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Educational Programming for the Gifted 10/16/15 Geoffrey Moon NMAG.

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Presentation on theme: "Educational Programming for the Gifted 10/16/15 Geoffrey Moon NMAG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational Programming for the Gifted 10/16/15 Geoffrey Moon NMAG

2 Values, Assumptions, Paradigms “Need” is for growth at or above the rate of general education students in areas of high potential – Sustained hard work make students less likely to choke – Fulfilling intellectual potential means a better transitional outcome “Areas of Need” ≠ “Areas of Qualification” “Areas of Need” are related to – Strengths – Weaknesses – Position in developmental trajectory (pre, transitional, or post-specialization)

3 Individualization is... Timing of opportunity Breadth of opportunity Focus of opportunity

4 For high-potential students Timing is... Earlier Breadth is... greater before specialization Focus is... narrower after specialization

5 Agenda Individualization Framework Assumptions Model Needs Goal-writing

6 Framework - AB4D Almost Always – address general characteristics of giftedness Development Domain Balance Degree Delimiters

7 Framework - AB4D Almost Always Development – pre-specialization, transition, specialization Domain Balance Degree Delimiters

8 Framework - AB4D Almost Always Development Domain – areas of talent potential Balance Degree Delimiters

9 Framework - AB4D Almost Always Development Domain Balance – Creative, Analytic, Practical Skills and Traits Degree Delimiters

10 Framework - AB4D Almost Always Development Domain Balance Degree – levels of giftedness Delimiters

11 Framework - AB4D Almost Always Development Domain Balance Degree Delimiters – personal factors that inhibit growth


13 Who Needs What – Always Deep, complex, relevant content Grouping with similarly able students (not necessarily exclusive) Acceleration in domains – Mastery of content is shown – 85 th percentile or higher compared to group – High reasoning with symbol set – Interest Additional content – As appropriate to developmental trajectory


15 Who Needs What – Pre Specialization Characteristics for success – Thinking skills – Dispositions – Mindsets Exposure to fields and domains

16 Who Needs What - Transition Big-5 inventory – Extraversion – Agreeableness – Conscientiousness – Openness – Neuroticism Holland inventory - RIASEC Career investigation Visioning

17 Who Needs What - Specialization Networks of Enterprise (some continued breadth) Relevance of general experiences to narrow focus Practice toward 10000 hours Mentorship


19 Domains Symbol SetsSchool SubjectsSpecialization QuantitativeMathsPsychology Visual/SpatialSciences and MathsDesign VerbalHumanitiesWriting Performing ArtsDance

20 Needs General Framework Pre-specializationTransitionSpecalization STEM if high achieving math or science or high reasoning nonverbal or quantitative STEM as beforeName of field (Engineering, computer science, etc) Humanities if high achieving reading or language or high reasoning verbal Humanities as beforeName of field (creative writing, philosophy, etc. Transition Specific problem-solving as needed if core indicators go wrong.


22 Balance Indicators ConstructElementaryMiddleHigh Skill/Knowledge (core subjects) Achievement Tests Classroom Engagement (core subjects) SRBCSS Content Scales + MCA MCASPOCQ Critical Thinking (Analytic) CogAT, Test of Critical Thinking Cornell XCornell Z CreativityTorrance, Rating, SPAF or CPAR review of a product SPAF or CPAR review of a product CAQ checklist Interest/MotivationRatings, Grades and MCA averages Grades and MCA averages Grades and SPOCQ averages

23 Balance Needs IndicatorsPre-SpecializationTransitionSpecialization Interest/PassionsBroad interestsPassion / Personal Vision Identification Knowledge and SkillAbility with symbol set Knowledge “of” or “about” field/domain Knowledge “how” and “why” field/domain CreativityPersonal characteristics General skillsDomain-specific skills


25 Degree Mild – Enrich at grade level Moderate – Accelerate in subjects High – Accelerate whole grades


27 Delimiters Intellectual independence Social-emotional comprehension Stress management Intellectual openness Achievement orientation Persistence and grit Growth mindset Collaborative approach Organization Ethical courage Creative risk-taking Parents went to college Proficiency in basic subjects

28 Mini - IEP Trade Profiles What Developmental Level? What Domain(s) of Need? Balance Needs? Degree of Giftedness? Delimiters?

29 Contact

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