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Leadership & Briefing Techniques Chris Woods Trg WO : DSW ATC.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership & Briefing Techniques Chris Woods Trg WO : DSW ATC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership & Briefing Techniques Chris Woods Trg WO : DSW ATC

2 Session objectives IIntroduce you to the ‘military’ briefing technique “SMEAC” DDefine each aspect of the acronym and how it might work with a real task With thanks to Gary LARSON’s “Far Side” Jim UNGER’s “Herman” and Mike BALDWIN’s “Cornered”


4 S ituation  Give your team a lead-in to the current position and the task that lies ahead  Keep it brief  Make it relevant  Gives everyone the big picture ituation

5 SM ission EExplain exactly and carefully what is required - The TASK KKeep this very brief and very simple ission

6 SM E xecution IIf you have a good plan then go through it at this stage IIf you don’t know how to complete the task ask your team - but KEEP control OOnce you have enough ideas then YOU state the plan and ensure everyone knows what they are doing xecution

7 SMEA ny questions? GGive everyone a positive opportunity to ask questions in a supportive and non- threatening environment DDon’t make fun of questions asked KKeep order ny questions?

8 SMEAC heck understanding IIt is your responsibility to make sure that the team know what they are doing TThink of the key questions to ask that highlight the important aspects of the task FFinish with a positive message SAFETY heck understanding

9 Keep the briefing simple.

10 An Initial Plan

11 A little planning can go a long way

12 Think ahead to the pitfalls. The “Low Altitude Flight” doing some early experiments

13 Think ahead to the pitfalls.

14 Make sure Everyone knows what to do

15 If you are not getting what you wanted, explain again. “Oh! So now you want the moat OUTSIDE”

16 Remember – you will be working to a time limit. Try to stick to it

17 Keep an eye on the small things as well as the grand scheme.

18 CHECK that everyone HAS understood

19 In the ‘military’ context it should be OBVIOUS to an observer, who is in charge.

20 Session objectives  Introduce you to the ‘military’ briefing technique “SMEAC”  Define each aspect of the acronym and how it might work with a real task

21 Any Questions ? With thanks to Gary LARSON’s “Far Side” Jim UNGER’s “Herman” and Mike BALDWIN’s “Cornered”

22 Good leadership qualities  Needs of the TASK Understand the situation Make a plan and allocate resources Get the job done Do it properly Do it safely Plan it TASK

23 Good leadership qualities  Needs of the INDIVIDUAL Do miserable people work well? Use the skills in the team Train the individual to do the job Look after your people TASK INDIVIDUAL

24 Good leadership qualities  Needs of the TEAM Set standards Maintain order & discipline Build team spirit Appoint sub-leaders Do not get too involved in the task– keep a helicopter view on the task TASK TEAM INDIVIDUAL

25 Good leadership qualities You must balance all three to be a good leader TASK INDIVIDUAL TEAM

26 Keep the briefing simple.

27 Look for easy solutions.

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