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Focus: Nehru and “Tryst with Destiny”. Works Covered Shorter SelectionsAuthorsQuestions Raised Two major political speechesGandhi and Nehru What defines.

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Presentation on theme: "Focus: Nehru and “Tryst with Destiny”. Works Covered Shorter SelectionsAuthorsQuestions Raised Two major political speechesGandhi and Nehru What defines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus: Nehru and “Tryst with Destiny”

2 Works Covered Shorter SelectionsAuthorsQuestions Raised Two major political speechesGandhi and Nehru What defines India? How should it be as a nation? How does its diversity challenge its national identity?? How can this diversity fit with the reality of all Indians’ interconnectedness? Three essays Salman Rushdie Nissim Ezekiel Jhumpa Lahiri A poem A short story All written in English Gandhi gave “Quit India” speech in Hindi & provided translation Bilingualism raises question of language use in India India’s traditional lit has far greater depth than what is available for us to see in English Includes range of languages & genres – different topics/motifs

3 Who is Nehru? Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964) Acted as pivotal figure in India’s struggle for independence Came from high-caste, wealthy Pandit family in Kashmir Studied law at Dublin’s Trinity College and London’s Inns of Court School of Law (sound familiar?) Returned to India in 1912 – didn’t want to practice law Joined the Indian National Congress Became president of the Congress TWICE Took oath as First Prime Minister of India (August 15, 1947) When he delivered his inaugural address “Tryst with India” (at midnight as India became independent) Not to be confused with these Jawas

4 How is he different from this guy? Prized the advancements of modern science Had a more international outlook & situated India’s struggle within a GLOBAL context

5 Nehru’s Vision of India democraticsocialistsecularautonomous

6 Remember the British Suppression? Gandhi and wife Kasturba Gandhi imprisoned Other Congress leaders jailed: Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (1888-1958) Sardar Wallabhbhai Patel (1875-1950) Public assemblies and Congress’s leadership committees banned Many Indians fined/arrested Did movement fail?

7 The Speech One of the greatest speeches of modern times Addresses India as singular nation for first time Broadcast via radio throughout the country Many films and books have excerpted the speech Deepa Mehta’s Earth (1998) Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children (1981) Reflects period’s infectious hopefulness

8 Speech Breakdown Part 1 (Paragraphs 1-5) Opens w/assertion of India’s inevitable freedom “the soul” is being set free (personification of India) Calls on people to work for India’s good and for all humanity “The service of India means the service of the millions who suffer” (par. 4) Stop being petty & destructive; quit blaming people. We’ve got the power! Nehru Speech (1947)

9 Part 1 (cont.) “We have to build the noble mansion of free India where all her children may dwell.” (par. 5) Idea of organize/unified entity will be contested later on by Salman Rushdie

10 Speech Breakdown Part 2 (Paragraphs 6-15) Pays homage to Gandhi’s work (par. 9) Repeats motif of old/new Praises him for steadfast, courageous, humble example Honors volunteers & soldiers of freedom (par. 10) Pays tribute to political friends who have been cut off by geographical boundaries Reminds people that freedom/power brings responsibility Ending slogan is Hindi – “Jai Hind” (“Victory to India”) Common patriotic salutation in Indian speeches

11 Nehru’s Speech Alternates between references to the past & focus on present & future Ends with “ancient/eternal” reference Says “India” 17 times India made a “tryst with destiny” many years past but is now in a period of transition India is renewed by its long history The country has never forgotten Optimistic tone Delivered in English (strange connection w/the language)

12 INDIA!,

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