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Final Piece Development Over the next two weeks you will start to develop your ideas for your final piece.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Piece Development Over the next two weeks you will start to develop your ideas for your final piece."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Piece Development Over the next two weeks you will start to develop your ideas for your final piece.

2 No Laptops You have already been shown this PowerPoint in lessons and you should have a clear idea about what you are doing. Over the next two weeks you will not need laptops. Make sure you are organised and prepared for your lessons.

3 You will be working on the following areas Between 2 and 4 strong observational drawings. You must use your own photography. At least 4 photocopies of your drawings. You need the original drawings in your journal Responses in the style of your artists. You must show clear links to your artists.

4 1 st Stage – Observational Drawing Things to Consider You must work from your own photographs. Produce large scale drawings. All drawings must be at least A4 size. Sketch your work out lightly. Plan your drawings. Shade and refine your work. These drawings will be photocopied, but they must be strong observational drawings.

5 DevelopmentDevelopment Original Drawings 2 Photocopies of each drawing Responses in the style of different artists

6 2 nd Stage – Responses Things to Consider When producing a response, make sure you are considering the following things Which artists are you working in the style of? What materials/medium are relevant to your artist? What else could make the link between your work and your artists stronger? Consider colour and application

7 Presentation Once your observational drawings and responses are complete, you can start to present them in your art journal. Make sure your presentation is clear and consistent. No exclamation marks or jaunty angles. The examiner needs to understand what you’re doing and why, so make it clear.

8 Annotation Once you have presented your work, you need to annotate your pages. Make notes on your drawings and responses. What materials have you used and why? Which artist/style does your work link to? How does it link to ‘Force’ and your theme.

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