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Presentation on theme: " Rights in Reality Development of training resources to promote and raise awareness of children’s and young people’s rights and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rights in Reality Development of training resources to promote and raise awareness of children’s and young people’s rights and entitlements in Wales with key professionals.

2 Key professionals Education Health Police Social work Youth justice Legal profession

3 Aim for professionals This contract focuses on the training and knowledge development of professionals in the area of Children’s Rights so that professionals are equipped to implement the Convention in their work.

4 Aim for Children and Young People Increasing children and young people’s; ability to exercise their rights opportunities to access services skills positive outcomes and wellbeing

5 Requirements Build on previous resources and integrate elements where relevant Develop, pilot, evaluate and produce A non sector specific half day introduction to the UNCRC Full day generic pre-qualification course including the introduction, sector specific modules and supporting resources Full day generic post-qualification course including the introduction, sector specific modules and supporting resources Develop a range of information, resources and guidance to support training, including sector specific case studies

6 Requirements Develop guidance to support delivery by trainers within the sectors Develop an outline communication plan with a view to promote and encourage use of resources and making them visible and accessible to the target audience

7 Journey to date Review and build on previous mapping exercise Establish contacts across the range of sectors to act in advisory capacity Develop and pilot draft training across the sectors Develop resources to aid learning and explore issues Amend all materials in the light of feedback

8 Training pilots 10 pilots have taken place – over 200 participants Pre-qualification, social work students Post qualification – police, teachers, lawyers, YOT Generic – a good mix of practitioners from voluntary sector and the target groups of professionals Delivered across Wales in English, Welsh and bi-lingually

9 Challenges Establishing what already exists Difference in the language, culture and organisation of each sector Range of training institutions all with their own course details Range of CPD routes in each sector, consortia, etc External factors – mergers, stop on recruitment

10 Training Materials Everything only available on line Draft guides - Comprehensive / lengthy? How does training offered through the guides fit with existing forms of training in sectors? Who will be the trainers?

11 Next steps How to engage all sectors to ensure promotion and take up of resources How to ensure that all resources do not go out of date too quickly

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