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Spacecraft Level Testing and Verification Part 3 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Spacecraft Level Testing and Verification Part 3 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spacecraft Level Testing and Verification Part 3 1

2 Part 3 Roadmap 2 Test Purposes and Industry Practices Test Types Test Levels Test Margins Unit Testing Thermal CyclingThermal Vacuum Unit Test Requirements Development TestingSubsystem Testing Spacecraft Level Testing Objectives Test Temperatures Spacecraft Thermal Balance Math Model Correlation Space Environment Simulation Test PlanningLessons Learned Testing Checklist

3 Introduction This lesson will describe the thermal tests that are typically performed at the spacecraft level. 3

4 Overview Thermal vacuum, thermal balance and thermal cycle testing of spacecraft will be described along with government requirements for such tests. The process by which appropriate test temperatures are established based on the allowable temperature ranges of spacecraft components will be discussed. The process by which thermal math models are correlated to thermal balance test data will be outlined. 4

5 Spacecraft Level Testing Also known as “system level”. Emphasis is different that at the unit or subsystem level. – Final ground verification of system and unit performance in a flight-like environment. – Focus is not on individual unit functionality, but rather on end-to-end performance verification of subsystems. Interfaces between units and subsystems. Continuity of mission objectives. Compatibility of different subsystem requirements. Flight-worthiness of vehicle. 5

6 Spacecraft Level Thermal Tests Qualification – Thermal vacuum Functional performance test demonstrating the ability of vehicle to meet design requirements under vacuum and at prescribed temperature extremes plus a margin. – Thermal balance Part of thermal vacuum test. Thermal model correlation and verification of thermal design and hardware. – Thermal cycling Environmental stress screening for detection of design and manufacturing process defects. 6

7 Spacecraft Level Thermal Tests (cont.) Acceptance – Thermal vacuum Functional performance tests to prove workmanship and flight-worthiness. – Thermal cycling Environmental stress screening exposes workmanship defects. 7

8 Spacecraft Level Thermal Test Objectives Primary focus: thermal vacuum test. – Emphasizes proving flight-worthiness and system performance in a flight-like environment. Thermal vacuum environment provides the most realistic flight conditions. Thermal gradients and temperature extremes will be most accurately represented. 8

9 Spacecraft Level Thermal Test Objectives (cont.) Secondary focus: thermal cycling. – Emphasizes stress screening to detect problems. This should have been completed at a lower level of assembly. Problems are extremely costly to fix at the system level. – Rapid rates of temperature change can be difficult (impossible) to achieve with the full spacecraft. – Environmental stress screening is not as perceptive. 9

10 Meeting Spacecraft Level Thermal Test Objectives Qualification testing with a non-flight spacecraft rarely performed due to cost. – Protoqual testing typical at spacecraft level for most programs. – Acceptance testing typical for second and subsequent spacecraft in a block buy. 10

11 Spacecraft-level Protoqual/Acceptance Testing Demonstrates system performance in vacuum at or near maximum and minimum expected flight temperatures plus applicable margin. Detect material, process and workmanship defects. – Emphasis is on mounting, cabling, connectors and unit and subsystem interactions. 11

12 Spacecraft level Protoqual/Acceptance Testing (cont.) Functional verification of thermal control hardware. – Abbreviated test during one cycle. – Heater control circuit hardware function and control authority. – Heat pipe performance. – Propulsion thermal performance. Test objectives accomplished during functional testing at temperature plateaus and during temperature transitions. 12

13 Thermal Subsystem Verification in Acceptance Tests Spacecraft thermal design previously verified by thermal balance test on qual/protoqual vehicle, but build-to-build variations can have thermal impacts. Installation quality of thermal control hardware is highly sensitive to individual technician’s performance. 13

14 Thermal Subsystem Verification in Acceptance Tests (cont.) Some manufacturing processes are difficult to control: – Interface materials (contact conductance). – Wrapping of tapes and heater elements (overlap, tension). – MLI wraps (compression, seams, overlaps). – Mounting of Optical Solar Reflectors (gap between mirrors). – Attachment of thermostats, sensors and patch heaters. – Thickness and area of optical coatings (paints). – Installation effect on optical properties. Defects seem to concentrate at higher levels of assembly. – Unresolved defects are pushed up to higher levels. 14

15 Test Requirements for Spacecraft Temperature range: Acceptance, Protoflight and Qualification temperature ranges are the same as applied at unit level. Actual spacecraft temperature cycle range is limited by units within the spacecraft that reach their allowable limits first. 15

16 Test Requirements for Spacecraft (cont.) Number of cycles, dwell duration, thermal balance: (1,3) *Qualification testing rarely performed at spacecraft level ** JPL limits spacecraft level thermal tests to Acceptance temperature levels *** GSFC allows 2 cycles for spacecraft that sees <10°C temperature variation on orbit OrganizationTest LevelNumber of cycles Dwell at plateaus (hours) Thermal Balance phases GSFCAcceptance4*** 24 with 2 hot and 2 cold starts 3 or more Protoflight“““ Qualification*“““ JPLAcceptanceNot specified 2 or more Protoflight**N/A Qualification**N/A DoDAcceptance4 8 first and last cycle, 4 on other cycles Not required Protoflight4“3 or more Qualification*8““ 16

17 Example - Spacecraft Thermal Vacuum Test Profile 17 0Pumpdown9TB Phase 9 19Cold 3 trend 1TB Phase 1 ascent10TCS htr A funct20Cold to hot 3 2TB Phase 2 heater/survival11Cold 1 trend21Hot 3 trend 3TB Phase 3 pre op pre heat12Cold to hot 1,22Hot to cold 3 4TB Phase 4 cold op/eclipse13Hot 1 trend23TCS htr B funct 5TB Phase 5 14Hot to cold 124Cold funct 4 6TB Phase 6 cold to hot 15Cold 2 trend25Cold to hot 4 6AOutgas/functional tests 16Cold to hot 226Hot funct 4 7TB Phase 7 hot17Hot 2 trend27Power down, 8TB Phase 8 hot 18Hot to cold 2

18 Test Temperatures 18

19 Establishing Space Vehicle Level Test Temperatures Objective is to get as many units as possible to their individual protoqual or acceptance temperatures. – More benign test temperature plateaus may be established to demonstrate in-spec performance. Vehicle is divided into thermal control zones. – Equipment panel, individual heater control zone. Unit nearest its temperature limit is used for control of that zone. – Do not want to exceed test temperature limits for any units. 19

20 Establishing Space Vehicle Level Test Temperatures (cont.) First thermocouple in a zone to reach the test temperature establishes when the entire zone is at the test temperature. – Results in most units within a zone being tested at a less stressing temperature than in unit level test. – Illustrates the importance of complete unit level testing. 20

21 Example – Establishing Vehicle Level Test Temperatures Unit acceptance test range – A: -24°C to +61°C (85°C range) – B: -10°C to +70°C (80°C range) – C: -34°C to +50°C (84°C range) Vehicle level temperature predictions (without 11°C margin) – A: -5°C to +45°C (50°C range) – B: -5°C to +52°C (57°C range) – C: -5°C to +35°C (40°C range) Vehicle level temperature predictions (with margin) – A: -5°C to +56°C (61°C range) – B: -5°C to +63°C (68°C range) -5°C to +46°C (51°C range) – C: -5°C to +46°C (51°C range) Test tolerance (±3°C) and test margin of safety (±3°C) – -5°C to +40°C (45°C range) Functional testing begins when first unit in zone reaches temperature – Results in an even less stressful temperature range for most units (~35°C range) 21 A C B 3 electronic units on a common panel in the same thermal test zone }

22 Example - Space Vehicle Level Test Temperatures 22

23 Thermal Vacuum Test Functional Testing Perform functional test prior to chamber door closure. Full functional tests desirable during first and last cycle at hot and cold temperature limits. – Required by MilStd 1540, optional for NASA. (1,3) Abbreviated functional tests performed at hot and cold temperature limits for intermediate cycles. Final functional test performed after test is completed and chamber door opened. 23

24 Thermal Vacuum Test Functional Testing (cont.) Operational status of spacecraft: – Equipment operational during all portions of the test and should be programmed through various operational modes with perceptive parameters being monitored (recorded). – Only exception to this is during transitions from hot to cold. – Operating times should be divided approximately equally between primary and redundant circuits. 24

25 Spacecraft Thermal Balance Test 25

26 Thermal Balance Test Objectives Performed as part of the system qualification thermal vacuum test. Provides test data for correlation of thermal model. – Temperature data (steady-state and transient). – Heater power usage. – Electronic box power dissipations. 26

27 Thermal Balance Test Objectives (cont.) Verifies spacecraft thermal design. – Components remain within allowable temperature limits. – Interface temperature requirements are met. – Thermal gradients are as expected. 27

28 Thermal Balance Test Objectives (cont.) Shows thermal hardware works over full temperature range. – Heater operation: measure current draw, demonstrate margin. – Thermostat operation: verify location and primary/backup functionality. – Radiator sizing is adequate. – Heat pipe operation, sizing and location. – Louvers, phase change materials, interface materials, cryocoolers function as expected. – Flight temperature sensor accuracy. – Thermal software control and commanding. 28

29 Thermal Balance Test Objectives (cont.) Example - Solar Array Damper Heater Verification 29

30 Thermal Balance Test Phases A minimum of three test phases are usually required. – Hot operational equilibrium phase. – Cold operational equilibrium phase. – Cold non-operational equilibrium phase (typically cold “survival”). Heater verification. – Additional phases, as necessary, for further correlation, transients, eclipse conditions, software verification, etc. –. 30

31 Thermal Balance Test Phases (cont.) Test phases are usually specified for worst case conditions. – Need not be the absolute worst case condition, but similar to thermal design cases. Combination of seasons, equipment duty cycles, solar angles and eclipses. – Component internal dissipation, voltage, and environment typically held constant. “Pseudo” steady-state is achieved for components cycling on thermostats. 31

32 Example - Spacecraft Thermal Balance Test Profile 32

33 Thermal Balance Test Data Collection Temperatures for all test thermocouples and flight thermistors are recorded once all have reached equilibrium. – Thermal engineer decides when equilibrium has been achieved. Guideline, such as “≤0.5°C/hr”, should be established prior to test. – No cycling of equipment or environmental heaters during equilibrium phases. – Balance may be approached from a more extreme condition for conservatism. 33

34 Thermal Balance Test Data Collection (cont.) Heater duty cycle data also taken for model correlation and heater subsystem verification. For transient phases, temperatures are taken from a known equilibrium state through the entire transition. – End point need not be an equilibrium phase, but component power should be held constant until the transient phase is completed. 34

35 Functional Performance During Thermal Balance Important to exercise all important heat flow paths. – Across critical box to mounting surface interfaces, especially for high power units. – Across heat pipe interfaces. – Verify spreading of heat onto radiator surfaces. – Thermal gradients on equipment panels. – Requires that time be spent before the test to identify all critical heat flow paths and that test phases be implemented to verify them. 35

36 Functional Performance During Thermal Balance (cont.) Important to obtain operational responses of temperature-sensitive and mission critical equipment. – May require dedicated test phase to impose specific environment. 36

37 Thermal Math Model Correlation 37

38 Thermal Model Correlation Process Prior to test, spacecraft temperatures and heater power usage are predicted for planned test configuration and environment. During each phase of thermal balance testing, temperatures and heater duty cycle data are recorded for comparison to the thermal model predictions. 38

39 Thermal Model Correlation Process (cont.) Test configuration information are recorded. – Spacecraft bus voltage, electronic box operating modes, chamber cold plate temperatures, test heater power, etc. needed to confirm test conditions were as assumed in pre-test predictions. Thermal model predictions are updated with as-run test configuration prior to start of model correlation. 39

40 Thermal Model Correlation Process (cont.) Correlation of thermal model: – Model parameters adjusted within reasonable range to bring predictions into agreement with test data. Conduction and radiation heat transfer paths often adjusted. Spacecraft geometric model is rarely modified. All changes must be justifiable and reasonable. – Each thermal balance test phase is correlated to model predictions separately. – With each new correlation phase, care must be taken so as not to destroy correlation achieved in previous case. 40

41 Thermal Model Correlation Process (cont.) Correlation criteria vary from organization to organization, but ±3 to 5°C is typical. – Correlation criteria for heater power not generally specified, but criteria of  10% has been used. 41

42 Thermal Model Correlation Process (cont.) Following correlation, final flight temperature and heater duty cycle predictions are made. Compliance with thermal uncertainty or Allowable Flight Temperature (AFT) margin requirements demonstrated. Heater power control authority demonstrated. Any non-compliances require hardware or operational changes to maintain margin, or a waiver after appropriate review of risk. Despite test correlation, math model still has inherent uncertainties. 42

43 Residual Flight Temperature Uncertainties Temperature and heater power correlation deviations remain. Test unknowns: – Spurious heat sources in chamber. – Limited number of test cases. – Absorbed heating is an indirect technique. – Instrumentation inaccuracy. – Individual component dissipation accuracy. – End-of-life thermophysical properties cannot be tested. – Test cable and support structure losses. – Test equipment interference. 43

44 Residual Flight Temperature Uncertainties (cont.) Design changes as a result of testing are rarely verified by re-test. Other vehicle hardware changes such as box change-outs, addition of flight equipment that could not be tested in chamber, etc. 44

45 Concluding Remarks for Part 3 While defects in individual units may be discovered in spacecraft level test, emphasis is on interfaces and end-to-end verification of the system. Goal is to bring as many units as possible to their target temperature by setting up thermal control zones. Vacuum thermal cycling required on most programs, most commonly for 4 cycles. Thermal balance test required to correlate math model and verify thermal design. 45

46 Conclusion of Part 3 46

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