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Improving Community Health through Planning and Partnerships Albemarle and Charlottesville Community Health Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Community Health through Planning and Partnerships Albemarle and Charlottesville Community Health Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Community Health through Planning and Partnerships Albemarle and Charlottesville Community Health Council

2 Things to keep in mind… Feel free to ask questions as we go along We are presenting the most recent data we have (From the past 4 – 5 years) This is the last part of Section 2, Part 2 and the 1 st part of Section 3 data At the next meeting we will cover: Section 3: What is our Health Status, Part 2

3 Today Updates/Highlights from Section 3, Part 1 Section 3, Part 2 Maternal & Child Health Adverse Childhood Experiences Mental Health Outcomes Poisoning Leading Causes of Death Cancer

4 Section 3: What is Our Health Status? Maternal & Child Health Adverse Childhood Experiences Mental Health Outcomes Poisonings Leading Causes of Death Cancer

5 Maternal and Child Health

6 Live Births Source: Virginia Department of Health. Division of Health Statistics

7 Infant Mortality Source: Virginia Department of Health. Division of Health Statistics

8 Infant Mortality by Race Source: Virginia Department of Health. Division of Health Statistics

9 Neonatal Death Source: Virginia Department of Health. Division of Health Statistics

10 Pregnancy-Associated Deaths (of mother) Source: Virginia Pregnancy-Associated Mortality Surveillance System. Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Virginia Department of Health. Ten Year Trends in Pregnancy Associated Death in Virginia 2004-13.

11 Pregnancy-Associated Deaths (of mother) By Race Source: Virginia Pregnancy-Associated Mortality Surveillance System. Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Virginia Department of Health. Ten Year Trends in Pregnancy Associated Death in Virginia 2004-13.

12 Low-birth weight Births Source: Virginia Department of Health. Division of Health Statistics

13 Low Birth Weight births by Race Source: Virginia Department of Health. Division of Health Statistics

14 Teen Pregnancy: Ages 10-19 Years Source: Virginia Department of Health. Division of Health Statistics

15 Teen Pregnancy: Ages 15-17 Years Source: Virginia Department of Health. Division of Health Statistics

16 Pregnant Women with Prenatal Care Source: Virginia Department of Health. Division of Health Statistics

17 Ten or More Prenatal Care Visits Source: Virginia Department of Health. Division of Health Statistics

18 Mothers with < 12 th Grade Education Source: Virginia Department of Health. Division of Health Statistics

19 Smoking During Pregnancy Source: Virginia Department of Health. Division of Health Statistics

20 Substance Abuse During Pregnancy Source: Virginia Department of Health. Division of Health Statistics

21 Substance Abuse During Pregnancy: Substances Used by Mother, 2013 Source: Virginia Department of Health. Division of Health Statistics

22 Substance Exposed Infants Source: Virginia Department of Health. Division of Health Statistics

23 Adverse Childhood Experiences

24 How Adverse Childhood Experiences Can Influence Health Throughout the Lifespan Source: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) study.

25 Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Source: Sacks, V., Murphy, D., Moore, K. Child Trends Research Brief: Adverse Childhood Experiences: National and State- Level Prevalence. July 2014. Used data from the 2011-12 National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH).

26 Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Source: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) study.

27 Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Source: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) study.

28 Mental Health Outcomes

29 Source: Region 10

30 Mental Health Outcomes Source: Region 10

31 Mental Health Outcomes Source: Virginia Atlas of Community Health. Behavioral Health Hospital Discharge Profile (January 1-December 21, 2012). Accessed at

32 Mental Health Outcomes Source: Region 10

33 Mental Health Outcomes Source: Region 10 2,543 Total MH Emergency Service Evaluations in 2015

34 Mental Health Outcomes Source: Region 10

35 Mental Health Outcomes Source: Region 10

36 Mental Health Outcomes Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA). Virginia Mental Health National Outcome Measures (NOMS): SAMHSA Uniform Reporting System

37 Mental Health Outcomes Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA). Virginia Mental Health National Outcome Measures (NOMS): SAMHSA Uniform Reporting System

38 Source: Region 10

39 Poisoning

40 Poisoning-Medical Outcomes Source: Blue Ridge Poison Control Center

41 Poisoning-Exposure in Children Source: Blue Ridge Poison Control Center

42 Poisoning Source: Blue Ridge Poison Control Center

43 Poisoning-Intentional Source: Blue Ridge Poison Control Center 18.4% of exposures were intentional in TJHD in 2015

44 Poisoning-Non-intentional, 2015 Source: Blue Ridge Poison Control Center

45 Leading Causes of Death

46 Source: National Vital Statistics System, National Center for Health Statistics, CDC. Produced by: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC using WISQARS™. Top 10 Leading Causes of Death in the U.S. by Race/Ethnicity in 2014 White RankCause of Death 1 Heart Disease 2 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer) 3 Chronic Low. Respiratory Disease (COPD + Asthma) 4 Unintentional Injury 5 Cerebrovascular (Stroke) 6 Alzheimer's Disease 7 Diabetes Mellitus 8 Influenza & Pneumonia 9 Suicide 10 Nephritis Black RankCause of Death 1 Heart Disease 2 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer) 3 Cerebrovascular (Stroke) 4 Unintentional Injury 5 Diabetes Mellitus 6 Chronic Low. Respiratory Disease (COPD + Asthma) 7 Nephritis 8 Homicide 9 Alzheimer's Disease 10 Septicemia

47 Source: National Vital Statistics System, National Center for Health Statistics, CDC. Produced by: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC using WISQARS™. Top 10 Leading Causes of Death in the U.S. by Race/Ethnicity in 2014 Asian/Pacific Islander RankCause of Death 1 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer) 2 Heart Disease 3 Cerebrovascular (Stroke) 4 Unintentional Injury 5 Diabetes Mellitus 6 Influenza & Pneumonia 7 Chronic Low. Respiratory Disease (COPD + Asthma) 8 Alzheimer's Disease 9 Nephritis 10 Suicide Hispanic RankCause of Death 1 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer) 2 Heart Disease 3 Unintentional Injury 4 Cerebrovascular (Stroke) 5 Diabetes Mellitus 6 Liver Disease 7 Alzheimer's Disease 8 Chronic Low. Respiratory Disease (COPD + Asthma) 9 Influenza & Pneumonia 10 Nephritis

48 Contributions to Premature Death Sources: Schroeder, S. We Can Do Better – Improving the Health of American People, NEJM 357;12 9/20/07 McGinnis JM, Williams-Russo P, Knickman JR. The case for more active policy attention to health promotion. Health Aff (Millwood) 2002;21:78-93

49 Mortality Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics

50 Mortality by Race Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics

51 Leading Causes of Death-VA Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics

52 Leading Causes of Death-TJHD Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics

53 Leading Causes of Death-Albemarle Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics

54 Leading Causes of Death-Charlottesville Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics

55 Causes of Death by Age in VA in 2013- Youth/Teens Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics

56 Causes of Death by Age in VA in 2013-Adults, Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics

57 Causes of Death by Age in VA in 2013- Adults Age 65+ Years Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics

58 Heart Disease Deaths Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics

59 Heart Disease Deaths by Race Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics for years 2000-2010. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. CDC Online WONDER database for years 2011-13.

60 Cancer-Related Deaths Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics

61 Cancer-Related Deaths by Race Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics for years 2000-2010. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. CDC Online WONDER database for years 2011-13.

62 Stroke-Related Deaths Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics

63 Stroke-Related Deaths by Race Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics for years 2000-2010. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. CDC Online WONDER database for years 2011-13.

64 Deaths from Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics

65 Deaths from Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease by Race Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics for years 2000-2010. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. CDC Online WONDER database for years 2011-13.

66 Diabetes-Related Deaths Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics

67 Diabetes-Related Deaths by Race Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics for years 2000-2010. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. CDC Online WONDER database for years 2011-13.

68 Cancer

69 Sources: University of Virginia, Department of Public Health Sciences. Virginia Department of Health, Virginia Cancer Registry.

70 Hispanic origin is not mutually exclusive from Asian/Pacific Islander or American Indian/Alaska Native. *Rates are per 100,000 population and age adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. †Data based on Indian Health Service Contract Health Service Delivery Area (CHSDA) counties. Incidence rates exclude data from Kansas. Source: Incidence – North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, 2014. Mortality – US mortality data, National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. American Cancer Society, Inc., Surveillance Research, 2015 There are racial disparities in cancer incidence and mortality.

71 Breast Cancer

72 Breast Cancer Incidence Sources: Virginia Department of Health. Virginia Cancer Registry. University of Virginia, Department of Public Health Sciences. TJHD has the 10 t h highest rate of breast cancer (all types) in VA

73 Breast Cancer Incidence by Race Sources: Virginia Department of Health. Virginia Cancer Registry. University of Virginia, Department of Public Health Sciences.

74 Breast Cancer Deaths Sources: Virginia Department of Health. Division of Health Statistics.

75 Prostate Cancer

76 Prostate Cancer Incidence Sources: Virginia Department of Health. Virginia Cancer Registry. University of Virginia, Department of Public Health Sciences.

77 Prostate Cancer Incidence by Race Sources: Virginia Department of Health. Virginia Cancer Registry. University of Virginia, Department of Public Health Sciences.

78 Prostate Cancer Deaths Sources: Virginia Department of Health. Division of Health Statistics.

79 Lung Cancer

80 Lung Cancer Incidence Sources: Virginia Department of Health. Virginia Cancer Registry. University of Virginia, Department of Public Health Sciences.

81 Lung Cancer Incidence by Race Sources: Virginia Department of Health. Virginia Cancer Registry. University of Virginia, Department of Public Health Sciences.

82 Lung Cancer Incidence by Race Sources: Virginia Department of Health. Virginia Cancer Registry. University of Virginia, Department of Public Health Sciences.

83 Lung Cancer Deaths Sources: Virginia Department of Health. Division of Health Statistics.

84 Colorectal Cancer

85 Colorectal Cancer Incidence Sources: Virginia Department of Health. Virginia Cancer Registry. University of Virginia, Department of Public Health Sciences.

86 Colorectal Cancer Incidence by Race Sources: Virginia Department of Health. Virginia Cancer Registry. University of Virginia, Department of Public Health Sciences.

87 Colorectal Cancer Deaths Sources: Virginia Department of Health. Division of Health Statistics.

88 Skin Cancer (Melanoma)

89 Skin Cancer (Melanoma) Incidence TJHD has the 4 th highest rate in VA Sources: Virginia Department of Health. Virginia Cancer Registry. University of Virginia, Department of Public Health Sciences.

90 Skin Cancer (Melanoma) Incidence Data suppressed Sources: Virginia Department of Health. Virginia Cancer Registry. University of Virginia, Department of Public Health Sciences.

91 Skin Cancer (Melanoma) Death Rate Sources: Virginia Department of Health. Division of Health Statistics.

92 Cervical Cancer

93 Cervical Cancer Incidence Sources: Virginia Department of Health. Virginia Cancer Registry. University of Virginia, Department of Public Health Sciences. TJHD has the 13th Highest rate in VA

94 Cervical Cancer Incidence Sources: Virginia Department of Health. Virginia Cancer Registry. University of Virginia, Department of Public Health Sciences.

95 Cervical Cancer Death Rate Sources: Virginia Department of Health. Division of Health Statistics.

96 Cervical Cancer Death Rate Sources: Virginia Department of Health. Division of Health Statistics.

97 Unintentional Injury Deaths

98 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics

99 Unintentional Injury Deaths by Race Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics for years 2000-2012. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. CDC Online WONDER database for years 2013.

100 Suicide & Homicide

101 Violent Deaths Source: Virginia Violent Death Reporting System, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Virginia Department of Health *Note: 2014 data is preliminary and subject to change

102 Suicide Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics

103 Youth Suicide Source: Virginia Department of Health, Virginia Online Injury Reporting System

104 Youth Suicide Source: Virginia Department of Health, Virginia Online Injury Reporting System

105 Youth Suicide Source: Virginia Department of Health, Virginia Online Injury Reporting System

106 Homicide Source: Virginia Department of Health, Virginia Online Injury Reporting System

107 Questions ? Contact Info: Jillian Regan, MPH

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