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Asexual Reproduction in a Sea Anemone. Sexual Behavior in Parthenogenetic Lizards (all female); adults are haploid (a) The female on the back induces.

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Presentation on theme: "Asexual Reproduction in a Sea Anemone. Sexual Behavior in Parthenogenetic Lizards (all female); adults are haploid (a) The female on the back induces."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asexual Reproduction in a Sea Anemone

2 Sexual Behavior in Parthenogenetic Lizards (all female); adults are haploid (a) The female on the back induces development of an egg during critical times of the hormone cycle

3 Sex Reversal in a Sequential Hermaphrodite Females (yellow) Male (Blue) All are born female and the largest complete lives as males

4 The Release of Eggs and External Fertilization

5 Reproductive Anatomy of a Parasitic Flatworm

6 Reproductive Anatomy of the Human Male


8 Seminiferous tubules (left), sperm in semen (right)

9 Structure of a Human Sperm Cell Contains an enzyme that helps penetrate the egg

10 Reproductive Anatomy of the Human Female


12 Menstrual Cycle (mensis = month) - lasts approx. 28 days

13 Follicle Phase (lasts 10-14 days) starts when hypothalamus re- leases GnRH that stimulates the pituitary gland FSH stimulates cell division in the follicle, a layer of cells that sur- rounds the immature egg. These cells supply nutrients to the egg and secrete estrogen.

14 Ovary Follicle Ovum

15 Ovulation (last 3-4 days) when a woman is most likely to get pregnant occurs when LH levels peak follicle releases the egg into the fallopian tube

16 Oogenesis

17 Ovulation

18 Luteal Phase (lasts about 14 days) After ovulation the structure is now called the corpus luteum. It secretes large amount of estro- gen and progesterone to maintain the lining of the uterus until the egg is fertilized.

19 Menstruation (approx 5 days) occurs when the endometrium starts to slough off; the lining of the uterus and ruptured blood vessels are discharged through the vagina

20 The Reproductive cycle of the Human Female

21 Hormonal Control of the Testes

22 Formation of the Zygote and Early Postfertilization Events

23 Placental Circulation

24 Human Fetal Development

25 Hormonal Induction of Labor

26 1)Sperm are made in the _______ _______ and mature in the _______. 2) The function of the prostate gland is to... 3) Fertilization occurs in the...

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