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Political systems of the Czech Republic and the ESC

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1 Political systems of the Czech Republic and the ESC
The branches of political power Veronika Vobořilová, V8A

2 Content Introduction The UK: the legislative branch
the executive branch the judicial branch The USA: the legislative branch The Czech Republic: the legislative branch Summary

3 Introduction Checks and Balances

4 The legislative branch – the UK
the Parliament – the House of Lords + the House of Commons the House of Lords – Parliament's upper house , 700 lords – hereditary members, lifetime peers the House of Commons – Parliament's lower house, 650 members, 5-year terms debating and passing laws, debating current issues Wesminster in London upper/lower house – horní/dolní komora peer – člen Sněmovny lordů


6 The executive branch – the UK
Her Majesty's Government (HMG) the Prime Minister and his Cabinet over 80 ministers carries out the laws answerable to the Parliament carry out – vykovávat answerable – odpovědný

7 The judicial branch – the UK
independent three distinct systems of laws – English law, Northern Ireland law, Scots law enforcing the laws headed by the Supreme Court of the UK distincs – odlišný enforce – uvést v platnost

8 The legislative branch – the USA
the United States Congress Senate (100 members, 6-year term) + House of Representatives (435 members, 2 year-term) responsible for writing and passing bills approving treaties, regulating trade and money a bill – návrh zákona approve - schvalovat

9 The executive branch – the USA
the President – the head of state and military vice president and the Cabinet elected for a 4-year term one of the world's most powerful people

10 The judicial branch – the USA
the U.S. Supreme Court interprets the meaning of the Constitution nine judges appoited by the president Supreme Court justices serve on the Court for life

11 The legislative branch – the CR
the Parliament (two chambres) the Chamber of Deputies (200 members, 4-year term) + the Senate (81 members, every two years one third is renewed) passing laws, signing international treaties the Chamber of Deputies – Poslanecká sněmovna

12 The executive branch – the CR
the President (the head of state) + the Government (the Prime Minister, Bohuslav Sobotka) Cabinet – the Prime Minister and Ministers the president – elected every five years, Miloš Zeman enforcing laws made by the Parliament, foreign affairs, defence policy, industry, agriculture, transport etc.

13 Straka Akademy – the seat of the Government

14 The judicial branch – the CR
represented by courts at various levels the Constitutional Court (rules on constitutional issues) + the Supreme Court (the highest court of appeals) applying the law in individual cases judges serve for an unlimited period of time the Supreme Court – Nejvyšší soud the Constitutional Court – Nejvyšší správní soud

15 the Supreme Court the Constitutional Court

16 Summary The UK The USA The CR The legislative branch
the Parliament – the House of Lords, the House of Commons The United State Congress – the Senate, the House of Representatives The Parliament – the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate The executive branch The British Government – the Prime Minister and his Cabinet The President (+ vicepresident, the Cabinet) The President, the Government The judicial branch The Supreme Court of the UK The U.S. Supreme Court the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court

17 Sources Politics of the Czech Republic ranch Political system of the Czech Republic f_the_czech_republic/index.html Politics of the United States of America. Overviews of the UK government Systems of governemnt

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