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MERCPA 2014 – An Overview Coal and Minerals. Outline Introduction to the new Act Preliminary Dealings, caveats and associated agreements Land Access Mining.

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Presentation on theme: "MERCPA 2014 – An Overview Coal and Minerals. Outline Introduction to the new Act Preliminary Dealings, caveats and associated agreements Land Access Mining."— Presentation transcript:

1 MERCPA 2014 – An Overview Coal and Minerals

2 Outline Introduction to the new Act Preliminary Dealings, caveats and associated agreements Land Access Mining lease and environmental authority notification and objection processes Overlapping coal and CSG tenements

3 Introduction to MERCPA 2014 Modernising Queensland’s Resources Acts (MQRA) program –Five Acts into one over three to four years –Rationale is a cutting ‘red-tape’ and compliance costs (consistent with Newman 20 percent election pledge) *Mineral and Energy (Common Provisions) Act 2014 –Passed by Parliament on 9 September after consultation process –Comes into force on “proclamation” (when Gov’t decides), mirroring repeal of Resources Acts –Creates the ‘shell’ for the final Act into which provisions will be incrementally transferred from the Resources Acts –First step in MQRA process creates many common ‘processes’ (dealings, caveats and registers / tenure applications) but there are also substantive changes to law relating to land access (private and public land), overlapping tenure (coal/CSG) and public notification and objection rights for mining lease applicants

4 Preliminary Section 3: Sets out the “main purposes” of Act – consolidate provisions; provide for common processes; new coal/CSG overlap regime; achieve purposes of Resources Acts. Section 6: Sets out the relationship between this Act and the other resources Acts. This Act has primacy. Section 6(5): The key where there is inconsistency is whether it is “possible” or “impossible” to comply with both provisions. Section 10: New concept of the “resource authority”, referring to all exploration and production tenures under the five Acts.

5 Dealings, caveats and associated agreements Different processes and requirements for notification and registration of ‘dealings’ across the five Acts Lengthy and complicated when compared with equivalent legislation in other Australian jurisdictions Largely harmonised under the Mines Legislation (Streamlining) Amendment Act 2012 (Qld) (intro’d online processing via DNRM’s MinesOnline) Further streamlining under MERCPA by introducing one set of administrative processes that focuses on outcomes, leaving prescriptive processes to be covered off by Regulations Purports to reduce Government processing times, costs + indirect savings to industry

6 Chapter 2 - Dealings, caveats and associated agreements Source: Modernising Queensland’s Resources Acts Program – Dealings, caveats and associated agreements February 2014

7 Dealings What is a dealing? Broad “catch-all” with ability to prescribe other transactions. ‘Prescribed dealings’ require registration and Minister’s approval to have effect Will be prescribed by Regulation, however expect: –Transfer of RA (or share thereof) –Mortgage over RA (or share thereof) –Release, transfer or surrender of mortgage –Change of name of holder of RA (even if same person) –If RA is a lease, sublease of the lease, transfer of sublease (or share thereof) and ending of sublease ‘ Prohibited dealings’ have no effect –Transfer of divided part of authorised area for RA excluding Sublease or transfer of a sublease –Per Regulations

8 Dealings Indicative approval system retained –Still includes ‘preconditions’ for IA that may prevent registration of dealing where not satisfied –IA valid for a prescribed period, but what if lapses before RA holder is able to lodge transfer application due to circumstances outside of its control (e.g. delays in regulatory approval or due to transfer duty assessments)

9 Caveats and associated agreements As before.

10 Land Access: overview Regime generally the same What has changed? –Opt-out agreements –Title notations –Access agreements –Restricted land

11 Land Access: transitionals Land Access Code continues until replaced by new Land Access Codes Agreements, entry notices, waivers and consents in force when Act commences – continue Agreements being negotiated when the Act commences - completed under the provisions of the MR Act

12 Land Access: opt-out agreements Landowner elects to “opt-out” Must meet “prescribed requirements” Binds successors and assigns Must be recorded on title Does not negate compensation liability Ends: –According to the terms of the OOA –Either party may terminate during 10 BD cooling off period –when the RA expires or terminates –Entry into a CCA, deferral agreement or OOA

13 Land Access: title notations CCA or OOA must be noted on property land title Full agreements not recorded or searchable Condition of the RA RA holders must notify land titles registrar within 28 days after entering CCA or OOA and when it ends Existing CCAs must be registered – six month period for compliance

14 Land Access: access land New concept –Only applies for EPMs & EPCs –Not PPs, MCs, MDLs and MLs Access land –Land outside tenement which the holder needs to cross over Access agreement may be oral or in writing –If access will have a permanent impact, with each owner and occupier –Otherwise, with the occupier Must not “unreasonably refuse” to agree May be referred to Land Court Binding on future owners & occupiers and tenement holders

15 Land Access: restricted land New regime applies to tenements applied for and granted after Act commences Old regime under MR Act: No access to land without owner written consent:- Category A – 100m Category B – 50m Any activities within 600 m require CCA Accommodation buildingStockyardResidence or school Business, community, sporting or recreational purposes building Bore, artesian well, dam or artificial water storage Place of worshipCemetery or burial place

16 Land Access: restricted land New regime No surface activities, or activities impacting the surface, without owner or occupier written consent within “prescribed distance” of listed buildings or areas –Residence, place of worship, childcare centre, hospital, library, school, cemetery, pig or poultry farm, intensive feedlot, aquaculture and other business 200 m No activities without consent

17 Notification and objection processes Overview –When do the new processes apply? –What are the changes to mining lease notification and objections processes? –What are the changes to the notification processes for environmental authorities?

18 Notification and objection processes When do the new processes apply? –For mining lease applications: if a certificate of application or a certificate of public notice has NOT been given by the time the Act commences –For environmental authority applications: if the EA application has NOT been publicly notified by the time the Act commences Note: also consider whether your ML application falls within the Pre-Greentape Legislation (i.e. if it was lodged prior to 31 March 2013)

19 MLA notification –Currently, public notification of all ML and EA applications are duplicated under both the MR Act and the EP Act. –The current notification obligations for MLs do not differentiate between different scales, risk levels and impact levels. –The changes seek to reduce costs and regulatory burden, and to streamline the application process.

20 MLA notification The chief executive will issue a ‘mining lease notice’ in lieu of a COA and CPN Mining lease notice to be given to each ‘affected person’: –owner of subject land –owner of access land –local government

21 MLA notification Applicants must also give notice of the application to: –occupiers of subject land –an occupier of land necessary for access to the subject land –an owner of adjoining land –an entity that provides infrastructure wholly or partially on the subject land e.g. electricity or telecommunication providers Notice is to be given in accordance with a practice manual under the Act

22 MLA objections Only an ‘affected person’ can object to a mining lease application ‘Affected person’ in this context means: –owner of land the subject of the proposed mining lease –owner of land necessary for access to the land the subject of the mining lease –an owner of adjoining land (within the meaning of new s252A) –the relevant local government Each ‘affected person’ may only object on certain limited grounds specific to the land that is impacted

23 MLA objections Objector typeMaximum scope of objection Owner of subject landStatutory compliance Appropriate land use Sound land use management Impacts of mining operations on land surface or on the owner Owner of access landStatutory compliance Reasonableness of access Owner of adjoining landStatutory compliance Likely impact on existing use of adjoining land Proximity of adjoining land to the proposed mining operations Local governmentStatutory compliance Likely impact on infrastructure owned or managed by the government

24 MLA objections Objections can no longer be lodged on the basis that there may be adverse environmental impacts This removes objections on the grounds of issues relating to dust, noise, traffic etc which are dealt with under the environmental approval process

25 Land Court If an objection is initiated by an ‘affected person’, the Land Court may, at any stage during the hearing, strike out all or part of an objection if: –outside the jurisdiction of the Land Court –frivolous or vexatious –otherwise an abuse of the process of the Land Court

26 Notification and objection processes for EAs Applications for environmental authorities will still require public notification although the scope of the notification requirements has been reduced The amendments to the EP Act mean that only ‘site specific’ EA applications – for larger projects with associated higher environmental risk will require public notification

27 Notification and objection processes for EAs DEHP gives notice to the applicant and submitters of its decision Who can object? –Any person that made a submission in response to the EA application notice –The submitter asks for submission to be taken as an objection –The objection must exclude any part of the submission made in relation to the Coordinator General’s ‘stated’ conditions –The grounds of the objection cannot relate to Coordinator General’s ‘stated’ conditions Once the EA application has been decided, both applicants and submitters have the right to request the matter be referred to the Land Court

28 Notification and objection processes for EAs Co-ordinated Projects: –A submitter cannot request that any part of a submission to an EIS that relates to a Co-ordinator General’s condition be taken to be an objection to the EA application –The grounds for an objection to an EA application cannot relate to a Co-ordinator General’s condition

29 Notification and objection processes for EAs Standard projects: –For ML applications that are not co-ordinated projects, but still require a site-specific EA application, the public notification will only occur under the EP Act (if at all). –Anyone who makes a properly made submission on the EA application (if public notification occurs) will retain the right to request that their submission be taken as an objection to the EA.

30 Notification and objection processes for EAs Land Court will be required to direct that objections hearing related to MLs and EAs occur at the same time. As with a mining lease application, the Land Court can strike out a submitter’s objection notice.

31 Coal/CSG Overlapping Tenure Regime Rationale for change Existing framework: Mineral Resources Act 1989 (Qld) and Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 (Qld) Maximising Utilisation of Queensland’s Coal and Coal Seam Gas Resources – A New Approach to Overlapping Tenure in Queensland May 2012 (White Paper) Industry response to Mines and Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 April 2014 - draft legislative framework released for comment September 2014 – Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014 (Qld) passed

32 New Coal/CSG Overlapping Tenure Regime Direct path to grant for coal and CSG production tenure Right of way for coal, subject to: –Notice periods and confirmation requirements; and –Compensation Information exchange Dispute resolution process Transitional arrangements – different provisions for the Surat Basin Flexibility for parties to enter into alternative arrangements outside the legislative framework

33 Threshold question - will the new legislative regime apply to your project? It will not apply to: –Existing MLs –EPCs over existing PLs It will apply to: –EPCs granted or applied for before the commencement date over existing ATPs –MLs applied for but not decided before the commencement date over ATPs Importantly the new regime will apply to concurrent production lease applications

34 Exploration Activities The Coal Party can undertake activities under an EPC or MDL where those activities do not adversely affect the activities of the Gas Party (under either an ATP or a PL) that have already begun.

35 Example 1 MLA over ATP Year 0Year 1.5 Year 11 MLA lodged + Advance Notice (including proposed JDP) + 18 Months Notice IMA forms (where no PLA lodged) Mining can commence IMA forms (where PLA lodged) Mining can commence ML granted + Agreed JDP in place 3 mths6 mths ATP holder gives Concurrent Notice  If yes  If no ATP holder lodges PLA  If yes  If no Year 9 – 9.5 Confirmation Notice If JDP is not agreed either party can refer to arbitration Year 1 Compensation: Payable for the cost of replacing ATP Major Gas Infrastructure e.g. pilot well being used or held for future production as well as associated infrastructure. If Concurrent Notice is given compensation liability is the same as if the ATP was a PL.

36 Example 2 MLA over PL or PLA- no acceleration and no exceptional circumstances Year 0Year 11Year 9 – 9.5Year 21 RMA Notice 1 ST RMA panel commences Duration of IMA (10 years) ML granted + Agreed JDP in place Year 19.5 IMA forms Mining can commence Confirmation Notice PL production (10 years) MLA lodged + Advance Notice (including proposed JDP) Compensation: Payable for the cost of replacing of the PL connecting infrastructure and the PL major gas infrastructure e.g. pipeline, water observation bore or facility for the distillation, processing, refining, storage or transport of petroleum, other than a distribution pipeline.

37 Example 3 MLA over PL or PLA - acceleration and no exceptional circumstances Year 0Year 1.5Year 11Year 11.5 MLA lodged + Advance Notice (including proposed JDP) + Acceleration Notice + Confirmation Notice IMA forms Mining can commence RMA Notice1 ST RMA panel commences Duration of IMA (10 years) Compensation for Lost Production This would be the date the IMA forms and mining commences if acceleration did not occur i.e. 11 years after the Advance Notice is given ML granted + Agreed JDP in place Year 10 Compensation: Payable for : the cost of replacing the PL connecting infrastructure the PL major gas infrastructure the cost of replacing the PL minor gas infrastructure the value of lost production

38 Contracting out, ‘sort of’ Ability to ‘contract out’ of regime, but not the mandatory requirements Not a ‘default regime’ as envisaged Mandatory requirements –Advance notice of mining commencement date –Agreement of JDP and lodged with Minister –Subsequent petroleum production –Concurrent applications –Information exchange –Ministerial powers Amendments needed to ensure that Co- Development Agreements are transitioned

39 Role play Background: The following is a discussion between an overlapping MLA Holder and ATP Holder in months leading up to the commencement of the new regime. The MLA Holder is ‘gung ho’ believes it is across the new laws – the ATP Holder is less confident and decides to call its lawyer for advice.

40 Questions ?

41 Thank you Energy and Resources team

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