "Neapolitan Shake" when you place your order, they will know exactly what you want. Or you can ask for a combination of just two of the flavors if you want to mix things up a little.

48 About In & Out Burger 9) Root Beer Float

49 About In & Out Burger 9) Root Beer Float (漂浮沙士) The In-N-Out Root Beer Float is not your normal Root Beer Float. This one is more like a Root Beer Milkshake. That's because it's actually the Vanilla Shake mixed with Root Beer (香草奶昔和沙士的混合). Who doesn‘t love this classic treat (口语,快乐的事) during a warm summer day? This Root Beer Float may be made by the staff. However, the better deal is to buy a Vanilla Milkshake and a Fountain Drink. That way you can split up the Milkshake and the Fountain Drink to make two Root Beer Floats to share! Availability:All Locations The Secret:Root Beer mixed with Vanilla Milkshake Popularity:Medium Price:$2.10 How to Order:Ask for a "Root Beer Float". Either that, or order both a Vanilla Milkshake and a Root Beer and mix it up yourself!

50 Beverage cups and replicas About In & Out Burger John 3:16—"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.“ 神爱世人, 甚至将他的独生子赐给他们, 叫一切信他的, 不至灭亡, 反得永生。

51 About In & Out Burger Double-Double wrapper Nahum 1:7—"The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him." 耶和华本为善, 在患难的日子为人的保障, 并且认得那些投靠他的人。 Employee paychecks Matthew 6:19—"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.“ 你们不要为自己在地上积蓄财宝,地上有虫蛀,会锈蚀,也有盗贼钻进来偷窃。

52 Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? ··· But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. --- Matthew 6:25-26,33 One Beautiful Verse from the Bible

53 所以我告訴你們,不要為生命憂慮吃什麼,喝什麼; 為身體憂慮穿什麼。生命不勝於飲食嗎?身體不勝 於衣裳嗎?你們看那天上的飛鳥,也不種,也不收, 也不積蓄在倉裡,你們的天父尚且養活他。你們不 比飛鳥貴重得多嗎? … 你們要先求他的國和他的義, 這些東西都要加給你們了。 ---- 《马太福音》 6:25-26,33

54 “Jesus To The World“ by Newsong Will we see their need and hear their cries 我们能否听到他们的需求在呐喊 Look at our watch and just walk on by 是否低头不置理会,继续走我们的路 Or will we stop and take the time 还是我们愿意花时间停顿下来 To be Jesus in their lives 在他们的生命中彰显耶稣基督

55 “Jesus To The World“ by Newsong We need to be lambs that roar 我们要立志为羔羊喊叫 We need to be eagles that soar 我们要立志如鹰展翅 We need to be salt , We need to be light 我们要立志成为世上的光和盐 We need to be Jesus to the world 我们要立志在世代彰显耶稣

56 “Jesus To The World“ by Newsong We need to take love into the streets 我们要把耶稣的爱传遍每条街道 Be willing to turn the other cheek 甘心为耶稣的义而受到羞辱 We need to be strong 我们要坚强壮胆 We need to be weak 我们要谦卑柔和 We need to be Jesus , Jesus to the world 我们立志要在这世代彰显基督

57 “Jesus To The World“ by Newsong Jesus came with a message 耶稣带着好消息到来 That would change the way we live 一个转变我们生命的好消息 He showed us all by example 他以他的生命作则 What the heart of heaven is 来显出运行在天国的旨意

58 “Jesus To The World“ by Newsong We need to take love into the streets 我们要把耶稣的爱传遍每条街道 Be willing to turn the other cheek 甘心为耶稣的义而受到羞辱 We need to be strong 我们要坚强壮胆 We need to be weak 我们要谦卑柔和 We need to be Jesus , Jesus to the world 我们立志要在这世代彰显基督

59 Let’s Pray !

60 预告通知 Following Events 第 5 课 时间: 10 月 24 日(六) 3:30-5:30pm 要来参加的同学请于 10 月 23 日以前,在 ‘ 新生命英语小组 ’ 的 Wechat 群中报名。 博物馆游览活动 时间: 10 月 29 日(四) 18:00 – 22:00 价格: $10.25 (超过 10 人),$12 (不超过 10 人), 如果你要饮酒 请带上你的驾照或 ID 卡。 林肯高中橄榄球比赛 时间: 10 月 31 日(六) 16 : 00 – 18 : 00 价格:免费

61 Volunteers Needed! Pray for a earnest heart to give for supporting hunger relief Food Bank (TBA) – Junyi Operation Christmas Child Shoebox

62 Thank You! Have a nice Weekend! Hope , Faith and Love!

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