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National Conference on Agriculture Rajasthan. Diversification ( low water requiring, high – value crops & varietal diversification ) Better Water Management.

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Presentation on theme: "National Conference on Agriculture Rajasthan. Diversification ( low water requiring, high – value crops & varietal diversification ) Better Water Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Conference on Agriculture Rajasthan

2 Diversification ( low water requiring, high – value crops & varietal diversification ) Better Water Management Extension (Transfer of Technology) Hi -Tech Farming Infrastructure Development Strategy Increasing productivity Ensuring remunerative prices Higher levels of Farm Income Through Through Optimum utilization of resources – land, water & technology for enhanced growth of Agriculture Equity and Sustainability

3 Strategy for enhanced growth District specific crop production, R & D, processing, PHM, Marketing & value addition plans to be made looking to the soil & Agro-climatic conditions. District and crop specific projects for area expansion, quality improvement, productivity enhancement & cost reduction to be taken. – Target 20 +, Operation 150 +, target 15 +, Operation Doguna ‘Operational Reforms-Krishi Yojanaien Apke Dwar’ by organising camps twice every year in every Panchayat Samiti for better service delivery in a transparent manner Massive upscaling of MIP-One Lac Ha. Area to be covered under Amulya Neer Yojana Jal abhiyan launched throughout the state Agri Business / Agro- processing policy will be formulated in participation with Rabo Bank–to encourage value addition & better returns Collaborative farming : SAB-Miller involved in Barley Project

4 Timely availability of quality seed Area wise & variety wise seed production plan prepared. Capacity expansion of 16 existing seed processing plants -to be completed by March 06. 2 New seed processing plants to be operational by March 2006 Increased seed replacement rate – SRR plan at State-District-Tehsil-Gram panchayat-village level prepared. – Thrust in low SRR areas. Focus on multiplication from-BS-FS-CS Breeder seed indent tripled in Kharif 2006 from 448 qtls in 2005 to 1337 qtls in 2006-07 and in 2007-08, 1930 qtls. Arrangement of adequate quantity of certified / quality seed- Target 2.87 lac qtls. As against 1.66 lac qtls of last year 2 new Seed testing labs being established for enhanced quality control (existing labs 4) R & D MOU signed with SAUs for Black gram, Ground nut, hybrid cotton & Ground nut for variety development & improved Package of Practices.

5 Productivity 2004-05 : normal year Kg/Hect. Bajra Rajasthan 500 to 800 less than 500 801 to 1200 1201 & above

6 Productivity 2004-05 : normal year Kg/Hect. Groundnut Rajasthan 1200 to 1500 less than 1200 1501 to 1800 1801 & above

7 900 to 1200 less than 900 1201 to 1500 1501 & above Kg/Hect. Maize Rajasthan Productivity 2004-05 : normal year Non Maize growing Distt.

8 250 to 400 less than 250 401 & above Kg/Hect. Moong ( Green gram ) Rajasthan Productivity 2004-05 : normal year Non Moong growing Distt.

9 less than 1400 1401 & above Kg/Hect. Soyabean Rajasthan Productivity 2004-05 : normal year Non Soyabean growing Distt.

10 Seed Replacement Rate (SRR) SRR % 0 20 40 60 80 2004-052005-062006-072007-08 bajra maize Moong Cotton wheat mustard

11 Seed Arrangements : Kharif in lac Qtls.

12 Nutrient Management Village level analysis and planning for achieving ideal N:P:K ratio To provide Soil & water testing facility in all 32 districts, 12 new labs to be operational by March 06 3.5 lac soil health cards to be distributed to farmers, against 1.6 lac in 2005-06 Soil fertility survey completed in 176 blocks, survey in 33 new blocks in 2006-07. For enhanced quality control, one new fertilizer testing lab to be operational by March 2006 ( existing 3 labs with a total capacity of 6000 samples per year). Advance stock building of 50,000 MT of DAP for timely availability Two lac MT Gypsum to be distributed for reclamation and used as nutrients in crops Bio-fertilizer distribution augmented ( 20 lac packets in 06-07, against 9 lac packets in 05-06) Use of organic manures promoted 36,125 Vermi- compost demos in 8,000 village@ 5 demos per village, 1.95 lac compost pits & 11,275 trainings organized An integrated organic farming policy to be framed covering input management, training, certification, processing, marketing and export

13 Fertilizer Arrangements : Kharif in lac M.T.

14 Farmer’s Field School module to be continued in all IPM Programmes. FFS made more effective through joyful learning, participatory approach, test & awards. 2 QAQC workshop held for pesticide and fertilizer manufacturers. For better targeting and increasing the number of beneficiaries only one ha to be covered for each farmer in block demonstration of 10 ha ABC analysis of pesticide manufacturers on basis of their performance Sampling for QC doubled for seed and fertilizer with targeting for low performing units Progress 2005-06 :- TargetFFS Organized ICDP(Cotton) :- 118118 ISOPOM :- 570547 Work Plan :-698676e schemes. M & E of FFS being undertaken Pest Management Strategy

15 Crop Diversification: (Unit in lac ha) Cereals to Oilseeds/Pulses and high value crops

16 CropsArea in ha. 2003-042004-052005-06 Fruit4224750000*60000 Vegetable110312115557127993 Spices589629415899434276 Flowers194933123749 M & A Plants1612151488971569345 Crop Diversification Increase in area under horticultural crops

17 National Horticulture Mission Implementation Total Outlay : Rs. 4102.00 lac (100% GOI Share as grant) The release received from GOI: Rs. 1759.57 Lac. The Rajasthan Horticulture Development Society has been constituted for implementation of Programmes. The District Mission Committee (DMC) constituted. Expenditure : Rs. 507.15 lac upto Jan, 2006. Districts covered 13 Districts Jaipur, Ajmer, Alwar, Chittor, Kota, Baran, Jhalawar, Jalore, Jodhpur, Pali, Barmer, Nagaur, Ganganagar Crops selected 12 crops Fruits:Aonla, Mandarin, Kinnow, Ber Spices:Coriander, Cumin, Fenugreek M&A:Aloevera, Palmarosa,Citronella Flower:Rose, Marigold.

18 CropNHMWork Plan TargetAch. Fruits80004000 Fruit Orchard established in 5700 ha under Work Plan Spices, M &A Plants 73006838 2900 demonstration of M&A laid out under Work Plan Flowers 1075696 4650 demonstration of flowers in 930 ha laid out under Work Plan Establishment of new gardens under NHM & Work Plan Unit in ha

19 ATMA Implementation 11 Districts have been identified in first phase. Inter Deptt. Working Group Constituted. State Institute of Agriculture Management (SIAM) is identified as Nodal Agency as well as HRD Institution. District Agriculture Action Plan (DAAP) completed SEWP approved for Rs. 334.34 lac. GOI Released upto January 2006:- Rs. 231.00 lac State Share :- Rs. 25.76 lac a new budget Head is opened funds being released ATMA Registered. BTT / FAC constituted. Funds to be routed through SIAM being an Autonomous Body. Strategic Research Extension Plan Prepared

20 Massive capacity building of farmers through 32 lac colorful attractive booklets distributed this year Daily broadcasting of a radio program on prime slot from all 16 AIR stations. Daily telecasting on Doordarshan (Krishi Darshan, Chaupal) Special in-house production of Navankur program for DD by the department Monthly news paper "Kheti Ri Batan" circulation 28000. Kisan Call Centre- Toll free number 1551-Highest calls per day in the country Exposure Visits(3000 farmers),Farmer Field Schools,Trainings, Kisan Melas, Exhibitions IT base extension-website, GRAMSAT, Touch-screen-kiosk at mandis No funds in extension for Print Media, Radio and in-house TV programme. State’s Initiatives : Extension

21 State’s initiatives Infrastructure Development 2005-06 LabExistingNewPresent CapacityAdditional Capacity Seed testing 422500010000 Fertilizer Analysis 3160002000 Pesticide Residue 2216001200 Soil testing 21122,56,00084,000 Tissue Culture 2to be Completed by March,06

22 State’s initiatives 2005-06: Productivity enhancement Operational reforms :Better service delivery through Krishi Yojanaen – Apke Dwar. Massive up scaling of Amulya Neer Yojana Jal Abhiyaan- Sprinkler Target 10000+ launched in Jaipur distt. SAB-Miller involved in Barley development program in Jaipur & Sikar districts –to increase productivity to 150% & value addition by malting through collaborative farming.

23 Initiatives proposed for 2006-07 Exposure visit of 5000 farmers including entrepreneurs engaged in value addition & NGOs shall be taken for interstate visit to see hi-tech agriculture Package of Practices will be developed for 54 Micro-farming situations in collaboration with SAUs. Panchayat wise camps in May-June 2006 to propagate agricultural best practices Soil health cards to be issued to 3.5 lac farmers against 1.6 lac Two lac MT Gypsum to be distributed for reclamation and used as nutrients in crops. Massive seed production program within State through RSSC, Agriculture,Animal Husbandry, Horticulture, Tilam Sangh Farms, Farmers & Private sector - for vegetables,seed spices, pulses, maize & bajra RSSC to take up seed production programme of 5000 Qtl. Of vegetables and seed species To disseminate improve crop production technology among cultivators 50 lac colourful and attractive POP booklets will be distributed An integrated organic farming policy to be framed covering input management, training, certification, processing, marketing and export To encourage girl students to choose Agriculture as subject the Stipend is proposed to be raised from Rs.1000/- to Rs.3000/- for 10+2 standard and from Rs.3000/- to Rs.5000/- for agriculture graduation. Productivity Enhancement & HRD

24 Food processing training centre at Kota through SIAM for developing technologists, managers & entrepreneurs in food processing through courses Terminal market to be set up in the State through collaboration with GOI and private sector. Capacity building of all categories of agriculture personnel through NIAM for skills up gradation and attitudinal change for PHM & marketing Single, unified license for direct purchase of agricultural produce- whether directly or through contract farming -for the area of operations. Capacity building for price risk management for selected crops by promotion of futures training through NCDEX. Initiatives proposed for 2006-07 PHM & Marketing

25 Marketing Reforms Terminal Market : at Muhana - 80% complete at the cost of Rs. 16 Crore Value addition & Export sector- International agencies like RABO Bank International consulted Development of 18 Commodity - specific mandis e.g. Henna ( mehendi ) mandi in Sojat, flower mandi in Pushkar & Ajmer and jeera mandi in Jodhpur Total project cost- Rs. 23.40 crores. Agri Export Zones for Coriander and Cumin established- - Activities for Improving quality & enhancing productivity started -Establishment of sanitary & phyto-sanitary laboratories and two disease forecasting units in progress APMC Act amended for contract farming, direct purchase & private mandis CompanyCrop produce Cotton Corporation of IndiaCotton ITCSoybean, Wheat, Maize, Bajra, Mustard SAB- Miller & CARGILBarley 108 out of 125 mandis computerized

26 Weather Insurance Scheme for Kinnow, Cumin, Fennel, Fenugreek. Weather Insurance started through ICICI Lombard Mandarin-332 policies, Coriander-2496 policies, Cumin-1164 policies issued Fenugreek – 160 Policies, Notification for Kinnow, & Fennel issued - Policies ready for issue. Soybean –5000 policies issued without any financial support from Govt. Coverage of all major Kharif crops under Crop Insurance 14 kharif crops covered under NAIS in 2005,estimated claim Rs. 216 Cr. (Payment started and will be completed by Feb 2006 Rabi 2005-06- 11 crops notified Risk Management Initiatives

27 Budgetary Status -2005-06 Rs. In Lac CSS Share SchemesUnspent balance as on 1-4-2005 Approved Revised Outlays Including unspent Funds released 2005-06 Funds Available Exp. upto Jan,06 % of Outlays Likely. Exp. upto March,06 ISOPOM600.322945.902350.002945.922030.7168.932945.90 ICDP (Cotton)107.10702.48250.00357.11306.9443.69702.48 (ATMA)0.00334.34231.00 8.002.4334.34 Plant Quarantine Lab 3.31 0.003.310.003.31 Agri. Mech. Demo2.006.684.686.680.006.68 National Hort. Mission - 4102.001759.57 507.1512.364102.00 Work Plan including DRFS. 4546.5410346.542900.007446.544512.9543.6110346.54

28 Macro management of Agriculture including DRFS. (Dry land Rainfed Farming System) Budgetary Status Rs. In Lac CSS Share SchemesUnspent Balance as per AG Appr. Outlays 2005-06 Funds released Funds Available including Unspent Balance Exp. upto Jan-06 % of fund available Likely Exp. upto Mar-06 Agriculture 2303.001918.503042.141562.2151.353618.90 WD&SC 2340.00531.501704.401351.2679.283937.64 Horti. --900.00399.5044.40900.00 Forest 1157.00450.001800.001199.9866.671890.00 Total 4546.545800.002900.007446.544512.9563.6210346.54

29 Constraints/ Issues Release of IInd Installment under Macro Management of Agriculture for the year 2005-06. Approval of proposals Rs. 373.23 lac within the plan ceiling under Work Plan 2005- 06. Uniform Level of Subsidy Under Macro Management Work Plan, ISOPOM & ICDP.  Sanction of Rs. 3.00 crores for establishment of residual testing laboratory. Flexibility Under various schemes-lump sum devolution to State instead of structured component again. NCOF- no scheme on organic farming by NCOF, funds being not allowed from Work Plan. No funds in extension for Print Media, Radio and in-house TV programme. Lack of availability of Breeder/Foundation seed in vegetables seed spices & pulses. Research system of SAUs not effective at all.

30 Crisis of storage and uncertainty of procurement of mustard. Major shortage & crisis of Urea/DAP in these days of plenty showing. In National Horticulture Mission greater flexibility need to be provided by taking up programmes and selection of crops / fruit plants as per need of the area of the State. Expansion of National Horticulture Mission in all the districts. Constraints/ Issues

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