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1 Infrastructure Trial Running a Dress Rehearsal.

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1 1 Infrastructure Trial Running a Dress Rehearsal

2 Role-Based Key 2 Each Training Module displays user key role icons in the lower right-hand corner of each screen. This allows you to quickly identify if the content of the screen is appropriate for your user role. Role-Based Codes LEA Test Coordinator – School Test Coordinator – Test Administrator/Proctor – LEA and School Technology Coordinator – Accommodations Coordinator –

3 Agenda 3 Introduction Infrastructure Trial Who Should Be Involved Where To Start Technology Set-up Configure TestNav Setup PearsonAccess next Setup Create Sample Students Create Sessions Session Management Recommendations Resources

4 Introduction/Purpose 4 Dress Rehearsal The purpose of an infrastructure trial is to confirm that: TestNav is configured correctly Devices can successfully run TestNav Network will bear the full load Participating staff know what to do for PARCC computer-based assessments Students are familiar with the computer-based tools and format

5 Infrastructure Trial 5 An Infrastructure Trial is an opportunity for LEAs, schools, and students to prepare for the computer-based PARCC Test by simulating test-day network utilization. The Infrastructure Trial should take approximately 60 minutes to administer. Schools are encouraged to provide any feedback on the Infrastructure Trial to LEAs. LEAs should contact your State PARCC Test Lead with feedback and/or concerns regarding software or hardware issues. Note: Before conducting an Infrastructure Trial, there is a Technology Setup that needs to be completed by Technology Coordinators and a set of tasks in PearsonAccess next that Test Coordinators will need to complete prior to the Infrastructure Trial.

6 Infrastructure Trial 6 Who should be involved? You should involve all LEAs and school personnel responsible for participating in a computer-based assessment. It provides the opportunity to collectively evaluate the test environment and identify and resolve potential issues prior to the PARCC Test. For example, you would want to include: – Test Coordinators – Test Administrators – LEA and school technology staff – Student participation is recommended

7 Infrastructure Trial- Where To Start 7 The Infrastructure Trial is conducted using the PearsonAccess next Training site at You should first check with your LEA to see if the Infrastructure Trial will be performed from a district or school level. Then, you will need to verify that all staff members participating in the trial have received user IDs and passwords for the PearsonAccess next Training site. Refer to the PARCC Infrastructure Trial Readiness Guide for complete instructions. Note: The Infrastructure Trial can only be conducted in the Training site with either the PARCC Op Spring PBA 2015 or PARCC Op Spring EOY 2015 administrations.

8 Technology Set-up 8 Complete Technology Set-up prior to Infrastructure Trial: Configure the Network Proctor Caching SystemCheck Tool TestNav and Proctor Caching Configurations Practice Tests, TestNav 8 Tutorial, and Sample Items

9 PearsonAccess next Setup 9 Schools or Districts will need to complete the following in PearsonAccess next prior to the Infrastructure Trial: Create Sample Students Create Sessions Print Student Testing Tickets and Unlock Codes

10 Create Sample Students 10 Log into the PearsonAccessnext Training Site Choose the PARCC Op Spring PBA 2015 or PARCC Op Spring EOY 2015 Administration Click Setup and select Students Select Generate Sample Students from the Tasks menu Click Start to continue

11 Create Sample Students 11 Complete the Generate Sample Students screen Click Generate to complete the process

12 12

13 Create Sessions 13 Go to the Testing tab and click Sessions From the Select Tasks pull-down menu select Create/Edit Sessions and click Start A test session in PearsonAccess next is an assessment containing certain units.

14 Create Sessions 14 Complete Test Details

15 Create Sessions 15 Add students to session

16 16

17 Session Management 17 Starting Session

18 Session Management 18 Conducting Session

19 Session Management 19 Student Test Status Key

20 Session Management 20 Resuming, Marking Students Complete

21 Infrastructure Trial 21 Ready to Begin Your Infrastructure Trial? Technology Setup Complete Practiced with sample items and Practiced Tests PearsonAccess next Training site setup has been completed and student testing tickets have been printed. Reviewed Infrastructure Trial Guide

22 Infrastructure Trial 22 What to do during the Infrastructure Trial  Prepare  Conduct  Closing & Lessons learned

23 Training & Documentation 23 Training Modules:  Technology Readiness for Schools & Districts  Proctor Caching & TestNav Configuration  Student Readiness Resources for PARCC Guide:  PARCC Infrastructure Readiness Guide

24 Contact PARCC Support for assistance with: Support: PARCC Support  Accessing resources  Setting up proctor caching  Submitting additional orders  Inquiring about shipments  Navigating PearsonAccess next  Navigating the Training Center  Managing Student Registration Data  Setting up test units  Managing user IDs and passwords Online Support and Resources: Call Toll Free: 1-888-493-9888 (5:00 am – 7:00 pm CT, Mon. –Fri.) Email: 24

25 Support: State or LEA Support  Testing schedule  Testing accommodations  Unusual circumstances on test days  Violations of test security  School emergencies that affect testing  Questions about general testing policies  Questions about state communications Contact your State or LEA Test Coordinator for assistance with: 25

26 26 Quiz Click the Quiz button to edit this quiz

27 27 Thank you

28 28 Directory Interaction Click the Interaction button to edit this interaction

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