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Lesson 1 - Democracy 1 2 Lesson Vocabulary Democracy Direct Democracy Constitutional Democracy Representative Democracy Parliamentary Democracy Presidential.

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2 Lesson 1 - Democracy 1

3 2

4 Lesson Vocabulary Democracy Direct Democracy Constitutional Democracy Representative Democracy Parliamentary Democracy Presidential Democracy 3

5 Democracy A system of government in which the power lies with the people. 4

6 Direct Democracy A democracy in which the power to govern lies directly in the hands of the people. 5

7 Constitutional Democracy A kind of democracy in which the goals of the government and the ways it will work to achieve them are stated in the constitution. 6

8 Representative Democracy A governing system in which citizens elect people to make laws and decisions for them. 7

9 A governing system in which citizens elect members of a legislature called a parliament. (Queen, Senate, House of Commons) House of Parliament  Parliamentary Democracy

10 Presidential Democracy  A governing system in which an elected president is the chief decision maker.  Enrique Pena Nieto (current Mexican President)

11 American Democracy – Main Ideas Copy this on the back of your cover page AMERICAN DEMOCRACY Constitutional Democracy Representative Democracy executive, legislative, judicial branches Checks and balances among branches 10

12 United States Government With a partner, complete the blue worksheet on “American Democracy” using pages 122-124 in the textbook. This must be completed in class. 11

13 Guided Notes Answers Study Guide Page 1- American Democracy Constitutional Democracy, Constitution, people representative Laws, Local, state, national, Local State, Education, roads National, Military, Money National. Federal Legislative, executive, Judicial Cabinet Legislative, Congress: Senate, House of Representatives Supreme Appointed, Senate Balance, Checks 12

14 Guided Notes Answers Study Guide Page 2- American Democracy Continued Political Republican, democratic Rights and Responsibilites Rights, Citizens Constitution, Rights Speech Responsibilities Personal, civic Personal Civic, Common Obeys, votes responsibility 13

15 14

16 President and Cabinet also includes Vice-President -Enforces or carries out the law -Commander in Chief of Armed Forces United States Government Executive Branch 15

17 Legislative Branch President and Cabinet also includes Vice-President -Enforces or carries out the law -Commander in Chief of Armed Forces Congress Senate(100 members) and House of Representatives (435members) -Makes the Laws -Approves Presidential Appointments United States Government Executive Branch 16

18 Legislative Branch Judicial Branch President and Cabinet also includes Vice-President -Enforces or carries out the law -Commander in Chief of Armed Forces Congress Senate(100 members) and House of Representatives (435members) Interprets the Laws -Makes the Laws -Approves Presidential Appointments United States Government Executive Branch Supreme Court 9 Judges led by Chief Justice 17

19 Canada’s Democracy With a partner, take notes on the important information that relates to the structure of Canada’s government. Democracy in Canada (Pages 148-149) A Parliamentary Democracy (149-150) A Constitutional Government (150-1520) Provincial Authority (152-153) 18

20 Democracy in Canada 3 Traits of Democracy- free elections, majority rule and individual rights Free Elections- voters choose the leaders. Majority Rule- most of the voters choose who is elected. Individual Rights- guarantees personal freedoms like freedom of speech and religion. Political Parties play an important role in Canada’s democracy.

21 Parliamentary Democracy British Monarch is officially the Head of Gov’t The people elect the Parliament or members of the legislature. Parliament then chooses the Prime Minister who is from the majority party. He leads the Executive and Legislative Branch. Parliament- 2 houses (Bicameral Legislature) 1) Senate –105 members (appointed not elected) 2) House of Commons. 308 members(5 year Term) House of Commons makes most laws.

22 Parliamentary cont’d Each province elects members to parliament based on population. Judicial Branch-highest court is the Supreme Court Supreme Court oversees the Federal and Provincial Courts

23 Constitutional Government Canada’s Constitution is partially written and partially unwritten. (British North American Act of 1867 and the Constitution Act of 1982 are written parts) A federal system divides authority between the national and provincial governments. The National Government can reject Provincial Government. National Government is in control. They are separate but not equal.

24 Provincial Authority National Government oversees the 3 territories. Leaders are elected from within the province. The Premier heads both the legislative and executive branch of the Provincial Government. Provincial Governments control education, property ownership and citizen rights.

25 Compare and Contrast 24 Complete the Canada side of the T-Chart for a Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizer

26 How would you describe the government of Mexico? 1. Read page 183-185. 2. Complete the pink graphic organizer. I will give you about 10-15 minutes

27 Mexican History For thousands of years Mexico was ruled by tribes of native Indians. (Olmec, Mayan, Aztec) 1519-1521 Spanish Conquest of Mexico 1521-1810 Mexico was a Spanish Colony. 1821 Mexico gains independence from Spain 26

28 Graphic Organizer 1. 9/15/1810 2. Miguel Hidalgo 3. Spain, 9/16/1821 4. Democratic rights, land ownership

29 Graphic Organizer 5. United States- for land over Texas- Texans rebelled. 6. Treaty of Guadalupe 7. add to or take over 8. Bought them from Mexico because of Treaty of Guadalaupe.

30 9. Benito Juarez 10. 1876 finances 11. Francisco Madero Diaz’s 12. Mexican Revolution/ presidential democracy

31 13. PRI Institutional Revolutionary Party 14. stronger, more powerful president 15. Senate Chamber of Deputies

32 Flow Chart

33 Mexico’s Government Presidential Democracy Executive Branch Legislative Branch Judicial Branch

34 Flow Chart Mexico’s Government Presidential Democracy Executive Branch establishes gov’t policy proposes new laws controls the nations finances appoints judges and a cabinet Legislative Branch General Congress Chamber of Deputies 500 Senate 128 Judicial Branch Supreme Court of Justice

35 Summarization Activity Answer the Essential Question. Make sure that you write about each form of democracy that we have discussed in class.

36 Democracy Rules ! 35

37 36

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