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Preparing Students for College and Careers – The Consolidated Grant SY14-15 Students First Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Public School System.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing Students for College and Careers – The Consolidated Grant SY14-15 Students First Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Public School System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing Students for College and Careers – The Consolidated Grant SY14-15 Students First Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Public School System Students First

2 Evidence: 61% of CNMI PSS high school graduates go to college (US average for high school grads 63%), 20% enter the US Armed Forces (US average 1.5%) 14% Seek employment 5% Uncertain Source: 2012-2013 Student Exit Survey College & Career-Ready Students

3 Students First CG New/Expanded Programs Allocating $700,000 or $1,000 classroom for 21 st century technology (ipads, LCDs, Elmos, white boards, etc); Allocating $650,000 for 18 Class Size reduction teachers at secondary level teaching & part of a technology cohort that is flipped F/L annually; Allocating $1,100,000 for expanded OJT programs at the high schools with target of 540 students enrolled per year; Allocating $300,000 for summer school and credit recovery courses to help mitigate summer learning loss; Increasing allocation of funds for professional development, AP programs, laptops, Tech Support; and teacher recruitment; Allocating $300,000 for early learning

4 Students First Evidence: Our students grades 3-8 & 11 will take practice tests in ELA & Math assessments aligned with the Common Core State Standards. Students grades 3-8 & 11 will participate in Stanford Achievement Test, 10th Edition. STAR reading & math test data for SY12-13 shows 47% of elementary students performing on or above grade level. World-class Instructional Design Assessment (WIDA) ACCESS for ELLs Better Assessments

5 Students First Evidence: Comprehensive Service for Early Childhood Education, Middle School and College and Career Technical Education Programs College and Career Ready Standards, integration of English Language Arts, Math and use of Technology in instruction Advanced Placement Courses Over 2,000 students compete in student competitions in Forensic Leagues, STEM, Math Court, Mock Trial, Performing Arts Show Choir & School Band, Spelling Bee, Geography Bee, and numerous other academic competitions Marianas High School STEM team won the National Real World Design Challenge competition, 3 MHS seniors awarded Gates Millennium scholarships (US comps with 3GMS – Ann Arundel High School, MD, Hawthorne High School, CA and Phoenix Union BioScience High School, AZ A Complete Education

6 Great Teachers & Leaders Evidence: Power Walk- Through data on Bloom’s taxonomy (classification of learning objectives) shows CNMI data consistent with national data.

7 Students First Evidence: Provided professional development for teachers and leaders that improve student outcomes, created school cultures that are mutually supportive and tied to best research-based practices. o McREL’s Classroom Instruction that Works, CITW with Technology, Success in Sight, Balanced Leadership, & Teacher & School Administrator Evaluation Systems, SIOP, Instructional Technology Endorsement, ELL Endorsement and CCRS & Research-Based Math Strategies, Response to Intervention strategies, New and Aspiring School Leaders Strengthening Teacher & Leader Practices and Pathways

8 Students First Evidence: Provided tutorials to approximately 1,600 students performing 2 or more grades below level, 84% showed improvement, 231 students exited the tutorial program by performing or or above grade level,(Source: SY2012- 2013 June Federal Monitoring Report) ELL - 37% identified and provided sheltered instruction. Students assessed annually to monitor progress using the WIDA ACCESS. SPED - PSS implements inclusion and provides accommodations as needed based on the students’ IEP. Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners

9 Students First Evidence: Gave teachers and leaders the resources to support student success - 95% of CG funds allocated directly to schools Most classrooms are equipped with computers, LCD projectors, internet connectivity, SMARTboards, Digital Capture devices, electronic libraries, etc. Distance Education online courses allow students on neighbor islands of Tinian and Rota access to high school courses offered in Saipan Greater Equity

10 Students First Evidence: PSS is accredited as a system through North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement with AdvancED; first in the Pacific region. Provided access to a challenging high school curriculum as confirmed by 81% of high school graduates going to college and/or enlisting in the armed forces, Still pursuing inclusion of the insular areas in Race to the Top - equity Raising the Bar & Still Pursuing Race to the Top

11 Students First Evidence: Creating academies focused on career- ready skill development through co- operative education and OJT that results in jobs during school and seamlessly after high school graduation, Partnering with the Chamber of Commerce to get youth ready for workforce through mentorship and cooperative education. (Target is 3,000 private sector jobs across the next ten years) Continuous Improvement / Next Steps Working with Partners

12 Students First Evidence: CNMI PSS Comprehensive Literacy Plan (via Striving Readers Grant) o Strong partnership with Child Care Program CNMI PSS P-3 Initiative o Comprehensive Service Plan for Pre-School, Kinder and grades 1-3. o Allocate $300,000 for early learning and targeting 150 gap students who do not attend Preschool & Kinder Early Learning

13 Students First Evidence: Character education programs (Peacebuilders, Virtues, Character Counts, Mega Skills) at all schools to prevent bullying and to build a safe and supportive school environment, Promote physical well-being of students through nutrition education and 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous daily exercise (wellness policy), School staff (administrators, counselors, teachers, aides) and Central Office are trained on crisis management response, as well as, certified in non-violent crisis management, Emergency evacuations and drills (active shooter, fire, tsunami, etc.) regularly conducted at all schools and Central Office. Safe Schools and Healthy Students

14 Students First Conclusion Our SY14-15 CG Plan is aligned with the PSS Vision and Mission Statements,Core Values, Beliefs & Guiding Principles our Accreditation External Review Report and the USDE Blueprint for Reauthorization. Thank you.

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