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Georgia’s Community Living Program - Support Options Cara Pellino Atlanta Regional Commission Kim Grier Division of Aging Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Georgia’s Community Living Program - Support Options Cara Pellino Atlanta Regional Commission Kim Grier Division of Aging Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Georgia’s Community Living Program - Support Options Cara Pellino Atlanta Regional Commission Kim Grier Division of Aging Services

2 The Community Living Program A strategy that builds on the Aging Network’s existing work to develop comprehensive systems of community based supports to help people live at home for as long as possible and avoid unnecessary placement in nursing homes using non-Medicaid funding.

3 Key Elements Modernization OAA funds and other state revenues are used in a more flexible manner to provide more service options. Consumer-Directed Care Model Empowers consumers to direct their service dollars. Nursing Home Diversion Delays or prevents nursing home placement.

4 Community Living Program Strategy Home/Community Nursing Home Spenddown to Medicaid Low-Risk of NH Placement & Spending down to Medicaid Medium-Risk of NH Placement & Spending down to Medicaid High-Risk of NH Placement & Spending down to Medicaid Nursing Home/Medicaid Diversion

5 Components of Effective Community Living Programs Uses the Aging Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) or other single entry point system Offers flexible services, supports and financing to meet the unique needs and preferences of the individual Self-directed care is the cornerstone of the CLP Targets individuals at high risk of nursing home placement and high risk of spending down to Medicaid Complements the efforts of family caregivers and other community supports Is not case management

6 Defining Self-Directed Care Also referred to as consumer-directed care Is a philosophy and a practice Usually includes the purchase of both services and products Quick definition: choice and direction of care by its user

7 GA’s Community Living Program Eligibility Age Frailty Level (DON-R) Income Resource Authorized Representative Services In Home Services Respite Care Treatment and Training Environmental Modifications Material Goods

8 Determination of Need – Revised (DON-R) Standardized assessment tool Measures functional impairment and unmet need for care Allows for independent assessment of: Impairment in functioning on basic activities of daily living and Impairment in functioning on instrumental activities of daily living and The need for assistance to compensate for these impairments

9 Function Level of Impairment Unmet Need For Care Case Comments: Identify resources, describe special needs and circumstances that should be taken into account when developing a care plan 1. Eating0 1 2 3 2. Bathing0 1 2 3 3. Grooming0 1 2 3 4. Dressing0 1 2 3 5. Transferring0 1 2 3 6. Continence0 1 2 3 7. Managing Money0 1 2 3 8. Telephoning0 1 2 3 9. Preparing Meals0 1 2 3 10. Laundry0 1 2 3 11. Housework0 1 2 3 12. Outside Home0 1 2 3 13. Routine Health0 1 2 3 14. Special Health0 1 2 3 15. Being Alone0 1 2 3 Box A: Subtotal Col A, Items 1-6 Box ABox BBox B: Subtotal Col B, Items 1-6 Box C: Subtotal Col A., Items 7 - 15 Box CBox DBox D: Subtotal Col B, Items 7 - 15 Box E: Subtotal Box A & Box C Box EBox FBox F: Subtotal Box B & Box D Box GBox G: Subtotal Box E & Box F

10 Aging Information Management System (AIMS) AIMS is a statewide information system designed specifically for Georgia to assist in the accountability and management of aging services and includes: Extensive client data Effective reports for each program and service Providers and services authorized

11 Current State of the Community Living Program in GA Received 3 rd round of funding Accepted for Veterans Directed Home and Community Based Services Expanding to Northwest Georgia Area Agency on Aging

12 GA’s Community Living Program – Consumer Statistics 91% have an authorized representative 67% have a dementia diagnosis 76% currently access respite as a service option 100% agree that Support Options has allowed them or their loved ones to live in and receive services in the place they most desire

13 Quotes “I thank God for this program. It seems too good to be true.” Support Options Consumer “It’s just been a wonderful thing…this gives her more freedom.” Daughter of a Support Options Consumer

14 More Quotes “Support Options has allowed my father to remain in my home with his family. Without this program, I would not have been able to keep my father at home – he would have had to go into a nursing home…This is my father’s final stage of life and his request is to remain at home. Thank you all for helping us carry out his wishes.” Daughter of a Support Options consumer

15 Veteran Directed Home and Community-Based Services

16 Contact Information Cara Pellino 404-463-3158 Kim Grier 404-520-2101

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