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The Nervous System ► Controls and coordinates body ► Responds to stimulus (change in environment) ► Made up of special cells called neurons.

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Presentation on theme: "The Nervous System ► Controls and coordinates body ► Responds to stimulus (change in environment) ► Made up of special cells called neurons."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Nervous System ► Controls and coordinates body ► Responds to stimulus (change in environment) ► Made up of special cells called neurons

2 Three Types of Neurons 1. Sensory- sense organs (eyes, ears, hands) to spinal cord

3 2. Interneurons- spinal cord to brain then back to spinal cord

4 3. Motor- lead to muscles/glands (from spinal cord)

5 Parts of a Neuron

6 Function of Each ► Cell Body- contains nucleus; most activity happens here ► Dendrite- the beginning part that detects change in the environment ► Axon- the “wire” of the neuron; ends contain synaptic knobs ► Myelin- insulation

7 Parts of the Nervous System 1. Central Nervous System (brain and spinal cord) 2. Peripheral Nervous System (everything else)

8 CNS- Brain ► Made up of 100 billion neurons ► Most are interneurons ► Protected by skull,tissue and fluid (meninges) ► Kim Peek, real Rainman Kim Peek, real Rainman Kim Peek, real Rainman

9 Parts of the Brain 1. Cerebrum ► Largest part ► Voluntary actions (you control) ► Left side controls right and vice versa ► Intelligence, learning, memory

10 ► Also contains: Sulcus, four lobes, left and right hemisphere, cerebral cortex (gray matter), myelin (white matter)

11 2. Cerebellum ► Hangs off the back of the brain ► Coordinates muscles and balance

12 3. Medulla Oblongata ► Controls involuntary actions (you can’t control) like breathing, heart rate, blood pressure. 4. Pons ► Relay center that links spinal cord and brain ► Musical Savants - CBS News Video Musical Savants - CBS News Video Musical Savants - CBS News Video

13 5. Thalamus ► Receives signal from sensory nerves and sends it to specific parts of brain

14 6. Hypothalamus ► Hunger, fatigue, anger, body temperature ► Coordinates hormone production (adrenaline, ect) ► A Savant Called 'Brain Man' - 60 Minutes - CBS News A Savant Called 'Brain Man' - 60 Minutes - CBS News A Savant Called 'Brain Man' - 60 Minutes - CBS News

15 CNS- Spinal Cord ► Major link between body and brain ► Protected by bones (vertebrate), fluid

16 How Nerves Work ► Electrical and chemical messages travel between neurons REALLY fast 1. Stimulus creates impulse 2. Impulse travels into cell body, down axon, and into terminal end (branch) 3. Knobs produce neurotransmitter (chemical hormones) 4. Next neuron is stimulated and story continues again and again ► They-Work They-Work They-Work

17 Reflex Arc

18 Nervous System Disorders ► Meningitis Virus or bacteria infection of the fluid/tissue around CNS ► Cerebral Palsy ► Genetic condition that causes lack of muscle control

19 ► Polio ► Infection of the CNS. Loss of mobility sometimes. ► President FDR had polio ► Paralysis ► The result of some type of spinal cord injury. ► Quadriplegic vs. Paraplegic

20 ► Stroke ► Blocked artery in the brain causes speech or mobility problems

21 Drugs & Nervous System ► Close to Home - Science: Animations Close to Home - Science: Animations Close to Home - Science: Animations

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