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Warm-up: Sept. 13, 2012 Answer the following questions, TRY NOT TO LOOK AT YOUR NOTES. 1. List the FOUR Organic Molecule and list their functions 2. How.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up: Sept. 13, 2012 Answer the following questions, TRY NOT TO LOOK AT YOUR NOTES. 1. List the FOUR Organic Molecule and list their functions 2. How."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up: Sept. 13, 2012 Answer the following questions, TRY NOT TO LOOK AT YOUR NOTES. 1. List the FOUR Organic Molecule and list their functions 2. How can you improve an experiment?

2 Passive Transport Transport: movement of materials into or out of the cell

3 Passive High → Low

4 Passive Transport NO ENERGY!!

5 Passive Transport From HIGH to Low, you go WITH THE FLOW!!

6 Passive Transport

7 Cell Membrane 1. Allows materials inside the cell to remain separate from its surroundings. 2. Allows certain things to move in and out of the cell.

8 Selectively Permeable allows certain materials to move in and out of the cell when needed but keeps other materials from crossing the membrane.

9 Phosopholipid bilayer


11 Types of Cell Transport Active Transport Uses energy (ATP)‏ Examples: Endocytosis & Exocytosis Passive Transport Does not use energy (ATP)‏ Examples: Diffusion, Facilitated Diffusion, & Osmosis

12 Diffusion Definition: The movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. Energy or No Energy Diffusion is passive transport because it does not require any of the cell's energy.

13 From HIGH to LOW; Go with the Flow!!

14 Diffusion

15 When there is a difference in concentration in two areas the difference is called a concentration gradient. When the concentrations on both sides of the cell membrane are equal, the concentration has reached equilibrium.

16 Diffusion Examples of molecules that can diffuse through a cell’s membrane are oxygen and carbon dioxide.

17 Facilitated Diffusion Some compounds may not be able to fit through the phospholipid bilayer of a cell membrane, but instead, they can cross the membrane through transport proteins, which are also found in the cell membrane, but it is still diffusion). Definition: LARGE compounds move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration through a transport protein. ENERGY OR NO ENERGY: Facilitated Diffusion is passive transport because it does not require any of the cell's energy.

18 Facilitated Diffusion


20 Examples of compounds that use transport proteins to move from high to low concentrations, facilitated diffusion: ions, sugars, and amino acids (Large Compounds)

21 Vocab Bingo Cell Wall Cell MembraneNucleus NucleolusChromatinVacuole ChloroplastCytoplasmNuclear Membrane Rough ERSmooth ERLysosomes CentrioleRibosomesCytoskeleton MitochondrionGolgi Bodies Plant CellAnimal CellProkaryotic EukaryoticCellTissueOrgan Organ System

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