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Chapter 11 Project Student Menus. Your Task  As we wrap up Chapter 11, you will have the privilege of creating multiple masterpieces to show me what.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 11 Project Student Menus. Your Task  As we wrap up Chapter 11, you will have the privilege of creating multiple masterpieces to show me what."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 11 Project Student Menus

2 Your Task  As we wrap up Chapter 11, you will have the privilege of creating multiple masterpieces to show me what you learned about our early republic. This project will consist of you “ordering” off a menu of 3 categories: Appetizer, Main Entrée, and of course….Dessert. You will have close to 1 week to complete the projects. Good luck!

3 Appetizers  Journal/Diary Entry  Newspaper Article  Commercial (live or recorded)

4 Journal/Diary Entry  You must take on the role of someone (real or made-up) during the early republic times. You need to complete 3 entries covering topics and information we learned from era.  *Voice  *Fictional vs. Non Fictional

5 Newspaper Article  You will write an article covering an important historical event from the early republic times. You must include:  Title  Good Sized Article (multiple paragraphs)  Pen Name (real or fake)

6 Commercial  You must select an item we discussed during this early republic ear and try to sell it to the people. You can record it ahead of time, or perform it live.  *Has to be on an item they used back then….  Informative commercial


8 Main Entree  Brochure  Video/Reenactment  Monument  Scrapbook Pages  Magazine Cover + Table of Contents  **These will take up most of your time…

9 Brochure  Just like our brochures from the Revolutionary War, however different information.  Select an event, conflict, person from this early republic era and create a brochure on it/them.  *Must fill all 6 sides…..

10 Video/Reenactment  This could be REALLY good!! Something you will want to watch when you are a senior…..  Again – select a major event during this early republic era and recreate it on the video – this will most definitely require more than one person. Have fun with it….  *Everyone in the video can use this as their main entrée (double dip)

11 Monument  For my creative artists:  Pick an event/conflict/or person you see that deserved a monument to memorialize them/it.  Examples: Jefferson Memorial, Statue of Liberty – be creative!  Must be made by YOU!!

12 Scrapbook Pages  Pick an event from this early republic era and design 2 pages for a scrapbook.  Must have pictures, and description paragraphs (short)

13 Magazine Cover You will be creating a magazine cover as if you were alive during the early republic era. You must design the cover. Pick events you want on the cover Create a table of contents (8 topics) and write a headline for each! **You will NOT write articles – just the title/headline (2 pages – cover and table of contents)


15 Desserts  Song/Rap  Poem  Political Cartoon  Comic Strip  Portrait/Picture

16 Song/Rap  Well….it pretty much says it all; you will write a song or rap (school appropriate) about an even during this early republic era.  You can perform it in front of people or record it. Either way – I’ve got to hear it – I will NOT sing it

17 Poem  For my poets out there – this is your chance to write a short poem on an event or about a person from this early republic era.  Your choice on what type of poem….

18 Political Cartoon  A chance to “poke” fun at an event or person during this early republic era.  Political cartoons are one picture with conversation bubbles or a brief description.  **Ask me to see examples if needed….

19 Comic Strip  Just like it says – you will create a comic strip on a person or event from this early republic era ( ).  There must be at least 4 windows (or comic boxes) and it must show an ongoing story….

20 Portrait  You can create a portrait (paint, draw, color, whatever) of a person or an event from this… got it….early republic era.  The portrait must be at least a full sheet of regular paper (or bigger).

21 Now It’s Up To You  Ok – those are your choices people. Take time and think about what you feel comfortable (especially with our time table) creating.  You MUST pick one from EACH category.  You do not need to create them in that order however.  We will have a gallery walk on Friday!

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