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ELEMENTS OF SHIPPING Presented by Sagar Vyas 31143.

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Presentation on theme: "ELEMENTS OF SHIPPING Presented by Sagar Vyas 31143."— Presentation transcript:

1 ELEMENTS OF SHIPPING Presented by Sagar Vyas 31143

2 Introduction Functions of shipping World seaborne trade & world fleet Challenges faced by the shipping industry in the twenty first century.

3 The Ship Main features of hull and machinary International navigational limits International conventions on load lines. Types of propulsion & future trends. Types of tonnage and measurements

4 Ship design and Construction Ship design Ship productivity General principles and factors influencing design,type and size of ship Safety and other regulations

5 Ship other cargoes trades and future trends Types of ship Liner Tramps Specialized vessel and other trades

6 Manning of vessel Introduction Duties and responsibilities of master Ship’s officer & crew manning IMO convention on standards of training, certification & watchkeeping(STCW) Engagement and discharge of the crew.

7 Custom house & shipper paper Introduction E-commerce,customs Value added tax Intrastat Export control Custom tariff Custom reliefs Importation/exportation of goods Ships paper Ships protest

8 Maritime canals & inland waterways Ship operations Bill of lading Cargoes The shipping company Charter parties Containerization

9 Multimodalism in global supply chain maagement &international logistics. The international consignment. Political aspect. – Flag discrimination – Flags of convenience – Subsidies

10 Information technology and electronic data interchange

11 Thank you

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