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Seller and buyer negotiate Municipal adjudication Contract is submitted to municipality The notary witnesses the signatures Owner and buyer sign The final.

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Presentation on theme: "Seller and buyer negotiate Municipal adjudication Contract is submitted to municipality The notary witnesses the signatures Owner and buyer sign The final."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seller and buyer negotiate Municipal adjudication Contract is submitted to municipality The notary witnesses the signatures Owner and buyer sign The final contract Seller and buyer may write pre-contract Pre-emption yes no Switch off buyer Buyer applies for BTI document Buyer applies for cadastral document Cadastral authority issues the document BTI issues the document Pure sale of real property (land + buildings) General activities diagram

2 Cadastral authority issues the document Buyer submits the documents to notary Notary work??? Buyer applies to Land register for registration of ownership Buyer pays stamp duty and registration fee Adjudication of the application??? New owner collects the document (title) Ownership information to Cadastral authority Registration of ownership Refusal of application can be appealed New owner (or commissioned bank) pays the seller’s mortgages New mortgagee prepares mortgage deed Mortgagee gets the money

3 New mortgagee prepares mortgage deed Signed mortgage deed Notary verifies ??? mortgage deed and prepares request for registration of the mortgage New owner applies to Land register for registration of mortgage New owner pays remaining sum to the seller New owner gets the remaining loan from the mortgagee New owner hands over mortgage act and submits it to mortgagee Land register registrates new mortgage Mortgagee pays remaining loan Seller gets the remaining purchase sum

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