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Mr C Johnston ICT Teacher BTEC IT Unit 43 - Lesson 10 Reviewing Your Multimedia Product.

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1 Mr C Johnston ICT Teacher BTEC IT Unit 43 - Lesson 10 Reviewing Your Multimedia Product

2 Objectives Understand the need to review a multimedia product upon completion to ensure that its fit for purpose, Know the different stages of the review process and the tools and techniques used in each.

3 Reviewing Process Overview For the award of P6, M3 and D2 you need to review the multimedia product made and make changes so that it meets the user requirements more closely, The review process includes several stages: Test the product to ensure that it works properly using a test plan, Use a questionnaire to find out the opinions of users, Collate the evidence and suggest / make changes to the product, Carry out further review to see if any further changes need to be made

4 Testing To test an Interactive Multimedia Product a test table should be produced and completed to show that it functions, Some screen shots would help prove that testing has been carried out, Test all elements including: positioning, animation, sound, video and interaction – probably best to set you page to landscape, To make it fair publish your project before testing so its fully stand alone and how it would be distributed to the client.

5 Possible Tests

6 Test Plan Table Example Full version @

7 User Feedback As well as producing a test plan, you should also seek the opinions of people who will be actually using the product - this is known as “collecting user feedback”, Carrying out an interview or giving questionnaires to potential users is a suitable method of obtaining this feedback, The more people you question the better the feedback will be however it is essential you only ask people within the target audience of the product – if its for primary school children then only primary school children should be asked!

8 Questionnaire Questions

9 User Feedback GCSE Example

10 P6 Requirements P6 requires you to test the products functionality using a test plan and collect responses from potential users, These responses need to then reviewed and these questions answered: What does the product do? What is good about the product? What is bad about the product? How are the user requirements met / not met? How can the product be adjusted to meet the user requirements more closely?

11 M3 Requirements M3 requires you to evidence suggested changes to your product – upon completion it will need to be published and tested again (functional and user) to check the changes are suitable. Reviewing for P6 should include feedback from users. You should review the responses, determine any changes that could be made to the product so it meets the user requirements more closely. For M3, you need to adapt your product accordingly. Evidence for M3 should include retesting. P6 - review a multimedia product using user feedback, M3 - adapt a product in line with user feedback. P6 - review a multimedia product using user feedback, M3 - adapt a product in line with user feedback.

12 D2 Requirements 1 D2 is an extension of both P6 and M3, It judges the quality of the initial testing the review process and the retesting to ensure that your product is fully functional and meets the user requirements the best it can, You written review should be extended and cover all of these points in detail What does the product do? What is good about the product? What is bad about the product? – consider each of the features you have included How are the user requirements met / not met? (list each requirement and justify how its been met)? How can the product be adjusted to meet the user requirements more closely?

13 D2 Requirements 2 You should also write a further review after the retesting to suggest any further enhancements which could be made. For D2, the final product will have been fully tested and reviewed in the light of user feedback, with all errors detected and either corrected or identified as an area for future development. D2 - Reflect on feedback, suggesting future developments.,

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