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Standardized Tests Why is it Important? What Can I do to Prepare? D. Crisler 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Standardized Tests Why is it Important? What Can I do to Prepare? D. Crisler 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standardized Tests Why is it Important? What Can I do to Prepare? D. Crisler 2013

2 Responding to Text(s) Guiding Questions Do you think standardized tests are important? Why or why not? Do you know what the tests are used for? What can you do to prepare for the test? What helps you to prepare for tests? How do you learn best? How do you remember what you’ve learned? What do you think you need to know in order to be successful?

3 A Non-Fiction Text Link and-interpret-results and-interpret-results

4 A Student Debate on Testing Scholastic News MAR 19, 2012 This issue includes Too Many Tests? MAR 19, 2012

5 Writing with Dr. Taylor Phrase with starter word, ___________. If I want to do well on the AIMS test, then ________________. -ing word phrase, _____________. Preparing for the AIMS test, I decided ___________________. Hoping to _______________, _________________________. Wanting to_______________, _________________________. (While) Practicing ______________,____________________. (When) Preparing ______________, ____________________. Surprised that the AIMS test is coming soon, _____________. Excited by the chance to show what I have learned, ________.

6 Topic Sentences Despite not liking to take tests, I think it is important to show what you have learned. While discussing the AIMS test, I realized it is more important than I thought. After learning more about the AIMS test, I discovered how important it is for me to do my best. Because I have to take the AIMS test, I wanted to learn more about it and what I could do to prepare.

7 AIMS Testing (example) Because I have to take the AIMS test, I wanted to learn more about it and what I could do to prepare. As my class was discussing an article, I realized the results of tests are used for many different things. “High stakes tests can have a significant impact on school assessment and class placement.” Here we see that besides showing what individual students have learned, the results might be used when making decisions about my future. In Arizona, the schools get a report card based on how well the students at their school score on the test. It seems the results are important for students, teachers, principals, and the whole school.

8 Preparing for the test is a year long activity. “Successful test- takers tend to be students with good attendance, homework, and study habits.” Here we see in order to be well prepared, it is important to pay attention in class. Hoping to do well, I’ve decided I will really focus on the review lessons my teacher has prepared. In addition, I’m going to be sure and finish my homework. If I don’t understand something, I need to ask my teacher or parents for help. There are also things I can do right before the big test. “Teachers say the students who struggle the most on testing days are the one who didn’t have enough sleep or a good breakfast the day of the test.” Wanting to be able to focus and do my best, I know I need to get plenty of sleep and eat a good breakfast. It is also important for me to be on time. While taking the test, I plan to show my work, prove my answers, and take my time to double check my work. Since I understand more about the importance of the test, I’m going to do everything I can to make sure I do my best. Obviously, if I pay attention and do my very best work, the test will be a celebration of all I have learned.

9 The Biggest Test In the Universe (28:27) By Nancy Poydar is a story of a boy dreading the "big test" which has become his elementary school's rite of passage (not unlike the SOL tests). The pressure to prepare and to do well in this test is echoed by host LeVar Burton's daughter Michaela as she practices for an audition and by the young members of the NYC children's theater group TADA! as they pour their hearts and souls into preparing for a performance. Dreaming bigger and trying harder often yields levels of achievement not thought possible. Note: This book is available in the media center at Lafe Nelson School

10 Student example: Prewriting Complex Sentences

11 Rough draft using colored strips for each part of “The Secret Recipe”


13 Final copy


15 Another final copy

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