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Kraft Macaroni & Cheese: The Largest Blind Taste Test Ever CARA MAHON.

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1 Kraft Macaroni & Cheese: The Largest Blind Taste Test Ever CARA MAHON

2 The Most Famous Mac & Cheese  Kraft Macaroni & Cheese is more than 75 years-old.  Recognizable in its iconic “Blue Box.”  The brand boasts a loyal customer base, but also wants to reach consumers who want a “healthier” product. Photo from

3 How Do You Change An Iconic Brand?  After Kraft announced it was changing its macaroni and cheese formula in April 2015, it received customer backlash. The company knew it had to create a unique campaign to get loyal customers on board.  The “Largest Blind Taste Test” concept was born.  New recipe hit shelves December 2015, but Kraft didn’t tell consumers. Photo from

4 The Big Reveal  On March 7, 2016, Kraft announced that it had been selling its new and improved macaroni and cheese recipe for three months, and hardly anyone noticed.  Kraft used a creative Integrated Marketing Communications Campaign to share their announcement.  Paid Media – television, print and online advertisements  Owned Media – social media, website, revamped packaging design  Earned Media – press releases garnered media mentions in most major news outlets

5 Television Ad Also available online. Went viral. Featured celebrity, Craig Kilborn. Click photo above to see video on YouTube

6 Online & Print Advertising Example

7 Promotional Video Available online. Longer form than television commercial. Click photo above to see video on YouTube

8 Social Media Posts & Themes Screenshots from Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Facebook page

9 Social Media (Continued) Screenshot from Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Twitter account. Posts & themed profile pictures and cover photos displayed the message. #DidntNotice #KraftMacandCheese

10 Website Redesign With New Messaging

11 Package Redesign

12 Media Coverage  Mentions in major news outlets  Covered:  Initial announcement  Sales results  Campaign creativity

13 SWOT Analysis  Strength: As an integrated marketing communications campaign, Kraft utilized earned, owned and paid media strategies to reach a large audience and reinforce its message. Paid ensured customers saw it; earned ensured it was a trusted message; owned built a forum for creativity, fun and transparency.  Weakness: By utilizing owned media in the form of social media networks, some of the conversation power was shifted to consumers which resulted in negative comments and feedback. (See below).  Opportunities: By adding a unique twist and announcing the “taste test” after it was executed, Kraft created a humorous campaign that would tell consumers that they already liked the product. Large positive publicity if successful.  Threats: Many other brands have failed at announcing major changes to products. Some customers might be upset that Kraft “pulled a fast one.”

14 The Importance of Kraft’s Campaign  The grocery industry is quickly changing to accommodate more health- conscious consumers. Brands need to take notice.  Many legacy brands have changed their products in the past and received major backlash. By using creativity, Kraft proved that ingredient- change announcements can turn out successfully.  Thanks to social media, brands’ conversations are controlled by consumers more than ever. Understanding and cultivating these communities is an essential strategy in effectively communicating a brand message.

15 Future Academic Research  Kraft is only one example of a unique campaign that, so far, has proven prosperous. To create an effective equation for success, other brands must prove they can communicate a major ingredient change and please their customers, so researchers can study them also.

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