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COTS for on-detector timing distribution. Status report and preliminary tests. A. Aloisio, R. Giordano University of Naples ‘Federico II’ and INFN

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1 COTS for on-detector timing distribution. Status report and preliminary tests. A. Aloisio, R. Giordano University of Naples ‘Federico II’ and INFN

2 SuperB Workshop - SLAC, Oct.092 Overview SerDes in the ETD framework COTS for the FCTS Testing the NSC DS92LV18 Info from the foundry: layout, process, … Preparing for the rad tests Work in progress Conclusions

3 Setting the scene SuperB Workshop - SLAC, Oct.093 From : D. Breton & U. Marconi Proposal for the Electronics Trigger and DAQ architecture of SuperB June 8th 2009, Perugia Workshop FCTS: Fast Control and Trigger System FE: Front End ROM: Read Out Module In the ETD framework, serial links with different features have been specified FCTS-to-FEE distributes timing on detector: it needs fixed latency, low jitter, rad tolerance

4 Why COTS ? SerDes embedded in SRAM FPGAs very likely can not be used Off-the-shelf components could be selected and qualified for rad-tolerance Glue-logic could go in anti-fuse FPGAs Alternatives: custom design, SLHC GBT project, …

5 The NSC DS92LV18 SerDes Full duplex transceiver 18bit payload, 20bit symbol, 15 to 66 MHz Up to 1.3 Gbit/s LVDS serial I/O 3.3V, ~1 W (max) SuperB Workshop - SLAC, Oct.095

6 DS92LV18 Plus/Minus Plus Simple protocol -> fixed latency 20bit simbol, compatible with FPGA embedded transceivers Tolerant TX vs. RX clock frequency scheme 0.25 um CMOS process already qualified (not the part) Cheap (<10€) Minus 1 Gbit/s range Encoding required externally

7 Evaluation Board Eval board available from National 2 transceivers + 1 dual-transmitter LVDS serial streams on SMA connectors Data/controls/clocks on test points SuperB Workshop - SLAC, Oct.097 18 TX clockRX refclk 18 RX clock Coax cables TX RX

8 Latency test Fixed latency, after loss-of-lock, reset, power cycle T lat =  72ns @ 61.2 MHz (5ns coax cables) SuperB Workshop - SLAC, Oct.098 TX clock Tx-D0 RX clock (recovered) Rx-D0

9 Physical protocol 20bit symbol: start, 18bit payload, stop Guaranteed transitions at the symbol boundary No encoding provided, pattern is transmitted as-it-is 61.2 MHz x 20 -> 1.2 Gbit/s, 1.1 Gbit/s user bandwidth, 1 UI = 817 ps SuperB Workshop - SLAC, Oct.099 startstopstartstopstart

10 Errored Stream Errored streams with missing start/stop are emulated by a data generator Errors (1 every 200 symbols) are injected into the deserializer to study loss-of-lock and error recovery timing ‘Training’ or ‘Sync’ pattern are needed to achieve a new lock SuperB Workshop - SLAC, Oct.0910 RX refclk Missing start Error flag start stop RX

11 SYNC patterns A SYNC pattern is a fixed payload of 9bit high followed by 9bit low: it is an unambiguous pattern to align with It is generated on-demand by the TX to favour the lock: specific user payloads may disrupt the process We have used a modified pattern to stress the CDR start stop start stop start payload 9 UI Modified SYNC Pattern payload 18 UI SYNC Pattern

12 Loss-of-lock Each and every missing start/stop triggers a loss-of-lock Then, the RX automatically tries to lock on the stream Lock is (should be) guaranteed by SYNC patterns: BELLE reports a few problems with older components, no issues have been seen during our tests SuperB Workshop - SLAC, Oct.09 12 Error flag RX recovered clock LOCK* Error injection Loss-of-LockLock achieved

13 Recovery time Recovery time with modified SYNC pattern is 55 clock cycles In our setup, RX refclk is derived from TX clock (too optimistic !) 500 to 1000 clock cycles can be expected in a real working condition (see datasheet) Lock is guaranteed SuperB Workshop - SLAC, Oct.0913 Error flag RX recovered clock LOCK* Error injection 890 ns 250 ns LOCK* Histogram

14 Error close-up Latency of up to 5 clock cycles between error and loss-of-lock, data corrupted immediately Duty cycle distortion on recovered clock, then stuck-at-one SuperB Workshop - SLAC, Oct.0914 Error flag RX recovered clock LOCK* Error injection Up to 5 clock cycles

15 Process info CMOS8 process, 250nm same as DS92LV1023, qualified by ATLAS, CMS No SEU/SEL performed up to now on DS92LV18 (National, ESA, CERN, …) TID test passed up to 100 kRad (National) SuperB Workshop - SLAC, Oct.0915

16 from National Semi TID SuperB Workshop - SLAC, Oct.0916 SEL SEFI

17 SuperB Workshop - SLAC, Oct.0917 DS92LV18 layout serializerdeserializer Chip layout courtesy of National Semiconductor 60 KeV Xray picture 5.5 mm

18 LNS facility SEE/SEU tests are planned in 2010 at LNS (Catania, Italy) 62 MeV proton beam Heavy ion beams available for LET threshold measurements, if needed Waiting for Beam Time Unit call & allocation (end 2009) SuperB Workshop - SLAC, Oct.0918

19 Work in progress DS92LV18 Recovered clock jitter analysis Payload encoding scheme FPGA protocol emulation for hybrid links Rad Tests SuperB Workshop - SLAC, Oct.0919

20 SuperB Workshop - SLAC, Oct.0920 Conclusions DS92LV18 is a candidate for on-detector FCTS implementation It shows fixed latency and it could also be considered for FEE-to-ROM links, depending upon the total bandwidth required Encoding/scrambling to be done externally for DC balance, possibly Error Detection/Correction in the payload Process already validated by ATLAS, CMS, not the part. Rad test at LNS in 2010, with 62 MeV proton beam

21 Acknowledgement We wish to thank Kirby Kruckmeyer, Radiation Effects Engineering Manager, Hi-Rel Operations (National Semiconductor) for his suggestions and precious support We are also grateful to Giacomo Cuttone and his team at LNS for the support in preparing the rad test setup; to Paolo Russo and Giovanni Mettivier (Univ. of Naples and INFN) for the Xray analysis of the DS92LV18

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