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Cornelsen Campus ELT materials designed for students in higher education Scott Tokaryk, Cornelsen Verlag (Berlin) Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed.

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1 Cornelsen Campus ELT materials designed for students in higher education Scott Tokaryk, Cornelsen Verlag (Berlin) Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011

2 What is Cornelsen Campus?  A brand dedicated to developing teaching and learning materials for students and instructors of foreign languages at institutions of higher education in the German-speaking world  Active since 2010  Titles include: Career Express: Business English B2 Career Express: Business English C1 English for Mechanical Engineering English for Medicine English for Law Academic Writing C1 (Blended Learning) SOS Latinum* Presentando Estudiando Hablando Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011

3 What do we mean by “Business English”? Business English:  Interchangeable English for Business Purposes  Focus on skills and the transference of these skills to a particular area  More concerned with discourse in English than with specific vocabulary and grammar  Based on the use of English rather than knowledge of business or commerce  English to ‘get things done’ in a company / between companies Source: Mader, Judith. 2008. “Business English or English for Business Purposes? What the difference means for teaching of English as a tool for work.” Language learning in a multilingual Europe. British Council Conference Report 2008:38 – 45. Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011

4 What do we mean by “English for Specific Purposes”? English for Specific Purposes  Courses whose contents and aims are determined by a specific group of learners  ESP makes use of the methodology and activities of the specialism  ESP is centred on mastering certain skills, genres etc. necessary for said activities - and with this the necessary grammar lexis and register Source: TeachingEnglish. 2011. “English for Specific Purposes. Introduction“. Accessed 15 September 2011. Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011

5 Subdivisions of ESP Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011 English for Specific Purposes ESP English for Academic Purposes EAP English for Occupational Purposes English for Professional Purposes English for Vocational PurposesBusiness English Doctors Lawyers Engineers Tourism Nursing Aviation Researchers Students Source: TeachingEnglish. 2011. “English for Specific Purposes. Introduction“. Accessed 15 September 2011.

6 The challenge for business English trainers when teaching ESP  Depth of knowledge of the specialism the trainer requires  Required depth of knowledge depends on:  The learner’s knowledge  The learner’s experience pre-experience  students without work experience post-experience  people with work experience  The specifics of language (lexis and grammar), skills and genres learners need to learn Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011 Source: TeachingEnglish. 2011. “English for Specific Purposes. Introduction“. Accessed 15 September 2011.

7 Activity: A comparison between BE and ESP Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011 Business EnglishESP in Adult Education ESP in Higher Education Course content Learner’s knowledge of field Means through which learner receives credit for course Role of self-study in course Instructor’s knowledge of content

8 How can Cornelsen help? Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011 Business EnglishESP in Adult Education ESP in Higher Education Course contentCommunication skills e.g. Meetings, negotiations, small talk, telephoning, emails Specific lexis, genres, discourses, skills; Comm. between experts and bet. experts and lay people Learner’s knowledge of field Not applicable as we are dealing with skills, not knowledge Post-experience, ergo they can be considered ‘true’ experts in their field Still studying, ergo they may have knowledge gaps Means through which learner receives credit for course Attendance Test from teacher Exam from examinations board Not always mandatory Attendance Test from teacher Exam from examinations board Not always mandatory Credit based on combination of exam, assignments, presentations and participation. Role of self-study in course Homework assignments Online modules for employees working on tight schedules Homework assignments Online modules for employees working on tight schedules Self-study = mandatory element of course Credit can be received for self-study Instructor’s knowledge of content Usually have a good grasp of content Can be limited

9 How can Cornelsen help? Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011 Business EnglishESP in Adult Education ESP in Higher Education Course contentCommunication skills e.g. Meetings, negotiations, small talk, telephoning, emails Specific lexis, genres, discourses, skills; Comm. between experts and bet. experts and lay people Learner’s knowledge of field Not applicable as we are dealing with skills, not knowledge Post-experience, ergo they can be considered ‘true’ experts in their field Still studying, ergo they may have knowledge gaps Means through which learner receives credit for course Attendance Test from teacher Exam from examinations board Not always mandatory Attendance Test from teacher Exam from examinations board Not always mandatory Credit based on combination of exam, assignments, presentations and participation. Role of self-study in course Homework assignments Online modules for employees working on tight schedules Homework assignments Online modules for employees working on tight schedules Self-study = mandatory element of course Credit can be received for self-study Instructor’s knowledge of content Usually have a good grasp of content Can be limited

10 Activity: Specific skills and genres often found in Higher Education ESP  Writing bibliographies  Predicting lecture content  Listening to lectures  Taking notes  Summarizing a text  Conducting interviews  Reporting research  Defending research  …  Term papers  Theses and dissertations  Reports  Laboratory reports  Abstracts  Proposals  CVs / Résumés  Academic presentations  Essays  … Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011 Specific GenresSpecific Skills

11 The ESP Material for Students in Higher Education Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011 Specific DisciplinesEnglish for Academic Purposes  Career Express: Business English B2  Career Express: Business English C1  English for Mechanical Engineering  English for Medicine  English for Law  Academic Writing C1 Blended Learning Course

12 Cornelsen Campus: English for Mechanical Engineering, English for Medicine and English for Law  12 units per title  Skills: taking notes, listening to lectures, following an argument, contributing to seminars, making presentations, reporting research findings, paraphrasing, labelling diagrams, writing a bibliography  Genres: Case studies, laboratory reports (Mech and Med), different types of essays, writing summaries, CVs, covering letters, research reports  Website to book with useful resources Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011

13 Career Express Business English B2 / C1  12 units per title  Geared for students of economics and business administration  Skills: writing emails, telephoning, small talk, describing graphs, negotiating …  Genres: CVs, cover letters, case studies, presentations, executive summaries, job appraisals, company memos, press releases, term papers …  Online material for self-study Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011

14 Overview of Academic Writing C1  Target group: Students from across various academic disciplines  Modular concept: Instructors assign only those modules pertinent to students’ study  Blended Learning Concept:14 Online modules 14 Writing assignments 28 In-class worksheets Guide to peer-to-peer correcting Marking guide Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011

15 Overview of Academic Writing C1 Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011 Basic KnowledgeWhat is Academic Writing? Important Grammar in Academic Writing Developing a Thesis Statement Cross-genre Writing SkillsDeveloping a Paragraph Transitioning, Defining, Classifying Logic, Cohesion and Opinions Comparisons, Processes, Cause and Effect Graphs, Charts and Tables Dealing with Sources Specific Academic GenresEssays Reports Abstracts Proposals Academic CVs

16 Overview of Academic Writing C1 Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011

17 How can Cornelsen help? Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011 Business EnglishESP in Adult Education ESP in Higher Education Course contentCommunication skills e.g. Meetings, negotiations, small talk, telephoning, emails Specific lexis, genres, discourses, skills; Comm. between experts and bet. experts and lay people Learner’s knowledge of field Not applicable as we are dealing with skills, not knowledge Post-experience, ergo they can be considered ‘true’ experts in their field Still studying, ergo they may have knowledge gaps Means through which learner receives credit for course Attendance Test from teacher Exam from examinations board Not always mandatory Attendance Test from teacher Exam from examinations board Not always mandatory Credit based on combination of exam, assignments, presentations and participation. Role of self-study in course Homework assignments Online modules for employees working on tight schedules Homework assignments Online modules for employees working on tight schedules Self-study = mandatory element of course Credit can be received for self-study Instructor’s knowledge of content Usually have a good grasp of content Can be limited

18 Career Express B2 / C1: Self-Study Possibility to Receive Credit  Includes online workbook, tests, all audio files in coursebook as well as custom-made videos  Workbook: One module per unit, 15 – 20 exercises  Progress is recorded on a unit by unit basis.  One test per unit  Progress and test results can be printed out as a certificate  Certificate checker Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011

19 Career Express C1: Self-Study Students View Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011

20 Career Express C1: Test to receive credit Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011

21 Career Express C1: Instructor verifies results Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011

22 How can Cornelsen help? Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011 Business EnglishESP in Adult Education ESP in Higher Education Course contentCommunication skills e.g. Meetings, negotiations, small talk, telephoning, emails Specific lexis, genres, discourses, skills; Comm. between experts and bet. experts and lay people Learner’s knowledge of field Not applicable as we are dealing with skills, not knowledge Post-experience, ergo they can be considered ‘true’ experts in their field Still studying, ergo they may have knowledge gaps Means through which learner receives credit for course Attendance Test from teacher Exam from examinations board Not always mandatory Attendance Test from teacher Exam from examinations board Not always mandatory Credit based on combination of exam, assignments, presentations and participation. Role of self-study in course Homework assignments Online modules for employees working on tight schedules Homework assignments Online modules for employees working on tight schedules Self-study = mandatory element of course Credit can be received for self-study Instructor’s knowledge of content Usually have a good grasp of content Can be limited

23 Teaching Guide to Career Express B2 – Reducing the knowledge gap Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011 Quick overview of the unit’s subject matter Websites for further reading

24 Cornelsen Campus – Websites to the Book  Each title accompanied by a “Website to the Book”  Contains valuable link lists for instructors and students alike  Language resources  Unit-related links  Supplementary topics  Professional bodes Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011

25 Cornelsen Campus – Websites to the Book Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011

26 Summary  Business English learners tend to come from various disciplines  ESP learners come from specific disciplines / vocations  Result: ESP teachers need to teach specific skills and genres necessary for communication  specialized lexis, focus on certain registers and grammar topics  Hurdle in ESP: Overcoming the knowledge gap  Cornelsen lowers this hurdle by:  Developing content specific to the specialism  Providing background information and resources  Considering institutional needs Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011

27 Thank you for your attention Scott Tokaryk, Cornelsen Verlag (Berlin) Cornelsen Campus: ELT materials designed for students in higher education | BESIG 2011 | Dubrovnik, 20 November 2011

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