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Department of Consumer Affairs Bureau of Automotive Repair Data Acquisition Device (DAD) Garrett Torgerson, BAR Engineering I/M Solutions May 19, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Consumer Affairs Bureau of Automotive Repair Data Acquisition Device (DAD) Garrett Torgerson, BAR Engineering I/M Solutions May 19, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Consumer Affairs Bureau of Automotive Repair Data Acquisition Device (DAD) Garrett Torgerson, BAR Engineering I/M Solutions May 19, 2015

2 BAR OBD Inspection System BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR DATA ACQUISITION DEVICE 2 2 Web based software BAR Certified Data Acquisition Device (DAD)

3 OIS Use BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Most 2000 and newer model year gas and hybrid; under 14,001 GVWR All 1998 and newer diesel; under 14,001 GVWR Use BAR-97 on 1976 to 1999 model year gas Use BAR-97 if 2000 or newer without OBDII or over 14,000 GVWR OIS LESSONS LEARNED 3

4 Data Acquisition Device (DAD) BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Hardware interface between OIS computer and vehicle BAR certified per BAR OIS specification –Connects to 99.9% of vehicles –Lab tested on cars, simulators for: no power on pin 16 DLC, high/low temperature, reverse polarity, data validation, etc. –Beta tested in high volume stations (20k tests) –Quarterly updates to maintain annual certification DATA ACQUISITION DEVICE 4

5 Certified DADs BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR DATA ACQUISITION DEVICE 5 Applus Drew Worldwide Opus / ESP Banalogic OTC (Bosch/SPX) Applus Worldwide Ancillary Equipment

6 Status BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR About 7,200 DADs in use –268 stations have more than one DAD –5,067 Brand X DAD –1,580 Brand Y DAD –434 Brand Z DAD 70% OIS tests, 30% BAR-97 tests –over 1,000,000 tests per month combined DATA ACQUISITION DEVICE 6

7 OBDII Data Requested by DAD BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Data requested: Mode $01: monitors, warmups/distance/time since code clear, OBD standard (CA., Fed., etc.) Mode $03: confirmed diagnostic trouble codes Mode $06: monitoring test results; aka real time sensor data Mode $07: pending codes Mode $09: vehicle ID (VIN, CALID, CVN, in use perf. counters) Mode $0A: permanent fault codes (vehicle has to erase) OIS pulls all supported data in modes $01, $06, $09 unless excluded in reference data DATA ACQUISITION DEVICE 7

8 DAD to Vehicle Connectivity Rate BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR 99.9% required per BAR OIS specification –Priority 1 data rate (99.9%), Priority 2 data rate (90.0%) for each of these bins: 1996 to 1999, 2000+ gas, 1998 to 2003, 2004+ diesel could have different connectivity rates Priority 1 is data required to determine a pass/fail result –Includes PID support, Mode 1 PID 1, VIN, RPM Priority 2 data is supplemental data necessary for fingerprinting DATA ACQUISITION DEVICE 8

9 Standardization Across DAD Brands BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR DADs required to negotiate communication with vehicles using established process –Some vehicles require tailored process to be used by all DAD manufacturers –Otherwise all vehicles’ ECUs may not communicate Data communicated consistently to the VID –Concatenate all CVN responses in a string –Append data to negative response code –deliver data in raw form as sent from vehicle, no data manipulation by DAD BAR uses DAD Communication Specification –Proprietary between BAR and DAD Vendors (security) DATA ACQUISITION DEVICE 9

10 Sample of DAD Issues Fixed BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR DAD issues addressed during certification: –inconsistent DAD serial number reporting –improperly encrypted log files –failure to initialize with certain vehicles –failure to retrieve VIN on certain vehicles –no communication on GM with low DLC voltage –wrong protocol attempt order causing VSC light –faulty self test –incomplete Mode $06 data retrieval on vehicle DATA ACQUISITION DEVICE 10

11 DAD Benefits BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Designed to communicate with some broken vehicles: –use of auxiliary DAD power / ground cable when no vehicle power / ground in DLC Designed to ID DAD failure –DAD loopback test required when vehicle fails to communicate –Test validates DAD cable and DAD ability to read all protocols Security feature: DAD ID check during test DATA ACQUISITION DEVICE 11

12 DAD Benefits BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR DAD to vehicle communication log files sent to VID –Value: can see DAD request and vehicle response –Supports investigation of DAD bugs; e.g., did DAD manipulate data, how did vehicle return data Can specify OBD protocol for vehicles sensitive to protocol attempt order DAD Vendor help desk support for DADs –Also helped BAR with BAR OIS software assistance DAD 1 year warranty required DATA ACQUISITION DEVICE 12

13 DAD Use Beyond California BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Advantage: DADs have updates and design features to communicate with a high percentage of vehicles Disadvantage: will not just plug into any software –DAD vendors and IM Software vendors would need to develop and apply their own communication protocol –CA cannot share DAD communication protocol due to security / proprietary reasons DATA ACQUISITION DEVICE 13

14 Questions and Comments BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Submit additional questions and/or comments to: Paul Hedglin Bureau of Automotive Repair 10949 N. Mather Boulevard Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 Phone: 916-403-0223 Fax: 916-464-3425 Email: PRESENTATION TITLE


16 Department of Consumer Affairs Bureau of Automotive Repair California OIS Implementation Lessons Learned Clay Leek, BAR TSB I/M Solutions May 19, 2015

17 OIS Design – Keep It Flexible BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Flexible design, BAR can change reference data to: –Choose type and order of tests: OBD, visual, smoke, liquid leak –Adjust Pass/Fail: monitors, MIL on w/ or w/o codes –Data collection on/off by each Mode (1,3,5,7,9,0A) –Data collection on/off by each PID OIS LESSONS LEARNED 17

18 OIS Implementation BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Slow ramp up possible with flexible regulation language (“…no sooner than”) Make sure VID is stable (Offline tests aren’t an option!) Understand the differences in vehicles before failing (slowly automate data validation) Allowed BAR-97 use during rollout as a failsafe Ensure adequate state coverage before mandatory March 9, 2015 – Mandatory OIS use statewide OIS LESSONS LEARNED 18

19 OIS Ramp Up – Industry Will Need Help BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Help Desks – online and phone support instead of station visits –DAD Vendors support DAD issues (also assisted with OIS Software startup) –BAR Help Desk Tier 1 (non-Engineering) – common issues –BAR Engineering Tier 2 support OIS software, DAD, and PC related issues –VID contractor support outage, certificate purchase OIS LESSONS LEARNED 19

20 OIS Training – Flexible Options Reduce Load on Help Desk BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Startup videos –How to register station to use OIS Software –How to download OIS Software –How to reset password (how to use Shift key) Q&A’s published OIS Software User Guide (screens, search function) DAD User Manuals from DAD vendors OIS LESSONS LEARNED 20

21 OIS Startup – What Was Involved BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR 1.Station obtains Certified DAD and supporting equipment 2.Station returns DAD Disclosure Agreement to DAD vendor –Agreement advises of annual DAD certification 3.DAD Vendor submits DAD serial numbers for VID unlock 4.Vendor emails station with OIS registration and OIS Software download link and training links 5.Owner registers station, then downloads software, then permits inspectors to use OIS OIS LESSONS LEARNED 21

22 OIS Startup Issues BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Computer literacy: Email, complex passwords, purpose of shift key (“Passw0rd!”) Learned helplessness: industry used to being spoon fed. Many users don’t review training materials, don’t read setup screens or user guides Third party issues: emails with passwords get blocked by ATT, Comcast; slow Internet connection (customers on Youtube!) BAR Help Desk cannot see user’s screen OIS LESSONS LEARNED 22

23 OIS Startup Lessons Learned BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Preregister owners with station Assign generic startup password Simplify password and require password changes less frequently Require full system instead of allowing users to build an OIS using off-the-shelf components OIS LESSONS LEARNED 23

24 OIS Lessons Learned BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Web based application: Industry Communication is key when OIS not usable Added OIS Software Self Diagnostics –Internet connection status, VID connection status Added VID monitoring and automated notification to support automated fail over to redundant server BAR Help Desk pre-recorded message when system down OIS LESSONS LEARNED 24

25 Problem Vehicles Lessons Learned BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Vehicle data validation in VID – Go slowly! –Be careful with automated data validation until vehicle issues better understood Some vehicles didn’t conform to SAE specs –Build your database first Non-communication due to automated data validation failure teaches you nothing! –BAR can share specific issue vehicles (reference tables) DATA ACQUISITION DEVICE 25

26 Vehicle Issues – Reference Data BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Sample of vehicles requiring reference data adjustment in VID: –1998-2005 Isuzu NPR diesel w/o OBDII or MIL - OBD off –1998-2003 Ford 7.3l Diesel, Mode $09 kills engine - Mode $09 off –2000-2004 Chryslers, dual protocol, only use JVPW1850 –2003-2004 4Runner, CAN resets vehicle stability –2005-2006 Wrangler, O 2 sensor heater never sets, ignore DATA ACQUISITION DEVICE 26

27 OBD Readiness Monitors BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Activated on BAR-97 and BAR-OIS on May 4, 2015. Gasoline powered: –One incomplete monitor allowed for 1996 to 1999 –Only the evaporative monitor allowed incomplete for 2000 and newer Diesel powered: –Zero monitors allowed incomplete for 1998 to 2006 –Any two monitors allowed incomplete for 2007 and newer Further study required before going with only exhaust after-treatment system monitor (e.g., particulate filter) standard OIS LESSONS LEARNED 27

28 Questions and Comments BUREAU OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR For more information about the BAR OIS, including DAD specifications, go to: Submit additional questions and/or comments to: Paul Hedglin Bureau of Automotive Repair 10949 N. Mather Boulevard Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 Phone: 916-403-0223 Fax: 916-464-3425 Email: PRESENTATION TITLE

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