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1 BMAT (first pilot in 2003) – School application by 24 th September 5 Universities – including Oxford and Cambridge. (13 courses) Paper based registration.

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1 1 BMAT (first pilot in 2003) – School application by 24 th September 5 Universities – including Oxford and Cambridge. (13 courses) Paper based registration through School – cost £32.10 (2009)payable to the School on registration. The test is taken in School on Wednesday 3 rd November 2010. The test is of two hours duration. From 2009 paper results will no longer be issued, candidates and centres will be able to download their results using the BMAT online results extranet. One attempt per application cycle. UniversityCourse Code University of CambridgeA100, A101, D100 Imperial College London A100, B900, BB29, BB2X University of Oxford Medical SchoolA100, BC98 Royal Veterinary College D100, D101, D102 University College LondonA100

2 2 Application Tips Start planning early. Do not apply for 4 BMAT courses. Medical experience is essential – internships, volunteers etc. Strategic choice of courses – some applicants will require both tests (i.e.UKCAT as well). May use your other choice on UCAS for science courses. Show reasons for choosing medicine clearly in your personal statement. Approximately two thirds of the statement needs to be based on why you wish to read medicine and what you have done in terms of experience. Prepare for BMAT. Some students will receive a questionnaire from Universities. This is a good sign – must answer fully and completely. Definite trend now towards admissions tests being required by UK Universities. Admissions very competitive. Too many ‘A’ grades at A’ Level. Need to be prepared to keep your nerve for a long wait.

3 3 QuestionsTimeScore 1. Aptitude and Skills (Problem Solving) 3560 mins1-9 2. Scientific Knowledge and Application 2730 mins1-9 3. Writing1 from 330 mins0-15 (increments of 3) BMAT Scores Section 1 – the average is 5.0 (>6.0 top 10%) Section 2 – the average 4.0-4.5 (>5 top 10%) It is virtually impossible to secure 8/9. It is possible to miss a question or two and still do ok – but you should attempt them all. Section 3 – the average is around 7.5 (Max 15 marked in steps of 3) Result analysis for previous years on BMAT website

4 4 1.Aptitude and Skills (Problem Solving) – No Calculators Solving algebraic equations. Numerical skills tested through word problems. Understanding arguments. Draw logical conclusions. Assumptions. Data analysis and inference. Information presented verbally, statistically, graphically. Inference. 2. Scientific Knowledge and Application Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Maths. GCSE Key Stage 4 level. 3. Writing Explain implications and proposition. Counter proposition or argument. Suggest method of resolution. Organised writing and good use of English. Limited to one side of A4 paper.

5 5 BMAT General Comments No calculators. Read questions carefully. Write legibly at all times. Essay is one side of A4. Plan before you start writing. Time management is essential – tackle the easy questions first and hardest second. Do not leave blanks.

6 6 Texts and papers and other preparation possibilities. 1.Texts – the only publication endorsed by the BMAT is: - 2. A number of other books in the Guidance Centre for reference purposes. 3. BMAT web site has practise material. 4. Kaplan possibilities.

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