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Discussion points ASSIGNMENT 2. Rationale Understand the rationale as it provides a context. Last two paragraphs are important. Add breadth and /or depth.

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Presentation on theme: "Discussion points ASSIGNMENT 2. Rationale Understand the rationale as it provides a context. Last two paragraphs are important. Add breadth and /or depth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussion points ASSIGNMENT 2

2 Rationale Understand the rationale as it provides a context. Last two paragraphs are important. Add breadth and /or depth to your portfolio Cover most of the standards in ICT certificate, so don’t create extra work for yourself in the last week Gather evidence on prac and do things on prac to make evidence

3 Audience for your work You Me Digital certificate moderators EDC4000 Portfolio readers including interview panels and job application readers. Hence we have asked you to practice portfolio pages now and if you are smart you will create some that meet multiple audiences from now on.

4 Reading for meaning Making a judgement against the criteria. Plus we meet the ICT certificate statements (Yes/no) for some audiences; more for me – see standards Make finding the evidence easy for the various readers. For example recall the curriculum idea of assignment 1 and how the curriculum idea was judged – against the fit to the learning goals.

5 Digital Citizenship Brief Is not only about cybersafety. Revisit the nine elements You may need to write a definition of how you are interpreting DC in this assignment – or at least explain the part you are focusing on as a part in a whole A Brief is a document you might hand someone prior to a meet so they are informed of your request before your discussion. A brief tells the reader what you want them to do and what you will do.

6 The genre Like a newspaper genre Your audience is busy – get to the point in the first 2 sentences Use headings Use Bullets Tell them what you want them to do Help them get ready for your meeting Address to a person Maybe the Memo genre Logical sections through headings End or begin with what they need to do and when Please read the criteria and standards

7 The criteria/standards

8 Curriculum idea ICT rich – through pedagogy, curriculum or content interpretation, perhaps student products and perhaps the processes leading to digital products Plus meet some student ICT capabilities. Is ICT central to how you interpret the curriculum – that is think about how to interpret the curriculum in a digital connected age Is the ICT pedagogy embedded in the idea for implementation? How much do students work digitally throughout the processes of the unit and or assignment?

9 What are the characteristics of an ICT rich Unit of work? Brainstorm Analyse the standards for the assignment Cluster ideas Analyse the indicators for the ICT Certificate Main workshop activity

10 Potential ideas from standards ICT is embedded in the curriculum idea Curriculum interpretation is cognisant of modern connected communities and knowledge systems Digital learning and processes central to what is learned and how it is learned. Pedagogy description describes management of ICT How is ICT use developing higher order thinking or deep communication or processing knowledge More than ordinary – using ICT to promote creative and inventive thinking, real world issues, authentic problems, promote collaborative construction (Think about attributes of a 21C digital learner) CurriculumPedagogy

11 Note curriculum fit – think Deep understandings. Note assessment qualities

12 Keys to success Good curriculum and pedagogical idea Describe the core of the idea as an intro (not done well in Assign 1) Should have a grasp of the whole idea in the introduction Provide evidence for judging standards against the criteria You need to demonstrate as much as you can in the ICT certificate indicators through the pieces of this assessment part.

13 ICT certificate Professional Values – covered by tutorial attendance and design and participation in online events. Professional Relationships - covered by tutorial attendance and design and participation in online events. Professional Knowledge – Covered by your curriculum unit developed in Assignment 2 and by your Digital Citizenship investigation and brief development. Professional Practice – all assignments are required to meet the various indicators, especially the implementation of your curriculum unit. You should provide evidence beyond this – and you can easily. How do you stand out? Beyond the certificate….. Portfolio evidence easily meets the indicators and illustrates the student is working towards or is at the level expected in the ICT pedagogy licence. Presentation illustrates students ICT competence and capacity to use digital publishing tools for publication.

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