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VEHICLE BACK UP ALARM DESIGN Student: Qi Zhou Mentor: Dr. Stanislaw Legowski.

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Presentation on theme: "VEHICLE BACK UP ALARM DESIGN Student: Qi Zhou Mentor: Dr. Stanislaw Legowski."— Presentation transcript:

1 VEHICLE BACK UP ALARM DESIGN Student: Qi Zhou Mentor: Dr. Stanislaw Legowski

2 PRESENTATION  Introduction  Overall block diagram  Work principle  Hardware Design  Major Components  Schematic  Software Design  Software Design Overview  Considerations  Cost  Future Considerations  Conclusions

3 INTRODUCTION  Overall block diagram

4 INTRODUCTION  Work principle

5 HARDWARE DESIGN  Major Components  STC89C52 Single Microcontroller  LCD1602 Display  ISD4004 Voice Chip  DS18B20 Temperature Sensor  HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

6 HARDWARE DESIGN  HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor  HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor provides 1cm - 500cm non-contact measurement function, the ranging accuracy can reach to 3mm. The modules includes ultrasonic transmitters, receiver and control circuit.

7 HARDWARE DESIGN  STC89C52 Single Microcontroller  STC89C52 is a low power high-performance 8 -bit microcontroller with 8K bytes programmable Flash memory device. STC89C52 microcontroller pins are distributed as follows

8 HARDWARE DESIGN  LCD1602 Display  LCD1602 is an industry unit LCD, 1602 means16 x 2, which can display two lines of 16 characters. LCD1602 pins are distributed as follows

9 HARDWARE DESIGN  ISD4004 Voice Chip  ISD4004 is a phonetic chip produced by ISD Company. It has many advantages including repeated recording and playing, using it without expansion of the storage. The required peripheral circuits are simple and the time that the chip can store is very long. ISD4004 Voice Chip pins are distributed as follows

10 HARDWARE DESIGN  DS18B20 Temperature Sensor  DS18B20 temperature sensor, the difference with the traditional thermistor is that it use integrated chip, single-bus technology, which can effectively reduce outside interference and improve the measurement accuracy, also it can be directly measured temperature and converted into serial digital signals for computer processing. DS18B20 temperature sensor pins are distributed as follows

11 HARDWARE DESIGN  Schematic

12 SOFTWARE DESIGN  Software Design Overview  Software systems are particularly important in this project, most of basic functions are based on software system.  Based on the software design accuracy and efficiency, I use C language programming.  The entire software system is using modular programming method, and it is divided into initialization, display program, keyboard program, temperature sensor program, sound audible procedures.  The main features of the software system is the entire process is completely under the control of the keyboard, and then it can achieve a completely friendly interactive features.

13 SOFTWARE DESIGN  Software Design Overview

14 CONSIDERATIONS  Major Components Cost

15 CONSIDERATIONS  The Future  Add alert voice to let driver draw attention to the distance  Improve the accuracy and be able to measure a longer distance  The hardware system integration can be improved, the control system can be improved to enhance the security of the user, and the software can be further optimized in some aspects of logic judgment and algorithm.

16 CONCLUSION  The vehicle back up alarm design reaches the design requirements.  Use STC89C52 chip as the core component of the system, with the integrated technology electronics signal systems, and knowledge of Single Microcontroller principles to achieve requirements.  In the design process of the system, strive to make hardware circuit simple and maximize using the microcontroller chip resources.



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