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Science, Technology and Innovation Policy in the Obama Administration Albert H. Teich Director, Science & Policy Programs AAAS KIAT Seoul Nov. 13, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Science, Technology and Innovation Policy in the Obama Administration Albert H. Teich Director, Science & Policy Programs AAAS KIAT Seoul Nov. 13, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science, Technology and Innovation Policy in the Obama Administration Albert H. Teich Director, Science & Policy Programs AAAS KIAT Seoul Nov. 13, 2009

2 A Few Words About AAAS World’s largest multidisciplinary scientific society (includes all fields of science and engineering) – independent, not part of government $90 million budget - income from dues, advertising, grants Founded in 1848; membership of 125,000 “Voice of science” to government, society – but not a lobby Publisher of the weekly journal SCIENCE (over one million readers) Programs in policy, education, science diplomacy...


4 Obama’s emphasis on science and innovation Inaugural Address: “... restore science to its rightful place” Signing of Recovery Act at Denver Museum of Science & Nature (February 17) Early actions: Climate change plan (February 26) Executive Order on stem cell research (March 9) Memo on scientific integrity (March 9) Speech at National Academy of Sciences (April 27) Innovation strategy speech (September 21) Energy speech at MIT (October 23)


6 Turning Green: U.S. Responds to the Economic Crisis with Innovation  Election of Obama, Democratic control of Congress  Obama understands climate change problem  Key Democrats in Congress eager to move  Economic crisis – problem and opportunity  Need to act swiftly and decisively  Opportunity to invest in future technology

7 Obama Has Strongest S&T Team in Years Steven Chu (Nobel laureate) → DOE John Holdren (climate change expert) → OSTP Jane Lubchenco (marine ecologist) → NOAA Aneesh Chopra (tech policy) → CTO (New!) Francis Collins (geneticist) → NIH Margaret Hamburg (public health) → FDA Marcia McNutt (geophysics) → USGS Steven Koonin (physics) → DOE (Under Sec’y)


9 The Budget and Government Priorities Budget is the key to policy Complex budget process decides how government’s money is spent Federal budget has major impact on health of U.S. science & technology Government spends >$140 billion on R&D Federal funds support 60% of university R&D (also fellowships, loans, etc.) R&D funding decisions part of budget process

10 2009: A Very Unusual Year ARRA, the stimulus bill, signed Feb. 17, before regular FY 2009 appropriations were final A huge supplement to the budget passed BEFORE most of the original budget ARRA contains over $18 billion for R&D Unprecedented increase for some science agencies – e.g., NIH (36%) Conference committee chose higher of House & Senate, or even more

11 Obama’s Green Technology Strategy in Brief Use ARRA (stimulus) to promote green technology innovation while creating jobs today Promote use of current and near-term technologies for incremental improvements Support “transformative” R&D for breakthrough technologies Create demand for more efficient technologies with regulation (cap & trade)

12 American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA)  Emergency stimulus for the economy  Appropriated $789 billion to be spent within FY 2009 and 2010  Supplement to regular FY 2009 budget (which had not yet passed at the time)  Largest share of funding for immediate needs  Investment in green technology innovation, energy independence creates jobs today and growth tomorrow

13 Source: Center for American Progress

14 Total Appropriations and R&D in ARRA Agency or DepartmentTotal ARRA ARRA R&D Department of Defense$ 4,555$ 300 National Institutes of Health$ 10,400 NASA$ 1,002$ 950 Department of Energy$ 38,725$ 2,446 National Science Foundation$ 3,002$ 2,900 Department of Agriculture$ 6,943$ 176 Natl. Inst. of Stds. & Technol.$ 600$ 410 Other agencies$ 22,358$ 778 TOTAL*$ 87,585$ 18,360 * Total including other agencies = $308 Billion

15 ARRA Funding for Clean Energy (billion $) Smart Grid Investment Program$11.0 Grants to states & localities for energy efficiency$ 6.3 Loans for renewable energy projects$ 6.0 Low Income weatherization to reduce energy costs$ 5.0 Energy efficiency renovations in federal buildings$ 4.5 Carbon capture and sequestration demo projects$ 3.4 R,D&D grants universities, industry, national labs$ 2.5 Advanced battery grants to manufacturers$ 2.0 Other (education, electric vehicles, appliance rebates, …)$ 2.7 Source: CQ Weekly Report, Oct. 19, 2009. (Partial list)

16 Obama’s Innovation Strategy for Sustainable Growth (September 21 speech at Hudson Valley Community College) Invest in “Building Blocks of American Innovation” Restore American leadership in fundamental research Improve education for 21 st century workforce Build a leading physical infrastructure Develop an advanced information technology ecosystem Promote competitive markets that spur entrepreneurship Promote American exports Support open capital markets Encourage innovation-based entrepreneurship Improve public sector and community innovation

17 Obama Innovation Strategy (continued) Catalyze breakthroughs for national priorities “Unleash a clean energy revolution” Support advanced vehicle technologies Drive innovations in health care technology Harness science and technology to address the “grand challenges” of the 21 st Century

18 Energy Revolution: ARPA-E Projects ARPA-E = Advanced Research Projects Agency- Energy (modeled after DOD ARPA) $400 million under ARRA Just funded 37 projects, average $4 million each Liquid Metal Grid-Scale Batteries Bacteria for producing biofuels directly from sunlight Synthetic enzymes for CO 2 capture Low cost crystals for LED lighting


20 The Federal R&D Investment for FY 2010 Four R&D investment priorities On track to double funding for basic research agencies Small increase from FY 2009 to FY 2010, but ARRA has had a major impact

21 R&D Investment Priorities in FY 2010 Investing in the Sciences for a Prosperous America General increases in science funding, especially basic research (3.4% increase, plus ARRA) A Clean Energy Future DOE Energy Programs (5.4% increase, plus ARRA) Healthy Lives for All Americans National Institutes of Health (1.5% increase, plus ARRA) A Safe and Secure America Homeland Security Funding (23.8% increase)


23 23 What Comes Next? Congress reviews proposed FY 2010 budget, passes appropriations Congressional marks are generally close to budget request Next Steps: Continuing Resolution through December 18 Remaining appropriations must be passed and signed

24 President’s April 27 speech at the National Academy of Sciences set goal of 3% R&D/GDP Can it be met? 24



27 Questions About the Future How quickly and effectively will R&D stimulus funding be spent? Accountability? Will the S&T community be able to adjust to the end of the stimulus money? What is the long term outlook for R&D funding? How will high tech industry respond? Will Obama continue to give special attention to science & technology? 27

28 Thank you for your attention!


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