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Instructional Leadership Instructional Feedback ManagementLeadership SCHOOL DAY Time Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructional Leadership Instructional Feedback ManagementLeadership SCHOOL DAY Time Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructional Leadership Instructional Feedback ManagementLeadership SCHOOL DAY Time Management

2 Instructional Leadership Time Spent Providing Instructional Feedback This is the single most important function of any leader in a building. It is the greatest catalyst for change in instructional practice.

3 Percentage of Time Activities Content How much time should a building leader spend giving instructional feedback? What is the content of your instructional feedback? Important Questions What activities constitute providing instructional feedback apart from formal/informal observation?

4 Flex Formula Example Flex Formula Total Observation Time = 150 hrs. (11% of time) Activities = Formal and Informal observations: Formal Observation= 3 hrs. or 3 points (pre conf., 45-60 min. obs., post conf./write-up) Informal Observation= 1 hr. or 1 point (15-25 min. obs., data collection, short report) Minimum Observation Requirements= 150 points.

5 ? Percentage of Time Activities Content Enter the percent of time a leader should spend on instructional feedback List the activities during which you engage in explicit delivery of instructional feedback List specific items that you address in instructional feedback (pacing, engagement, etcetera) Google Doc Feedback

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