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NOAA EDMC 2012-05-15 Ocean Observatories Initiative Cyberinfrastructure Karen Stocks OOI CI Data Curator University of California, San Diego Ocean Observatories.

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Presentation on theme: "NOAA EDMC 2012-05-15 Ocean Observatories Initiative Cyberinfrastructure Karen Stocks OOI CI Data Curator University of California, San Diego Ocean Observatories."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOAA EDMC 2012-05-15 Ocean Observatories Initiative Cyberinfrastructure Karen Stocks OOI CI Data Curator University of California, San Diego Ocean Observatories Initiative

2 MEETING, Date OOI Science Mission OOI science themes Ocean-atmosphere exchange Climate variability, ocean circulation, and ecosystems Turbulent mixing and biophysical interactions Fluid-rock interactions and the subseafloor biosphere Plate-scale, ocean geodynamics Additional science foci Ocean ecosystem health, climate change, carbon cycling, ocean acidification

3 MEETING, Date OOI Stations

4 MEETING, Date Long-term, in-situ instrumentation

5 MEETING, Date Cyberinfrastructure: linking the marine infrastructure to science and user

6 MEETING, Date Near-Real-Time data Streaming data w/latency of seconds Why Near-Real-Time? Facilitates rapid modeling and predictions Enables geophysical event response Supports disaster response Enables observatory operations

7 MEETING, Date Near-Real-Time CI Publication/subscription service Event/messaging-based system Dynamic user interface Automated quality control

8 MEETING, Date Time Series Data OOI has defined set of core data products it will produce over the 25-year timeframe of OOI. These must be scientifically-meaningful time-series data able to support, for example, climate change research.

9 MEETING, Date Long term data products Time series will span deployments redeployments calibrations recalibrations instrument swaps model changes algorithm changes platform changes…

10 MEETING, Date Long term data products Time series will span deployments redeployments calibrations recalibrations instrument swaps model changes algorithm changes platform changes… = Event-driven system; data & metadata models, and user interface designed for dynamic data

11 MEETING, Date OOI Integrated Observatory 11 Observatory Requirements: Provide one integrated observatory interface to investigate observations, manage the observatory and its assets and collaborate with each other in teams.

12 MEETING, Date Spiral Development Plan 12 CI Release-1: Data Distribution Network Provide framework for discovery and interaction based on data-intensive users’ needs CI Release-2: Managed Instrument Network Provide support for operations and maintenance of marine networks based on RSN and CGSN needs CI Release-3: On Demand Measurement Processing Provide dynamic analysis and visualization tools based on science communities’ user needs CI Release-4: Interactive Ocean Observatory Provide mission control and collaboration support based on science communities’ needs Scientific Collaboration General Science Users Science Experts Resource Providers

13 MEETING, Date Fully managed instrument activation and control; ready for deployment on OOI moorings and cable infrastructure Operate Marine Observatories Operate Platforms and Instruments Manage Instrument Lifecycle Test and Troubleshoot Instruments Acquire Data and Generate Data Products Search Data Visualize Data Manage the Integrated Observatory Network Release 2 – Late 2012 Target: Instrument Operation

14 MEETING, Date Release 2 Target: Core data production

15 MEETING, Date Release 3 – Late 2013 First broad public release supporting scientists, education, and the public. The “externalization” of OOI CI will be fully developed in R3 data formats, services, and standards for interoperability with external communities and applications

16 MEETING, Date Release 3 – Late 2013 First broad public release supporting scientists, education, and the public. The “externalization” of OOI CI will be fully developed in R3 data formats, services, and standards for interoperability with external communities and applications

17 MEETING, Date National Data Center Submission OOI falls under NSF data policy Will submit (offer) all data to the appropriate National Data Center, as soon as possible after aquisition Let’s talk…

18 MEETING, Date Determined technologies/standards 18 NetCDF CF NetCDF Attribute Convention for Dataset Discovery ISO 19115 Geographic Metadata OGC GML Application Schema – Coverages/ISO 19124 Schema for Coverage Geometry and Function CF-NetCDF Encoding (a profile of DAP) THREDDS & DAP

19 MEETING, Date External Observatory Integration (Release 3) 19 Create interoperability with select target communities. The initial target community is NOAA IOOS (data and metadata model mappings) NEPTUNE Canada and the World Meteorological Organization later Present the OOI-CI using the same interface as the existing IOOS Regional Associations (RA’s) Enable acquisition of science data from external observatories (DAP, SOS, HFR, Glider, MetOcean Models) Distribution of OOI-CI data via the services/protocols used by the IOOS RA’s (DAP, SOS)

20 MEETING, Date Summary CI supports instrument operation and data management as well as data access Designed to support Near-real-time data and access Long-term time series Iterative releases: late 2012 instrument management; late 2013 broad public release Will interporate with other observatories, contribute to National Data Centers, and support community standards, services, and formats

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