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Complete this on a separate sheet of paper Station 8 graphing activity −Period 2-7 Collect the sheet from the front table and glue it into your INB You.

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Presentation on theme: "Complete this on a separate sheet of paper Station 8 graphing activity −Period 2-7 Collect the sheet from the front table and glue it into your INB You."— Presentation transcript:

1 Complete this on a separate sheet of paper Station 8 graphing activity −Period 2-7 Collect the sheet from the front table and glue it into your INB You may fold it. DO NOW 9-15-14

2 Cells and Cell Organelles Chapter 10.2

3 Cells Cells are the building blocks of life.

4 Cell Organelles Organelles are like little organs inside of a cell. Lets take a few minutes to take a look at a few of these organelles and their functions.

5 What makes organelles unique? Organelles

6 As we have seen organelles are eukaryotic cell structures with specific functions. Enable cells to carry out different functions at the same time. Organelles

7 There are several organelles that are key to cells −The Nucleus −Cytoplasm −Vacuole −Cell Membrane −Cell Wall −Mitochondrion −Chloroplast Organelles

8 Use your book pages 404 to 412 to complete the data table on page 413 on a separate sheet of paper This will be turned in at the end of class. Organelles

9 End Day One

10 What structure keeps harmful chemicals out of animal cells? A.The Cell Membrane B.The Cell Wall C.The Golgi Apparatus D.The Nucleus Quiz

11 What organelle acts as “the boss” inside of a cell? A.The Alveoli B.The Mitochondria C.The Nucleus D.The Lysosomes Quiz

12 If a cell has waste it needs to store, it will store it where? A.In the Endoplasmic Reticulum B.In the Cytoplasm C.In the Nucleus D.In the Vacuoles Quiz

13 What do you call the gelatin-like mixture that flows throughout a cell? A.Endoplasm B.Ectoplasm C.Plasma D.Cytoplasm Quiz

14 Which structures break down food release energy? A.Mitochondria B.Ribosomes C.Golgi Apparatus D.Vacuoles Quiz

15 Answer the following question on a separate sheet of paper. What is the difference between an plant cell and an animal cell? −Give at least two examples In your INB −Glue handout into INB then move to the next page for notes Do Now 9-16-14

16 Cell Organelles pt.1 Nucleus, Cytoplasm, & Vacuole

17 The nucleus acts as the brain of a cell. −It directs the cell activities and contains genetic information stored in the DNA −This genetic information is organized into chromosomes −The number of chromosomes is different for each species Nucleus

18 Inside of the nucleus is proteins and another organelle called the Nucleolus. −The nucleolus makes ribosomes which are involved in the production of proteins. Nucleus

19 Ribosomes make proteins Found also in the endoplasmic reticulum Nucleus

20 Surrounding the nucleus are two membranes that form the nuclear envelope. −The nuclear envelope is porous (has holes for things to come in and out of) allowing for proteins and RNA to move in and out of the nucleus. Nucleus

21 Water is the main ingredient for a cell Most of a cells water is contained in the Cytoplasm Cytoplasm is a fluid inside a cell that contains salts and other molecules. Cytoplasm

22 Inside of this cytoplasm is a series of tube like proteins known as the cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton provides the cell with its shape and helps it move. Cytoplasm

23 Some cells have sack like structures called vacuoles. −These organelles store food, water, and waste material. −A typical plant cell has one large vacuole that stores water and other substances. −Some animal cells have multiple small vacuoles Vacuoles

24 Using the information you just received complete the table comparing your school structure to the structure of a cell INB – Cell School part 1 Name of OrganelleSchool Personnel/Office 1. Nucleus??? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


26 Glue The handout into your INB and write a brief sentence describing the function of the organelle and its defining features Make sure you grab the packet from the front table. The packet is due before the end of class Finish early? please let me know. There is no talking during today’s class. DO NOW 9-17-14


28 Answer the following question on a separate sheet of paper How is cell theory related to what we are learning now? Get your INB and prepare to continue with the notes we were working on Tuesday. DO NOW 9-17-14

29 Cell Organelles pt.2 Cell Membrane, Cell Wall, Mitochondria, & Chloroplast

30 Cell membrane is a flexible covering that protects the inside of the cell from the environment outside of the cell. Cell Membrane

31 Made from proteins and lipids (phospholipids) This membrane decides what can come in and out of the cell by using special carrier proteins It also communicates with other cells around it through receptor proteins Cell Membrane

32 All cells have a cell membrane, however, some cells also have a cell wall. A cell wall is a ridged structure outside of the cell membrane and is composed of mostly carbohydrates. Cell Wall

33 The cell wall’s purpose is to protect the cell from viruses and microorganisms. It also provides structural support Cell Wall

34 Chloroplast are membrane bound organelles that use light to create food for a cell, in the form of glucose (sugars), from water and carbon dioxide. This is achieved through a process called photosynthesis Chloroplast

35 Eukaryotic cells contain thousands of tiny organelles called mitochondria. Chemical reactions inside of the mitochondria release energy. This energy is stored in the cell in molecules called ATP, adenosine triphosphate This energy (ATP) is what makes cell processes such as growth, division, & transport happen Mitochondria

36 Protein 'packaging plant' Move materials within the cell Move materials out of the cell Produce lysosomes for the cell Golgi Apparatus

37 Clean up crew for the cell Digestive center for proteins, fats, and carbohydrates Transports undigested material to cell membrane for removal Cell breaks down if lysosome explodes Lysosomes

38 Using the information you just received complete the table comparing your school structure to the structure of a cell INB – Cell School part 2 Name of OrganelleSchool Personnel/Office 1. Nucleus??? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


40 Grab your INB and take the next 10 minutes to study for your quiz. When you are done with the quiz you will bring it up to me and you will begin work on the science writing assignment. We will then begin looking over your research project guidelines and give you a little time to begin your research. DO NOW 9-19-14

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