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Welcome! Thank you for coming to Mrs. Schaeffel’s Second Grade Class Enjoy the note from your child. Write a note back. Leave the note on the desk for.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Thank you for coming to Mrs. Schaeffel’s Second Grade Class Enjoy the note from your child. Write a note back. Leave the note on the desk for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Thank you for coming to Mrs. Schaeffel’s Second Grade Class Enjoy the note from your child. Write a note back. Leave the note on the desk for your child to find in the morning.

2 Introduction Thank you! About me! Website information

3 Language Arts Focus on the Common Core Standards Major Components of our Reading Program are: Concepts: print concepts, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary fluency, comprehension Adopted Reading Series: Harcourt TROPHIES (Visit their website: Flexible groupings: whole group, small guided reading groups, partner reading, independent reading Ongoing reading assessments Goal: We strive to increase student vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency. Daily practice (both at school and at home) is essential for reading success.)

4 Spelling Uses the Harcourt Trophies Spelling Program. Basic skills taught: phonics, spelling rules, patterns, word origins, spelling. Spelling is assessed and evaluated on an ongoing basis through classroom writing samples, daily spelling lessons, dictated sentences, and quizzes. The true test of spelling mastery is its transfer to and application in student writing on a daily basis. Spelling words are sent home each week. Great online practice at Search/Teachers/Parents/Boergers

5 Writing Writer’s Workshop: Daily writing lessons in class Steps in the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publishing Six traits of writing: ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions Forms of writing: narrative, opinion, informational/lab reports Other forms of writing: Response to Literature, poetry, fiction, thank you notes, friendly letters Adopted Writing/Language program: Units of Study in Primary Writing K-2 Series by Lucy Calkins. Writer’s Notebooks/Journals: Used for homework each week. Students need to build stamina and transfer the skills they are learning in class.

6 Scott Foresman D’Nealian Handwriting Emphasis on correct handwriting in all written work. Cursive is not taught in second grade. It is in the third grade curriculum. Handwriting

7 Listening and Speaking Skills Students will be taught to effectively use listening and speaking skills in a variety of situations: For example: oral reports and presentations, Reader’s Theatre, Writer’s Workshop, Star of the Week

8 Math Focus on the Common Core Standards Numeration: number sense, counting, place value, money, fractions, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division strategies Problem solving/higher level thinking strategies Data Analysis and Probability Patterns and Algebra Geometry Measurement and Time Adopted Math Programs: Investigations in Number, Data, and Space by Scott Foresman and Mathematics by Scott Foresman/Addison Wesley

9 Science Major Components of our science program: Earth and Space: Weather Life Science: Insects, Human Body, Mammals Physical Science: Solids, Liquids, Gases Hands-on encouraging active learning Units involve cooperative skills and learning the Scientific Method.

10 Social Studies Major components of our social studies program: Adopted social studies program: Social Studies: People We Know by Harcourt Students will… …explore the human experience through time and recognize the relationships of events and people; …Learn about ideals, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship …analyze locations, regions, and spatial connections

11 Health Major components of our health program: –Adopted Health Program: Health and Fitness by Harcourt – Students will study safety and injury prevention, nutrition, personal health, hygiene, and disease prevention.

12 Library and Technology Students will visit the library weekly to check out books and learn library/media skills. We visit the Computer Lab every week and use the classroom laptops to create multimedia projects, do research using the Internet, and explore various computer programs.

13 Classroom Management Based on cooperation and respect of all Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible (PBIS program) Praise rewarded for positive behaviors –Individual/Team Points –PAW-sitive slips Private redirection of negative behaviors Allows students to learn in a positive environment free from disturbances

14 Homework –Weekly homework assigned on Monday, due on Friday. Please look in your child’s Communication Folder. (Note: If you need an extension over the weekend, just send a note in on Friday to inform me of the change.) –Students are to do homework thoroughly. Parents and students sign the contract. –Students are to do homework neatly. –The Harcourt Trophies reading book must be brought back to school each day. We do not have extras. –Math practice on Dreambox will support the same curriculum we are learning at school. Feel free to use other resources (flashcards, paper/pencil, computer games, etc) to practice math skills. –On short weeks, you may modify the homework expectations by one less assignment per section. –Newsletters will be sent via email on Mondays. We will let you know if there is a change in the homework schedule.


16 Rating 4 I did my homework thoroughly and neatly AND….. I did an extra assignment in one or more of the areas or completed a project I created on my own! 3 I did my homework thoroughly and neatly: Reading (4x for 20 min.), Spelling practice, Writing (3x for 15 min), Math (3x for 15 min.) 2 I did most of my homework but I may not have completed every assignment and/or it might not have been completed neatly. 1 I only completed a few assignments or maybe I didn’t turn in my homework sheet and/or Writer’s Notebook at all. 0 I didn’t do any of the homework. Learning Goal: Students will complete homework thoroughly and neatly.

17 School Policies Class Party Treats/Snacks—Wellness Law - When asked to bring in snacks/party supplies, please do not send in any homemade treats….please send in store bought items only. Birthdays- –Please mail all birthday invitations (don’t send them to school); this helps avoid anyone getting their feelings hurt. -Please do not send in any treats for birthdays. -Your child will receive birthday acknowledgement at school from the teacher and administration. Treasure Chest-Please send in any small toy or fun-size candybar for our treat box. Ring pops are great, too!

18 Miscellaneous Label items (backpack, lunch box, jackets, etc.) Always send in $ in an envelope with child’s name Car Pick-Up- use tagboard name plate in car window…list last names of all students being picked up. Ramada pickup (formerly “Parent Pick-up”) Return library books on Mondays. Class website information ( Amazon Online Wishlist: Mrs. Schaeffel’s Class Wish List Stuffed Animal Day this Friday!

19 Communication Mrs. Schaeffel’s Email Mrs. Schaeffel’s Phone Number 480-541-5714 Front Office: 480-541-5600

20 New Tardy Procedure We have a new procedural change in the front office this year. If students arrive to school after teachers leave their duty station at 7:40, we are requiring parents to park their car in the parking lot in order to check their student into the front office. Parents will be asked to complete a form to indicate why their child was tardy. This change will allow the front office staff to continue with their daily work in the morning.

21 Thanks for Coming!! We’re looking forward to a great year!!!


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