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Positive Guidance andDiscipline. Reasons for Misbehavior Stage of Growth: the child is behaving in a normal manner for the stage of growth he/she is in:

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Presentation on theme: "Positive Guidance andDiscipline. Reasons for Misbehavior Stage of Growth: the child is behaving in a normal manner for the stage of growth he/she is in:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Guidance andDiscipline

2 Reasons for Misbehavior Stage of Growth: the child is behaving in a normal manner for the stage of growth he/she is in: power, attention, revenge, assumed inadequacy are normal Unfulfilled Needs: The child’s needs are not being met and she/he is acting out in order to try to get his/her needs met.

3 Reasons for Misbehavior Environment: The child is uncomfortable in or does not understand his/her environment. Doesn’t know Better: The child has not been taught the concept he/she is dealing with.

4 Positive Guidance Discipline: guidance which helps the child learn self-control Self-discipline: ability to direct one’s own behavior Children may rebel when parents punish rather than discipline Attention is a powerful reinforcer to guide children: they often misbehave for attention Example: is a very effective way to teach children desired behavior Consistency is the key to guidance Respond to aggressive behavior in non-aggressive ways

5 Types of Guidance Techniques

6 1. Natural and Logical Consequences Consequences Natural Consequences: occur without interference, child can see the result of their choices Cannot be used if the consequence will cause harm to self, others or property, or too far in the future.

7 Logical Consequences: should be relevant to the misbehavior. The punishment should fit the crime. Example: if Sally spills the paint, she must clean up the mess that is made Short in duration, not imposed in anger, provide opportunities for children to learn from their behavior.

8 2. Positive Statements When guiding children, phrase all requests in a positive manner Example: say, “Let’s walk to the blocks,” rather than, “Don’t run to the blocks” Clearly states what is expected, then help them get started Talk to children at their eye level when giving directions

9 3. Redirection Get him to focus on something else. Example: if he is angry at the blocks area, lead him to a different area of the room and introduce a different activity Children up to two years old can be easily distracted

10 4. Reverse Attention When a child’s behavior is inappropriate, focus on a child who is displaying the appropriate behavior and make a positive comment If the first child changes his behavior, he should be immediately reinforced with a positive statement. Ignoring the negative, reinforcing the positive

11 5. Limited Choices Do not give him an unlimited choice unless he can really have what is chosen. Only give choices that are available. Example: “Do you want apples or pears for a snack?” rather than, ‘What would you like for a snack?”

12 6. Time Out When a child has disobeyed a rule, she will be sent to a predetermined place to distance herself from the problem and gain composure. Should be a last option, limited use. Use a place where there are no distractions or positive reinforcers

13 7. Reasoning Explaining to the child the consequences of their actions and the purpose for obeying rules.

14 8. Acceptable Outlets for Feelings Children have very strong feelings and emotions. Help them find acceptable outlets to express these emotions.

15 9. Avoid Overstimulation Too many choices and ideas may over stimulate children and may contribute to misbehavior.

16 10. Really Listening Really listening means being aware of what children are thinking and feeling. Really listen to the child before attempting to resolve the problem.

17 11. Modeling It is vital that adults model the type of behavior that they desire in children.

18 Break for activity – Do, Don’t

19 12. Positive Guidance Use methods that build children’s self- esteem and confidence. Tell them what they can do and not always what they cannot do.

20 Examples of positive statements. What they can’t do Don’t splash water. Don’t spill your milk. Don’t run in the halls. What they can do Keep the water in the pool. Please keep the milk in the glass. Use your walking feet in the halls.


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