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Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Other Patterns of Inheritance Lesson Overview 11.3 Other Patterns of Inheritance.

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1 Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Other Patterns of Inheritance Lesson Overview 11.3 Other Patterns of Inheritance

2 Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Other Patterns of Inheritance February 20th E.Q. What are the other inheritance patterns and how do we predict their outcome probabilities? Bell-Ringer: An albino man marries a normally pigmented woman. Her father was normally pigmented and her mother was an albino. Use C = normal and c = albino. Assume C is completely dominant to c. 1. What is the genotype of the man? 2. What is the genotype of the woman? 3. Can we determine the genotypes of the mother and father of the woman?

3 Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Other Patterns of Inheritance Cc Normal Cc Normal Cc Normal Cc Normal Cc Normal Cc Normal cc Albino cc Albino c c c c CCCC CcCc

4 Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Other Patterns of Inheritance White Board Review Rules: 1. We will begin when you are sitting quietly. 2. You will have 10 seconds to answer each question on your board. 3. Do NOT raise boards until I say so. 4. No phone a friend, this is to test yourself not the person next to you :]

5 Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Other Patterns of Inheritance Question 1 What is the name of an allele that is hidden (or masked) by another allele?

6 Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Other Patterns of Inheritance Question 2 What do we call in individual’s genotype if they have two DIFFERENT alleles for a specific gene?

7 Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Other Patterns of Inheritance Question 3 What do we call an individual’s genotype if they have two of the SAME alleles for a specific gene?

8 Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Other Patterns of Inheritance Question 4 What do we call the allele that is always expressed? (not masked)

9 Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Other Patterns of Inheritance Question 5 What do we call the sequence of DNA that codes for a specific trait?

10 Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Other Patterns of Inheritance Question 6 TRUE or FALSE. A punnett square shows the ACTUAL results of a genetic cross?

11 Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Other Patterns of Inheritance Beyond Dominant and Recessive Alleles What are some exceptions to Mendel’s principles? Some alleles are neither dominant nor recessive.

12 Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Other Patterns of Inheritance Incomplete Dominance A cross between two four o’clock plants shows a common exception to Mendel’s principles. The F 1 generation produced by a cross between red-flowered (RR) and white-flowered (WW) plants consists of pink-colored flowers (RW), as shown.

13 Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Other Patterns of Inheritance Incomplete Dominance In this case, neither allele is dominant. Cases in which one allele is not completely dominant over another are called incomplete dominance. In incomplete dominance, the heterozygous phenotype lies somewhere between the two homozygous phenotypes.

14 Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Other Patterns of Inheritance Codominance Cases in which the phenotypes produced by both alleles are clearly expressed are called codominance. For example, in certain varieties of chicken, the allele for black feathers is codominant with the allele for white feathers. Heterozygous chickens have a color described as “erminette,” speckled with black and white feathers.

15 Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Other Patterns of Inheritance Example problem The type of hair in humans is incompletely dominant. Curly hair is the homozygous dominant condition. Wavy hair is the heterozygous condition. The homozygous recessive condition results in straight hair. Cross a straight haired man with a wavy haired woman. What will the genotypes and phenotypes of their offspring be?

16 Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Other Patterns of Inheritance Example problem The spots on a cow are the result of a codominant relationship between the allele for brown fur color and white fur color. Cross a spotted fur cow with a white fur cow. What will the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of their offspring be?

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