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Tech: Cue “THAT’S BONKERS” Slide Hey everyone! Welcome to… another week of “That’s Bonkers!” Today we’ll be hearing the very, very, VERY last part of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Tech: Cue “THAT’S BONKERS” Slide Hey everyone! Welcome to… another week of “That’s Bonkers!” Today we’ll be hearing the very, very, VERY last part of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tech: Cue “THAT’S BONKERS” Slide Hey everyone! Welcome to… another week of “That’s Bonkers!” Today we’ll be hearing the very, very, VERY last part of the Big Bible Story. The very last book of the Bible teaches us that Jesus is so bonkers-in-love with us that He’s planning on coming back. Can you believe that?!

2 We’ll learn all about that by playing a super fun, super crazy game called…what? Kids respond. You got it— “That’s Bonkers!” Before we get started, though, I want to ask you a question. Have you ever had a really crazy dream? You know—the kind of dream where you wake up and say, “Wow…that was Bonkers!”? Take an answer or two from kids.

3 Those are great stories of dreams! Before we get started, lets spend some time praising God for how good He is! Worship Time


5 After worship… Tech: Cue That’s Bonkers Slide

6 In the Bible, there was a disciple named John who had a pretty crazy dream. Actually, it was more like a vision— which is something like a dream, except you have it while you’re awake. In the vision, God revealed to John all kinds of things there were going to happen in the future. Pick up your Bible…

7 Later on, John wrote those things down in a book called Revelation—which is the last book of the Bible. Are you ready to see what kind of things happened in John’s vision? Kids respond. Great—here’s how we’re going to do it! We’re going to play “That’s Bonkers” to find out the whole story! Here’s how the game works. Explain the rules to the group (NEXT PAGE)

8 During certain parts of the story, I’ll call on one of you to come up and hit the Bonkers Button (point to button). The Bonkers Button will cue the spinner on the screen! The volunteer who hit the button will have to perform the action that the spinner lands on!

9 If the spinner lands on an “All Play” action, everyone has to do the action! If the spinner lands on “BONKERS!”, everyone will have to do your small group’s BONKERS Action! Your small groups should have come up with a special Bonkers Action, so that will be the time to show off your special Bonkers move! Are you ready to Play!?

10 Tech: Cue “Big Bible Story” Graphic For just a moment, remember back to when Jesus lived on the Earth. The Bible says that even though Jesus was God in human form, He humbled himself. That means He didn’t try to look really important. Let me show you what I mean. Call on a child to hit the Bonkers Button. Tech: Cue “Video Spinner: Fancy Pants style”

11 (Child should act out this part): You see—there are some people who really try to strut their stuff. They put on super fancy clothes and walk around like supermodels hoping that really important people will see them and want to hang out with them. Thank child and dismiss.

12 But that’s not what Jesus did! In fact, when Jesus entered Jerusalem at the end of His life, what did he come riding on? Take answer. That’s right—Jesus rode in on a lowly donkey. But in Revelation 19, it says that one day in the future, Jesus will make a different, more powerful return to Earth. Let’s see what that will look like. Call on a child to hit the Bonkers Button. Tech: Cue “Video Spinner: Cowboy style”

13 Revelation 19 says that one day in the future, the heavens will open up and Jesus will return riding on a white horse. He’ll have a bunch of crowns on His head and his eyes will blaze with the intensity of fire. But He won’t be alone… All the armies of heaven will be riding white horses right behind him! Thank child and dismiss.

14 Along with His heavenly armies, Jesus will do battle with Satan. You see— Satan has had a terrible grip on the Earth ever since Adam and Eve first sinned, but when Jesus comes back, He’ll put an end to that! Call on a child to hit the Bonkers Button. Tech: Cue “Video Spinner: All Play: Slow Motion style”. Encourage all kids to stand up and act out the next lines in slow motion.

15 When Jesus returns, He will grab ahold of Satan. Jesus will put Satan in chains and then throw Him into a deep, dark hole! Then He’ll slam the door and lock it. Have kids take a seat. There’s more, though. The book of Revelation says that once Satan is defeated, Jesus will put in place a new Heaven and a new Earth.

16 He’ll also create a New Jerusalem—a city that’s more beautiful than you could ever imagine. Tech: Cue “New Jerusalem” slide. It’ll have giant walls around it decorated in precious stones and streets covered in pure gold. But here’s the best part…In the middle of the city, there will be a crystal clear river that flows from a throne room. Guess who will sit on the throne. Take responses.

17 That’s right—God himself will sit on the throne and live among His people! His glory will shine so brightly that it will light up the entire city. There will be no need for the sun or moon or any other kind of light to see. And because God will live with His people, there will no longer be any tears.

18 There will be no more sickness, pain or death. In fact, all the effects of sin on the world will be wiped completely away. Call on a child to hit the Bonkers Button. Tech: Cue “Video Spinner: Bonkers” Have kids stand up and do the Bonkers motion together, then signal “STOP”.

19 Tech: Cue “Bible Story Questions” Slide Okay, now is the time to turn to our small groups and discuss these response questions… What do you think this story teaches us about God? What do you think it would be like to live in the New Jerusalem? After a few minutes, draw their attention back to the teaching area.

20 Isn’t that amazing?! Had you ever heard that Jesus was going to return someday? Kids answer. We know it’s true because it’s something Jesus promised us in the Bible. In fact, let’s take a look at His promise together. Tech: Cue John 14:3 Verse Slide Have kids look at John 14:3 on the screen

21 Read verse aloud as a group: “I will come back. And I will take you with me. Then you will also be where I am.” John 14:3 I have a question for you, though. Who here knows when Jesus is going to come back? Take answers. In Matthew 24, Jesus says that no one knows the time and date that He’ll return.

22 He says it could happen at any moment— so be ready. Do you think that means we should pack a suitcase? Kids respond. No way! What do you think it means to be ready for Jesus to return? Take answers from kids. Those are some great thoughts!

23 Let me show you what the Bible says we can do to be ready. Invite child to push the “Bonkers Button”. Tech: Cue “Video Spinner: All Play: “Angry Giant” style. Wow! When you see the big words on the slides, read them in an Angry Giant style! Tech: Cue “Be Ready” PowerPoint slides (within EasyWorship!) when prompted by LG Leader.

24 Slide 1: “Build godly character.” 1 Thessalonians 4:4-8 tells us that to be ready, we should have self-control and be strong in our faith, hope and love. Slide 2: “Do God’s work.” Matthew 24:45-46 tells us that to be ready, we should keep on doing the work God has given us, like telling others about Jesus.

25 Sign 3: “Pray for strength.” Luke 21:36 tells us that to be ready, we should pray for the strength to keep following Him and to make good choices. Step down off the stage to talk with kids. The place Jesus is preparing for His followers is going to be amazing! The best part is—Jesus wants for us to live there with Him. Since the moment that sin separated us from God, God has looked for a way to be with us again.

26 And now that Jesus has died for our sins, we can once again live with God forever. In Revelation 22:20, Jesus says, “I am coming soon.” and then His followers respond by saying, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” So will you respond with me? Say “Jesus is coming soon” Prompt kids to respond: “Come Lord Jesus”

27 Close in prayer. Release the group to the response tables for Response Time. They can choose any of the four stations in the time allowed. Have them follow the instructions on the signs at each station. Remind them that it’s a quiet time of response. Tech: Cue Response Music After a few minutes, release the groups by grade.

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