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Published byJesse King Modified over 8 years ago
Report to GHRSST10 from Australia – BLUElink> and IMOS Helen Beggs 1,2, Leon Majewski 2, George Paltoglou 1,2, Ruslan Verein 1,2, Peter Oke 1,3 and Jeff Maynard 4 1 Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research, 2 Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia 3 CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Hobart, Australia 4 University of Melbourne, Australia Presented at the 10 th GHRSST Science Team Meeting, Santa Rosa, 1-5 June 2009
Introduction BoM GHRSST Products (2009) – L2P and L3P files of locally received HRPT AVHRR SST (IMOS) – L4 files (BLUElink) RAMSSA: Operational, daily 1/12 regional SSTfnd analysis GAMSSA: Operational, daily 1/4 global SSTfnd analysis Other Contributions to GHRSST (2009) – Validation SST from ships (IMOS) – NOAA/BoM collaboration on MTSAT-1R SST calibration, validation and processing – Regional and Global Skin SST Analyses (RAMSSA_skin and GAMSSA_skin) – Datasets for Tropical Warm Pool Diurnal Variability Study (TWP+) – BLUElink ReANalysis (BRAN)
Enhancing SOOP SST over Australian Region through IMOS Goal Significantly enhance quantity, quality and timeliness of ship SST data in the Australian region available for satellite validation, research and operations. Extra 13 QA’d ship SST data streams on GTS by 2010 (7 from hull-contact sensors). Status (June 2009) –NRT QA’d SST data from 5 vessels available from GTS and IMOS ( in netCDF format –3-way validation of RV Southern Surveyor (SBE 3) and MV Spirit of Tasmania II (SBE 48) SSTs against 1/6 AATSR SSTs and drifters showed both ship SST streams 0.1ºC warmer than drifters and 0.1ºC less SD!!! –Ship SST being used to validate BLUElink> RAMSSA SSTfnd and OceanMAPS SST5m analyses Plans for 2009-10 –Add RT QA’d SST data from 8 more vessels (inc 6 more hull-contact sensors) –Validate all ship SST data streams using AATSR –Incorporate ship SST into BoM NRT satellite SST validation system –Apply for extra IMOS funds to install autonomous radiometers on Australian vessels Locations of 2008-09 IMOS ship SST observations Hull-Contact Sensor (SBE 48) Test on RV Southern Surveyor Aug 2008 SBE 3
MTSAT-1R SSTskin L3P products from IMOS in collaboration with NOAA/STAR 1630 UT MTSAT-1R SSTskin 0.05 L3P Goal Significantly improve the accuracy and useability of geostationary satellite skin SST over Australian region. Current Status BoM can produce RT and reprocessed (back to Jun 2006) MTSAT-1R ~5-6 km skin SST L2P files using NOAA statistical/physical retrieval code NOAA/STAR also producing MTSAT-1R SSTskin L2 files During Dec 2008: NOAA RMSE = 0.37 C (Night), 0.74 C (Day) BoM RMSE = 0.5 C (Night), 0.8 C (Day) BoM/NOAA collaborating on correcting MTSAT-1R SSTskin for diurnal and seasonal calibration biases to hopefully reduce RMSE further. By Dec 2009 RT and reprocessed MTSAT-1R SSTskin hourly, 0.05 L3P files over 0ºN to 55ºS, 90ºE to 180ºE will be made publicly available via IMOS OPeNDAP server at 0530 UT MTSAT-1R SSTskin 0.05 L3P 10 April 2009
New Australian Locally Received AVHRR SST L2P/L3P products from IMOS Current Status –RT GHRSST format L2P (swath) and 0.01° x 0.01° resolution, single day/single night L3P (composite) files of HRPT AVHRR SST1m data from NOAA-17 and NOAA-18 satellites available from IMOS OPeNDAP server by July 2009 (see –New SST products exhibit half the RMS error of the BoM pre-existing HRPT AVHRR level 2 SST data from NOAA-17 and NOAA- 18 satellites By Dec 2010 Raw HRPT AVHRR SST data back to ~1990 will be reprocessed to L2P/L3P files and made publicly available via IMOS and GHRSST. Nighttime HRPT AVHRR SST1m 0.01° L3P Goal Significantly improve the accuracy and useability of HRPT AVHRR SST products over Australian region. Daytime HRPT AVHRR SST1m 0.01° L3P 10 April 2009
Legacy Australian Locally Received AVHRR SST 14-day Mosaic L3P product from IMOS BoM Legacy 14-day weighted mean Mosaic of HRPT AVHRR SST1m data from NOAA-15, NOAA-17 and NOAA-18 satellites has been converted to GHRSST format 0.01° x 0.01° resolution, L3P files over 8ºS to 48ºS, 104ºE to 165ºE. 14-day AVHRR “Mosaic” Multi-Sensor L3P files available back to 1 Jan 2001 via IMOS OPeNDAP server ( Does GHRSST want these files too? NOAA-17 and NOAA-18 14-day HRPT AVHRR SST1m 0.01° L3P 28 Mar - 10 April 2009
GHRSST Applications in Australia: J. Maynard et al. New predictive tools for coral disease outbreaks in northern Australia. Forms the early warning system in a new coral disease response plan managed by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Shows outbreak likelihood is high for reefs in the northern Great Barrier Reef this year! Maynard et al. (in prep)
GHRSST Applications in Australia: J. Maynard et al. Temperature animations of daily SST and SST anomalies (L3P) from December 2001 to February 2009 Informs bioregional planning and impact response plans for the Commonwealth Marine Reserve managers at the Department of Environment, etc. 150 extreme anomalies found in the 7.5 year period. Only 26 of the anomalies were negative anomalies General warming trends APPARENT. J. Maynard
BoM Regional Australian Multi-Sensor SST Analysis System Depth: Foundation (pre-dawn SST) Resolution: Daily, 1/12° Domain: 60°E - 170°W, 20°N - 70°S Start: 0130 UT, Finish: ~0500 UT Data Inputs: – 1 km HRPT AVHRR (NOAA-17, -18) – 9 km NAVOCEANO GAC AVHRR (NOAA-17, -18, METOP-A) L2P – 25 km AMSR-E (Aqua) L2P – 1/6° AATSR (EnviSat) – Buoy and ship obs (GTS) – 1/12° NCEP ice edge analyses – NAVOCEANO 1/120 land/sea mask Uses: – Boundary condition for all new BoM regional NWP models – Validating OceanMAPS SST5m analyses/forecasts V1.0: Operational 13 Jun 2007 V1.1: Operational 26 Oct 2007 V1.2: Operational 10 Jun 2008 V1.3: Operational 9 Apr 2009 Daily foundation SST analyses available as netCDF L4 files from and ghrsst-
BoM Global Australian Multi-Sensor SST Analysis System Depth: Foundation Resolution: Daily, 1/4° Domain: global Start: 0030 UT, Finish: ~0300 UT Based on RAMSSA v1.3 code Data Inputs: – 9 km NAVOCEANO GAC AVHRR (NOAA-17, -18, METOP-A) L2P – 25 km AMSR-E (Aqua) L2P – 1/6° AATSR (EnviSat) – Buoy and ship obs (GTS) – 1/12° NCEP ice edge analyses – NAVOCEANO 1/120 land/sea mask Uses: Boundary condition for all new BoM global NWP models (ACCESS-G) Initialisation of new seasonal forecast models (Test POAMA) V1.0: Operational 2 Oct 2008 V1.1: Operational 9 Apr 2009 Daily foundation SST analyses available as netCDF L4 files from and
Trial Regional Skin SST Analysis (RAMSSA_skin) Method: RAMSSA SSTfnd + DSST – 0.2 K DSST calculated from Chelle Gentemann’s empirical DV model based on SEVIRI data. (0 - 3 C) Assumes no cloud! Depth: skin (~10 m) Resolution: Hourly, 1/12° Domain: 65°E - 175°W, 15°N - 65°S Commenced: 1 Oct 2008 Data Inputs: – Daily RAMSSA SSTfnd – Mean hourly, 0.375º, 10 m winds from ACCESS-R NWP 24 hour forecasts – Mean value of solar constant for 1978 to 1998 Planned Use: QC and application of satellite atmospheric sounding data input into new regional NWP models (ACCESS-R, ACCESS-A, ACCESS-C, etc) – Requires +/- 2K accuracy NetCDF files available:
Trial Global Skin SST Analysis (GAMSSA_skin) Method: GAMSSA SSTfnd + DSST – 0.2 K DSST calculated from Chelle Gentemann’s empirical DV model based on SEVIRI data. Assumes no cloud! (0 - 3 C) Depth: skin (~10 m) Resolution: 3-hourly, 1/4° Domain: global Commenced: 1 Jun 2008 Data Inputs: – Daily GAMSSA SSTfnd – Mean 3-hourly, 1.25º lon x 0.833° lat, 10 m winds from ACCESS-G NWP 24 hour forecasts – Mean value of solar constant for 1978 to 1998 Planned Use: QC and application of satellite atmospheric sounding data input into new global NWP model (ACCESS-G) – Requires +/- 2K accuracy NetCDF files available:
Validating RAMSSA-skin using AATSR SSTskin L2P Period: 1 – 31 Jan 2009 AATSR on Envisat has local equator-crossing times of 10:30 am and 10:30 pm RAMSSA_skin – 1 km AATSR SSTskin: 0.14 ± 0.38°C GAMSSA_skin – 1 km AATSR SSTskin: 0.10 ± 0.38°C BUT only tests under clear sky conditions and not at minima or maxima of diurnal cycle Next will test with AMSR-E on Aqua (equator-crossing times of 1:30 am and 1:30 pm)
Area of study: 25°S to 15°N, 100°E to 170°E Period: 1 Jan – 31 Apr 2009 By Dec 2009 assemble regridded data sets to test diurnal variation models in the region – GTS Buoy SST – IMOS ship SSTskin (Whitsunday Ferry) – BoM NWP model (ACCESS-R) 0.375° (0.025°) – BoM MTSAT-1R hourly SSTskin L3 (0.05°) – BoM 1/12º Regional SSTfnd Analyses (RAMSSA) (0.05°) – BoM/IMOS 0.01º HRPT AVHRR SSTsubskin L3 (0.025°) – Meteo-France METOP-A SSTsubskin L3 (0.025°) – RSS AMSR-E/TMI SSTsubskin L3 (0.25°) GHRSST Tropical Warm Pool Diurnal Variability Experiment (TWP+)
BLUElink ReANalysis GOAL: To provide a realistic quantitative description of the 3D time-varying ocean circulation of all physical variables (temperature, salinity, sea-level and three components of velocity) for the last few decades 1997 to 2008 BRAN netCDF files and maps of SST are publicly available (to registered users). See AN.htm BLUElink are working towards the assimilation of more SST obs (eg NAVOCEANO GAC AVHRR SST L2P) into both our reanalysis (through BRAN) and forecast (through OceanMAPS) activities.
Future GHRSST Products BoM aims to provide to GHRSST: June 2009: Trial regional and global SSTskin L4 via Sep 2009: RT operational, HRPT AVHRR SST1m L2P and L3P June 2010: Operational daily, 5 – 9 km, RAMSSA regional SSTfnd L4 – Using all L2P from MTSAT-1R, AATSR, AVHRR, AMSR-E, MODIS?, TMI? Dec 2010: NRT Ship SST from 13 vessels via GTS and IMOS Dec 2010: Reprocessed HRPT AVHRR SST1m L2P and L3P back to ~1990
Dr Helen Beggs, Ocean Prediction Group, Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research, Bureau of Meteorology, 700 Collins St, Melbourne. Email:
Extra Slides for discussion
Nation-wide collaborative program designed to observe the oceans around Australia 27 Australian institutions mid-2007 to mid-2013 $AUS107M to install infrastructure for marine research All IMOS data available under the GOOS data access principles Precursor to an Australian Integrated Ocean Observing System IMOS director, Dr Gary Meyers, keen to support GHRSST See
Performance Analysis 1 Oct 2006 – 30 Nov 2008, 60°E to 170°W, 20°N to 70°S Daily 1/4° Legacy SST1m Daily 1/12° RAMSSA v1.1 and v1.2 SSTfnd V1.2
Validating RV Southern Surveyor SBE3 SSTs using 3- way comparison with AATSR and Buoy subskin SSTs SBE3 SSTs ~ 0.1 C warmer than buoy SSTs SBE3 SSTs had 0.1 C less standard deviation than buoys when compared with AATSR SSTs Hence Southern Surveyor SST data stream will be very useful for validating/calibrating satellite SST Observations collocated with nighttime AATSR SSTsubskin data Matchup period (hours) Mean ( C) Standard Deviation ( C) Number matchups Southern Surveyor SST 1-0.190.15519 Southern Surveyor SST 3-0.280.191651 Southern Surveyor SST 24-0.190.227739 Buoy SST24-0.080.322214
Hull-Mounted temperature sensors on Bureau’s AVOF vessels SeaBird’s SBE 48 is a high-accuracy temperature recorder, designed for shipboard determination of sea surface temperature Mounted with magnets just below the water line, the SBE 48’s temperature sensor is in contact with the inside of the ship’s hull Currently used by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and National Oceanographic Centre SouthHampton on ships of opportunity Measurement Range: -5 to +35°C Initial Accuracy: ± 0.002°C Typical Stability (per month): 0.0002°C Resolution: 0.0001°C Clock Accuracy: 15 seconds/month Weight: 2.3 kg Dimensions: 78 mm x 76 mm x 273 mm
Hull-Mounted SBE48 Sensor tests on RV Southern Surveyor Comparing SBE48 against SBE3 calibrated thermistor temperatures Before insulating hull: SBE48 – SBE3 = 0.28 ± 0.14 C After insulating hull: SBE48 – SBE3 = 0.19 ± 0.12 C Majority of error occurs in periods when the water mass exhibits sharp thermal gradients In water masses with low thermal gradients average offset was ~ 0.15 C
BoM HRPT AVHRR Processing Data received at 8 reception stations and sent to BoM (Melbourne) as raw data Overlapping raw data is stitched using CSIRO code (Edward King) Cloud masks determined (CLAVR-1) SSTs computed for ~1 m depth using NLSST (day) and MCSST (night) algorithms and regression coefficients based on regional buoy data AVHRR SSTs matched with buoy SSTs (following Medspiration MDB method) Single Sensor Error Statistics for each proximity confidence value (0,1,2,3,4,5 km to nearest cloudy pixel) calculated using 3 weeks of matches to ±12 km and ± 2 hours TOWNSVILLE ALICE SPRINGS HOBART DAVIS Locations of X/L band stations
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