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EuropeAid Roberto Ridolfi Head of Unit. Central management of thematic budget lines/DCI and Food Facility - Europe Aid. Developing the regions of Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "EuropeAid Roberto Ridolfi Head of Unit. Central management of thematic budget lines/DCI and Food Facility - Europe Aid. Developing the regions of Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 EuropeAid Roberto Ridolfi Head of Unit. Central management of thematic budget lines/DCI and Food Facility - Europe Aid. Developing the regions of Africa and Europe. 13 October 2010. Leverage private investment for African agricultural and agri-business SMEs and farmers organizations.

2 EuropeAid World's population projected to reach 9.1 billion by 2050, Population increase to occur in developing countries… with agricultural production demand expected to double. Developing countries facing multiple challenges: √ High inflation rates, high interest rates √ Effects on environmental degradation √ Pressures on natural resources √ Impact of global warming etc. What sustainable response ? Food security and climate change among the most pressing global issues.

3 EuropeAid Crucial lack of investment in the agricultural value chain systems Blending public and private funds for agriculture development and agro processing: √ to increase investment, √ to build skills, √ to create jobs, √ to develop technologies… which can improve vulnerable people’s lives. Boost agro-industry as an engine for growth in Africa, with key support to actors and processes.

4 EuropeAid SMEs / small-holders organizations primary beneficiaries. Equity Fund advisor/manager with public and private sector expertise. Rely on country based companies and local financial sector. Rally additional partners: EU Member States Governments, European agro-business companies, International and regional financial institutions (AfDB, BADEA etc.) Equity to revamp agriculture development and agri- business in Africa. 360 ° shifting strategy to land grabbing

5 EuropeAid Targeted Equity instrument for value chain enhancement. 3-4 pilot countries (Uganda?) chosen/criteria: √ legal environment, √ regulatory framework, √ dynamic private sector interested in agriculture investment EU is planning to allocate funding in this direction in 2011 2013 Food Security programme... Equity to hedge the risk of blending public money with private one.

6 EuropeAid Benefits for European private sector Benefits: √ Potential High ROI √ Opening new markets √ Very low Investment risk √ Quality maintained thanks to value chain Added Value of European private sector: √ High Quality √ Compliance with international standards √ Technology Transfer √ Guidance and expertise

7 EuropeAid The Project « Auction floor » Creating opportunities for access to funds for applicants who did not receive EU funding but still presented good proposals. 2 projects are already being funded or about to be funded in the last month !!!!!! Tools: Booklet + Website Sectors: Food Security and Culture + Environment

8 EuropeAid Advantages for an ‘Auction Floor’ Investors Gain an entry point into a new geographic area and/or a new market. Benefit from the visibility of an initiative organised by the EC (for example via the website, during events, in EC press relations). The project could be part of a CSR policy. Save time and resources

9 EuropeAid THANKS!! Questions and Answers

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